Show me how smart you are.

I had the goofiest one ever yesterday. And I’d love to hear a theory on how they pulled this off.

yesterday am i stopped and got gas . Paid for gas with credit card at pump. Went inside for a coffee and decided on a whim to buy a protein bar for breakfast. I’ve never eaten this protein bar before in my life. I paid cash in the store for the coffee and protein bar.

i walk back out get in the truck and pull up something in my phone. I immediately get an ad for the same protein bar.

I’ve never seen the ad before.

How they do that ?
Maybe it's much simpler than you think. Cameras everywhere, facial recognition (you have a pretty recognizable face), and you in the protein bar aisle. Since you paid cash, they weren't able to close the loop, so Mark Zuckerbezos sent you an ad.
The fact that they sent you an ad, actually makes it feel a little less sinister... If they knew you bought it, they wouldn't have sent you an ad!
Ha, I wish that was true all the time. Seems like everytime I research and then buy something online, I see ads for that thing for the next 2-3 weeks online, even though I completed the purchase through the internet.
Ha, I wish that was true all the time. Seems like everytime I research and then buy something online, I see ads for that thing for the next 2-3 weeks online, even though I completed the purchase through the internet.
The Fleshlight marketing team is on the ball (pardon the pun)
The Fleshlight marketing team is on the ball (pardon the pun)
:shaking: I got a bunch of flashlights for Christmas. No wonder you were so interested in which one I liked the best. :laughing:
How many rounds did you shoot at it?