Sickness this year

That's nothing. Wait until you get his vomit in your mouth.

A lot of new parents remember exactly when that moment was, that they were laying on the floor holding their little darling over their head looking up into their beautiful eyes... and they open that cute little mouth unexpectedly....

Oh I know what to look forward to...I've got a 9 month old. I've only been barfed on twice so far, but I think that was because she ate too much. I only wore it though, never in the face...yet.
I work in EMS. So I do see there people who are deathly sick from the flu.

Study raises red flag for universal flu vaccine | Toronto Star

This article highlights most of the issues that I have with the flu vaccine as it stands. Granted very much confirmation bias.

Main points of the the article:
-A strain of the virus that is not covered by the flu shot can be worse than nothing at all.
-This was seen before and ignored/not studied further.
-it was shown in this study and everyone wrote it off
-more studies show it but everyone still ignores it.
Yeah, this sickness crap is driving me nuts...I have 80 employees, so it's guaranteed SOMEBODY is sick. All..the f'ing...time....

A few weeks ago, I caught a mild cold. Took a Friday off to have a long weekend to recover. No sweat, came back Monday all better. By Thursday, I was shitty again. Friday morning, I couldn't breathe, had crap coming out of every hole in my face (including my eyes)...had a decent fever and the whole 9. Hasn't happened to me in YEARS. I went to the doc, was diagnosed with the flu and pneumonia. Needless to say, I called out that night...first time I called out (not counting scheduled PTO events) in my entire professional career spanning nearly two decades. Now I'm finally done hacking up lung biscuits and blowing my face out every day.

One weird side effect I've had since then, though...not sure if it was the medication or what...each morning, I've woken up with some serious dry eye. Like, so bad I can't physically open my eyes. If I try to force my eyelids open, it feels like I'm tearing my cornea off. If it keeps going, I guess I'll have to go back to the doc again to see wtf is going on.
Breaking news: We have just had the first ever debate about vaccines! Stay tuned for people changing their minds based on compelling internet argument!
I don't know, there has been some good information posted by some in this thread. It's definitely food for thought and something to read up on, particularly what Ron posted last.
You have to be able to have a conversation about things like this, and possibly with someone that might disagree with you in order to get things changed one way or another. There needs to be less criticizing and more discussing.
And more willingness to have an open enough mind to change your opinion when the facts change
ANYBODY know ANYBODY who has died from this mess?

There's a regular member on here whose wife nearly died last year. She was in the hospital for several months (on a heart/lung bypass, no less) and AFAIK never fully recovered.
Wow, in retrospect the all caps could be interpreted as sarcasm. I hope you folks didn't take it that way. I have litterally never heard of someone around me dying from the flu complications. I know it happens. Just never been associated to those circumstances.
Wow, in retrospect the all caps could be interpreted as sarcasm. I hope you folks didn't take it that way. I have litterally never heard of someone around me dying from the flu complications. I know it happens. Just never been associated to those circumstances.
Not to be an ass, but that's sort of the point. It's getting bad, to the point that a lot of us who had previously never even been touché by it now are in some fashion, and some more directly than others.
When it's to the point that reasonable size hospitals are literally out of beds (as is the case here, via our close PA friend who runs the triage ward) you know its a problem.