So who here got the dreaded Underage ticket in college?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Asshole room mate just called the cops on our beer pong thursdays, and we got busted. Me, my room mate, and one guy who stayed with us (good guy, barley know him) stayed back and got slapped with it.

Anyways, Im assuming a lawyer will be able to get me out of it? Main thing is, ive already used a PJC (had it last year, speeding ticket or some thing). What do you guys recommend? We were very courteous to the officers, they both mentioned at court they will stress that we were completely cooperative. What do you guys think?
a lawyer get you out of it?
police getting calls is a justifiable reason for them to come investigate. if you were in fact drinking underage, you broke the law. why should it get dropped? roommate sucks, but it is also still your fault.

then again lawyers can get anyone out of anything, so get a good one
Ha. They just want your money. You may be able to get it dropped and/or do community service, but if you're 19+ you just pay a fine.
do the best you can to get out of it now. you might not think so now, but later down the road when you have to fill out job applications and submit to background searches this will come up. do the best you can to get rid of it, spend the money now on the good lawyer it willbe worth it.
Asshole room mate just called the cops on our beer pong thursdays, and we got busted. Me, my room mate, and one guy who stayed with us (good guy, barley know him) stayed back and got slapped with it.
Anyways, Im assuming a lawyer will be able to get me out of it? Main thing is, ive already used a PJC (had it last year, speeding ticket or some thing). What do you guys recommend? We were very courteous to the officers, they both mentioned at court they will stress that we were completely cooperative. What do you guys think?

Here's what I think,....wait until you are legal, if you want to drink while you're under 21, go to another country.

As for your legal issues, be a man, fess up that you were breaking the law, pay your fines and be done with it.

What is it with people when they get caught knowingly doing something wrong, that they want to "get out" of it:shaking:

I'm no saint, but whenever I was doing something that I'm not supposed to be doing and got caught, I didn't "lawyer up" to try to get out of it, I dealt with the consequences of my actions.
Here's what I think,....wait until you are legal, if you want to drink while you're under 21, go to another country.
As for your legal issues, be a man, fess up that you were breaking the law, pay your fines and be done with it.
What is it with people when they get caught knowingly doing something wrong, that they want to "get out" of it:shaking:
I'm no saint, but whenever I was doing something that I'm not supposed to be doing and got caught, I didn't "lawyer up" to try to get out of it, I dealt with the consequences of my actions.

Thats real noble and all, but in the real world its a game.
Hopefully he learned a lesson (doubtful) So the question is does he give $150 to the State or $500 to a lawyer that will turn around and give $200 of it to the state?

Id pay the lawyer, depending on your intended career choice even a pesky underage misdemeanor could cause problems down the road.

"Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money"
Thats real noble and all, but in the real world its a game.
Hopefully he learned a lesson (doubtful) So the question is does he give $150 to the State or $500 to a lawyer that will turn around and give $200 of it to the state?
Id pay the lawyer, depending on your intended career choice even a pesky underage misdemeanor could cause problems down the road.
"Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money"

I guess some people just weren't taught to answer up to their deeds but were taught to try to get out of them:shaking:
So you think people under 21 should'nt drink right? Well Then I think that people under 21 shouldnt have to sign up for the DRAFT until they are 21. I also think the little RECRUITERS that come to highschools shoudln't be allowed to do so. That is when a Teenager is at his/her deciding point of life, and those recruiters know what to say/do to get most of them kids to sign up, I think it's kinda beat up. Just my $.02.
well i agree with the fact that you deserved to get caught doing something wrong.... but weve all been caught, esp at a young age, doing something wrong...

and seeing as i think that underage drinkin tickets are now Class 2 Misdemeanor, and not just a slap on the wrist, id try to get a lawyer and get it lessened atleast, so that it wont hurt your career choices later... thats assuming it was Boone cops and not college police... if its just a college sitation dont sweat it...

and im sure there are tons of others around there that have gotten the same thing, and you should be able to find the best way to deal with it
So you think people under 21 should'nt drink right? Well Then I think that people under 21 shouldnt have to sign up for the DRAFT until they are 21. I also think the little RECRUITERS that come to highschools shoudln't be allowed to do so. That is when a Teenager is at his/her deciding point of life, and those recruiters know what to say/do to get most of them kids to sign up, I think it's kinda beat up. Just my $.02.

You don't like it, lobby to change the laws, until then the laws are made, you break them knowingly, man up and take the punishment.

I don't agree with the 21 year drinking law, but it is what it is. If you can vote you should be allowed to drink, if you can serve, you should be allowed to drink.

And as a former recruiter, ya, I know what to say, I present what we do, both good and bad and let them decide, never in the three years that I was out there did I pressure anyone to make a life changing decision. I got paid whether little Johnny enlisted or didn't enlist, it was no biggie to me.
Here's what I think,....wait until you are legal, if you want to drink while you're under 21, go to another country.
As for your legal issues, be a man, fess up that you were breaking the law, pay your fines and be done with it.
What is it with people when they get caught knowingly doing something wrong, that they want to "get out" of it:shaking:
I'm no saint, but whenever I was doing something that I'm not supposed to be doing and got caught, I didn't "lawyer up" to try to get out of it, I dealt with the consequences of my actions.

I'm with Rich. Man up. then go Bitch Slap your Room mate.

The few times I've been pulled for doing something wrong, be it arrested, Cited for a violation... whatever. I fessed up, or I was on the side of the road waiting before the Officer even got behind me with the blue lights. I knew I was busted, I knew I was in the wrong. time to step up and take your wrap on the knuckles. Sucks, but it comes down to Do the crime, do the time.
at unc some of my friends have gotten underage tickets. usually they pay a fine and go to a couple of hours of alcohol classes.
MY question is, what the hell did you do to the roomate to make him want to turn you in? It's only october, May is a long way away, and a long time to live with someone you don't get along with. If he's got that much of a problem with you drinking there, maybe you shouldn't do it? Well, when he's around anyway.
It's not like it a felony or something...unless you're applying for the CIA,FBI, or secret employer is going to give a shit that you got an under age drinking ticket. My buddy is a detective with the sheriffs dept. in Ft Myers Fla. He and I got into some trouble a couple of times when we were younger, neither of us had any issues later on in life. Either pay the lawyer or own up. I wouldn't lose a whole lot a sleep about it.

I guess some people just weren't taught to answer up to their deeds but were taught to try to get out of them

A) you didn't goto college
B) you were a tool in college
C) you're a minister and I'm on auto "going to hell" for posting this
D) you haven't left your house in 30 years or so

as for the real question.

Yes, contact a lawyer. You will prob get out of it and just end up paying lawyer/court costs. Worst thing that will happen with a lawyer is you do an alchy class or two. They are boring as hell but o well.

My other advice would be to kick that roommate out or leave unless you plan on not drinking until you are 21 cuz if you get another one you are def paying fines/taking more classes. But he just sounds like a tool to me or you guys just really pissed him off. Either way someone needs to go
I dont care who you are, whether you say you shouldnt do things that arent legal or not, you've done them. You just got caught, you'll be ok. Its just human nature being that you dont wanna get in trouble for it or nothing.
Pay the fine take the class get the shirt, and then...............Get back to drinkin........Just dont get caught:beer:
Asshole room mate just called the cops on our beer pong thursdays, and we got busted. Me, my room mate, and one guy who stayed with us (good guy, barley know him) stayed back and got slapped with it.
Anyways, Im assuming a lawyer will be able to get me out of it? Main thing is, ive already used a PJC (had it last year, speeding ticket or some thing). What do you guys recommend? We were very courteous to the officers, they both mentioned at court they will stress that we were completely cooperative. What do you guys think?
That must be a stricter penalty now than it was around 96-97. It took about an hour and a half for the Boone Po Po to write out underage tickets as they emptied out our Plymouth Trace apartment. Best I remember it was just a $25 fine for everybody and nothing on your record.

PS: Lay some ground rules now for compromise with that room mate. You give a little and he should too. Unless it's a sausage-fest he should be glad you're bringing chicks near his bedroom. :lol:
Actually I think he should be applauded. He was drinking in a home, not out driving, nor in public. I had some serious problems with noise ordinances, underage, etc. Just put on your nice tie, get a good haircut, and an excellent lawyer and hope you don't have to sit through hours of meaningless dribble.

I don't have a problem with -21 drinking in their homes cuz well .......I did it. Aslong as you don't go crawl in your car you should get a medal of honor.

This does not mean I think binge drinking is good even though most of us have done that too. ps next time just don't open the door for the cops until everything is hidden.
A) you didn't goto college
Got nothing to do with it
B) you were a tool in college
refer to above answer
C) you're a minister and I'm on auto "going to hell" for posting this
absolutely not
D) you haven't left your house in 30 years or so
as for the real question.
I'm a world traveler:flipoff2:

Self responsibility doesn't stop because you're at college, integrity doesn't stop because you're at college and if you/they/he are succumbing to peer pressure, you/they/he has bigger problems.

I'm all for lowering the drinking age to voting age, but until that happens, the law is the law and if you're caught, fess up, take the punishment and be done.
See if your college has a lawyer, mine did and it only cost $100 to use him.
My buddy and I got busted for spring break underage drinking in Key West. They treated us with accomodations in the southern-most jail in the continental USA, gave us sporty orange jumpsuits, and made us do community service the next day. We never thought about calling a lawyer, I don't recall paying any fine (maybe I did, its hard to believe they wouldnt steal any money from us). The details are fuzzy, they picked us up at night, brought us in, herded us thru court in the morning, then off to load boxes. That was about 17 years ago, I've never had it come back to haunt me :beer:
Self responsibility doesn't stop because you're at college, integrity doesn't stop because you're at college and if you/they/he are succumbing to peer pressure, you/they/he has bigger problems.

I'm sorry I was unaware you were a sheep. I myself think alot of crap is f'd up in America. I'm not saying he shouldn't have gotten caught but putting that kind of crap on a record is retarded. Hes prob going to get raped on court costs and a lawyer regardless. Thats a 500-1000 dollar beer. If thats not punishment then I don't know what is up to par for a beer. I personally don't think smoking a joint should be legal but theres a limit where you say "ok you were in your own home not hurting anyone".

As for peer pressure wtf are you talking about? Did he say "O my buddies made me drink". I drank all the time in college and it wasn't due to peer pressure. Its called blowing off steam. Maybe hes taking 18 hours of classes a week, working 40 hours, and then studying. I did it and if it wasnt for partying I would have gone insane. The law is there b/c they don't feel 21 and under are responsible enough to drink so why do they expect them to be responsible enough to enlist in the army or even responsible enough to know not to drink. Wanna bust someones ass then crack down on the people selling underage people beer..........not this hypocritical bullshit
You don't like it, lobby to change the laws, until then the laws are made, you break them knowingly, man up and take the punishment.
I don't agree with the 21 year drinking law, but it is what it is. If you can vote you should be allowed to drink, if you can serve, you should be allowed to drink.
And as a former recruiter, ya, I know what to say, I present what we do, both good and bad and let them decide, never in the three years that I was out there did I pressure anyone to make a life changing decision. I got paid whether little Johnny enlisted or didn't enlist, it was no biggie to me.

I definatly see what your saying. I was'nt calling recruiters out or anything like that just using them as an example. But I do see where you are comeing from. I give people who do join the military and who have served alot of credit. I also undestand that it is your job, thats fine. I just dont think it should be allowed is all nothing against you or anyone else who does it.
I'm sorry I was unaware you were a sheep. I myself think alot of crap is f'd up in America. I'm not saying he shouldn't have gotten caught but putting that kind of crap on a record is retarded. Hes prob going to get raped on court costs and a lawyer regardless. Thats a 500-1000 dollar beer. If thats not punishment then I don't know what is up to par for a beer. I personally don't think smoking a joint should be legal but theres a limit where you say "ok you were in your own home not hurting anyone".
As for peer pressure wtf are you talking about? Did he say "O my buddies made me drink". I drank all the time in college and it wasn't due to peer pressure. Its called blowing off steam. Maybe hes taking 18 hours of classes a week, working 40 hours, and then studying. I did it and if it wasnt for partying I would have gone insane. The law is there b/c they don't feel 21 and under are responsible enough to drink so why do they expect them to be responsible enough to enlist in the army or even responsible enough to know not to drink. Wanna bust someones ass then crack down on the people selling underage people beer..........not this hypocritical bullshit

Ya, I'm a sheep, sorry if by fessing up to doing something wrong when caught and taking the punishment that is set forth, if that makes me a sheep, than so be it:shaking:

So, if I understand you correctly, you drank to blow off steam because of the pressure of your schooling, studying and work.....well, holy hell, that settles it then. Anyone that feels pressure should drink, that's a prime commercial for responsible drinking right there:shaking:

You are totally missing the very point I'm trying to push, do the crime, do the time,....that's it. Don't try to "get out of it", don't try to "get it off your record", be a man and admit to your wrong doing, what's so hard about that concept?