Stock market

Well, apparently this morning would have a been a good time to jump in ;-)

Not convinced its the real bottom yet though
I just let my Adviser handle it. But I did get the chance back when the recession was on, to buy some Bank of America stock. Don't remember the exacts now, but their high had been somewhere in the $80s per share. It dropped to maybe $25. Had my Adviser buy me a certain amount, but he told me I needed to decide a selling point. He doesn't play the stock game. I said, when it doubled! It did, in about 8 months. I somewhat fused at selling then, because it was still rising. But, as he said, "Well tomorrow it may drop, & you'll be mad". Doubled my money & was pleased.
Swing (not day) trading question...

I have my investments split across 4 accounts. One of the four is mostly regional stocks headquartered in NC, VA, SC, GA. Anything from banks to REITS to retail. All on the NYSE, but not "big" names. What I have noticed is that it has been pretty well mirroring the DOW, but a day or two later. Even with the turmoil we have had going on the past month. I have been watching closely for several months. If the dow closes up 1% today, this account is up 1% the next. Same for a fall. Yesterday, when the DOW lost 9 or whatever, this group was up about 8. Today, DOW is up 9.36%, this account group is down 6.68%. What I am thinking is to start playing them against each other.

What are the downside to trading back/forth daily, weekly, whatever? Any limits/restrictions? Other than taxes (short vs. long). Thinking of etrade or another online to keep costs down. Looking for flat fee, and transactions enough to keep the commission %/trx low.
Swing (not day) trading question...

I have my investments split across 4 accounts. One of the four is mostly regional stocks headquartered in NC, VA, SC, GA. Anything from banks to REITS to retail. All on the NYSE, but not "big" names. What I have noticed is that it has been pretty well mirroring the DOW, but a day or two later. Even with the turmoil we have had going on the past month. I have been watching closely for several months. If the dow closes up 1% today, this account is up 1% the next. Same for a fall. Yesterday, when the DOW lost 9 or whatever, this group was up about 8. Today, DOW is up 9.36%, this account group is down 6.68%. What I am thinking is to start playing them against each other.

What are the downside to trading back/forth daily, weekly, whatever? Any limits/restrictions? Other than taxes (short vs. long). Thinking of etrade or another online to keep costs down. Looking for flat fee, and transactions enough to keep the commission %/trx low.

If you're selling one position to buy another, you have to hold the second for 3 days. If it's cash, you can buy/sell at will. It's all going to be short term cap gains rates.
Yup, it is going to drop more.
I have no idea how people do the daily trading game. Waaaay above my head. I just try to buy things that I believe will have a good return over a long period of time. Like anything, you will miss on some but hit on others. I’ve got good money in marijuana stocks knowing it’ll lose and gain often but in 10 years I’ll be well ahead.
Well, apparently this morning would have a been a good time to jump in ;-)

Not convinced its the real bottom yet though

Yep. I like to wait it out and instead of buying when it’s still falling or trying to buy at the absolute lowest, I wait for it to hit bottom and start to rebound, then buy. It keeps me from buying too early. I may not get the best price but it helps to manage risk. It’s worked ok for me in the past, so I’ll continue.
fed rate dropped to 0.25
Who knew the market would increase 9.3+% on Friday?

Nobody knows anything about what the market will do. And anybody that speculates is doing just that- guessing.
But because it has contracted, and likely will for a period, it’s a great time to jump in.

Hopefully all these wise posters have a solid AA that allows them to move from fixed to equities and take advantage of the drop to buy stocks/funds on sale.
I just watched the DJI climb 900-something points just during the Presidents briefly about the upcoming relief packages etc.
Silver lining starting to appear?