Survey: Apple vs. Android


Offroad NC State
Jul 15, 2011
Concord, NC
Hello all,

For my E101 class, I am writing a paper focusing on the choice between Apple and Android with respect to Rational Choice Theory in Economics and Sociology. If you own an iPhone or Android device, please take a minute to fill out this short, 10 question survey. Much appreciated!

Android vs. Apple: Rational Choice Theory Survey

JeepForum supplied well over 30 responses so I hope you guys can too!


Seth :smokin:
Done. I would like to see the results when you are finished.
One note - there ARE other phones/OSs out there. Some of your questions don't account for that possibility.
That is on purpose. This is iPhone vs. Android only.

Got it.
However my point is that you are forcing people to give answers that are not true.
E.g. the "other phone in my household" is neither Android or Apple. Unfortunately when you tabulate the results, you have a false data point b/c I am forced to answer one or the other.

Please don't take this as criticism, just as something to think about if you have an interest in doing survey-based research in the future.
Got it.
However my point is that you are forcing people to give answers that are not true.
E.g. the "other phone in my household" is neither Android or Apple. Unfortunately when you tabulate the results, you have a false data point b/c I am forced to answer one or the other.

Please don't take this as criticism, just as something to think about if you have an interest in doing survey-based research in the future.
Gotcha. Didn't consider that for that question. Good point.