click on your Main drive , select applications/ Utilities / Disk Utilities
Select drive, select VERIFY PErmissions, let it run, could take a bit, the when thats is done, selct REPAIR permissions , let it run
when complete, restart machine
thing should be running better/faster.
check the apple website for the most current updates as well.
Verifying and repairng permissions is similar to "defragging" a hard drive on a Windows machine.
basic maint that should be done from time to time. especially if you have a nearly full hard drive.
Partitioning a Hard Drive is like taking one 80 gig drive and splitting it into 2,3,or 4 different drives, each "partition" acts as it's own drive, with the main partition used as the operating drive, the rest as storage, or possibly another OS.
5.3 gig ain't much space anymore, how big it the HD in total ?
I think anything less than 25% useable space ain't good, makes things harder to sort.