The North Carolina Gas Tax Will Increase 15% On New Year's Day! TAKE ACTION!

You're complaining because it's going to go up in January. Because that's going to cost YOU more money. And you want ME to do something about it.

It takes me somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 weeks to burn through a tank of fuel. I don't really care if it's $1.90/gal or $3.50/gal.

The tax burden per capita in North Carolina is 28th in the country. That's pretty damn good, considering they're also ranked 28th in per capita income.

If they lower the fuel tax, they'll only have to raise income tax or sales tax or create snack taxes, alcohol or tobacco taxes, or any number of different taxes to make up the difference.

Let them raise the fuel tax. The more money the state makes, the less shortfall there will be at the county level, and the less Wake will charge me in personal property tax. You can watch out for your interests, I'll watch out for mine.
when you buy a vehicle, the 3% "sales" tax is actually a highway use fee. they got enough dollars coming in from everywhere else.
StudNuts said:
Im going to start brewing my own bio, screw taxes.

Do it. I'll turn you in.
Tacoma747 said:
and that is why NC roads are so much nicer than anywhere else.

Your Kidding Right? :confused:
Maybe the Freeways but that is it. and they Sure Take along time to do anything. Just look at NC 55 and 540.
The State is growing so fast it can not keep up.

Just take a drive down New hope Holleman rd off of 64 in apex. it is all I can do to stay on the road. There are Uhwarrie trails that are in better condition.

I know it takes money to run our State and I would really like to see exactly where all of our money really is spent.

But the bottom line is I do not want to spend more money Sure I drive 66 miles a day to work and I pay for that with my gas bill but I choose to do that and spend the money so I can live in a nice area and spend less on housing. I do not have a choice when it come to taxes. so if the taxes go up I will have less money to spend and the places I spent it at will loose revenue.
saf-t scissors said:
You're complaining because it's going to go up in January. Because that's going to cost YOU more money. And you want ME to do something about it.

It takes me somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 weeks to burn through a tank of fuel. I don't really care if it's $1.90/gal or $3.50/gal.

The tax burden per capita in North Carolina is 28th in the country. That's pretty damn good, considering they're also ranked 28th in per capita income.

If they lower the fuel tax, they'll only have to raise income tax or sales tax or create snack taxes, alcohol or tobacco taxes, or any number of different taxes to make up the difference.

Let them raise the fuel tax. The more money the state makes, the less shortfall there will be at the county level, and the less Wake will charge me in personal property tax. You can watch out for your interests, I'll watch out for mine.

Well seeing how you feel about me entering your precious county to work I was against Wake County raising YOUR taxes. I think I will now support them taxing the hell out of you! :D I know for a fact YOU will be paying more in property taxes next year because of school overcrowding. I will continue to commute to work in Wake County and reap all the business the extra population generates for my employer. It is apparent that you don't see much past the end of you nose. There is a much bigger world that just Wake County. Maybe you will wake up one day. Probably not. :confused:

Sorry if I offended anyone else that lives in Wake County. I hope that they can find a way to build schools without a property tax increase. Send your bill to saf-t scissors. He likes high taxes. :lol:
BlueRidgeRunner said:
I know for a fact YOU will be paying more in property taxes next year because of school overcrowding.

That's fine. I'll happily pay my extra $10-20 a year so they can build some schools. After all, I know for a fact YOU will be paying more than that in fuel tax, so Wake won't have to pass more bond referenda to pay for road construction. :flipoff2:
I know it takes money to run our State and I would really like to see exactly where all of our money really is spent.

$400,000 for starting a tea pot museum, More at 4, smart at 5 or whatever that guvment daycare is called, etc, etc, etc.
saf-t scissors said:
That's fine. I'll happily pay my extra $10-20 a year so they can build some schools. After all, I know for a fact YOU will be paying more than that in fuel tax, so Wake won't have to pass more bond referenda to pay for road construction. :flipoff2:

Bet you will be paying a LOT more than that. Bet you will be looking at a road bond also. I am sure you supportted the TTA train too right? :gay:

Just so you know. I could stop buying gas/diesel here all together. I live close enough to Virginia to buy fuel there. :flipoff2: I also have a friend brewing up some B100. I will be one of his customers.

Originally Posted by StudNuts
Im going to start brewing my own bio, screw taxes

Yeah! What he said! :flipoff2:
I know it takes money to run our State and I would really like to see exactly where all of our money really is spent.

We would be shock if we knew where it all went. My grandfather was on the hospital board and was in other politics around here. He got out because it made him angry to se all the diff. ways they misuse our tax money. They borrow from one fund to pay for something it was never intended to be used for. Then when they need the money for what the fund was for it's not there. This goes on with all the different taxes we pay.
cj7jakfitch said:
I know it takes money to run our State and I would really like to see exactly where all of our money really is spent.

We would be shock if we knew where it all went. My grandfather was on the hospital board and was in other politics around here. He got out because it made him angry to se all the diff. ways they misuse our tax money. They borrow from one fund to pay for something it was never intended to be used for. Then when they need the money for what the fund was for it's not there. This goes on with all the different taxes we pay.

Scarey ain't it.

"Anyone who likes sausage or respects the law, should never watch either one being made."

BlueRidgeRunner said:
I am sure you supportted the TTA train too right?

In theory, yes. $800 million for a regional rail project vs. $1.2 billion (for starters) to add HOV lanes to I-40? Sounds like a deal to me.

The TTA project has been horribly managed, incompetently presented, and badly envisioned.

But if it were to get funding today, two years from now, I could walk out my door, hop on a train, off at the next stop, and walk the rest of the way to work. My wife would ride to the next stop, and walk a half a block to her office.

Then who gives a fawk about fuel prices, because I'll only be driving to play.

As it is, my fuel cost per year plus my property tax is still less money than you spend *just* to drive back and forth to work in four months' time. That's not counting wear and tear on the vehicle, and that's at today's prices. Let 'em charge me $10 to computerize the stop lights or $30 to build some schools. Maybe it'll mean I can get to work in four minutes instead of five.
But if it were to get funding today, two years from now, I could walk out my door, hop on a train, off at the next stop, and walk the rest of the way to work. My wife would ride to the next stop, and walk a half a block to her office.

But you could not go to the airport The airport is not a stop on the stupid train proposal. HOV lanes are a joke. I have lived in Virginia where the HOV lanes sit with no one using them for years. Another GIANT waste of tax money. You want a good system? Turn public transportation over to private enterprise. Buses are the way to go. The infrastructure is already there. Dude you would fit right in in DC. That place is full tax and spend liberals just like you. Your attitude is one of "the hell with everyone else so long as I am not inconvenienced". I feel real sorry for you. One day hopefully you will wake up. Fuel taxes are way too high. I suppose you support the outrageous taxes on home heating oil and natural gas also. Oh let me guess? You live in an all electric home and you could care less about everyone else.

Something tells me you ain't from NC either. :rolleyes:
BlueRidgeRunner said:
the percentage they were charging was based on the first half of this years wholesale price.

So isn't that pretty much what is happening now? They reevaluate average wholesale price and whatever and the tax has gone up every Jan. 1 and July 1 for years. I guess the point being that it is a fact of life here in NC... and why I'm not gonna get worked up over it.

Franklin said:
I am pissed that they raise the taxes on residents w/o looking at tolls as a revenue stream like other states.

They are looking at toll roads.

BlueRidgeRunner said:
I will continue to commute to work in Wake County and reap all the business the extra population generates for my employer.

So if business is so much better and you don't mind the commute, then the logic would seem to be either don't complain or live/work somewhere else. Either it is worth it to live and work where you do or it isn't, right? My thinking is that all these issues are part of the 'benefit package' of any job... and that's why (at least for now) I live in town and drive about 2 miles to work. I grew up in Person County and realized that my parents were wasting a lot of time (that I consider more precious) driving 40 miles one way to Durham every day. Your priorities and mine are not the same... and priorities do change.
Did you guys consider what higher gas taxes does to the prices of everything you buy? Have you noticed the sharp increase in the price of beef or other groceries. The fuel prices are being passed on to us. The consumer. A gallon of milk will soon be $5. There is a huge trickle down effect in fuel taxes.

Toll roads will be the next big tax boom for the politicians to get.

I commute to Raleigh not because I have to but because I want to. I could have stayed as a manager of a dealership that did not want to grow. Now I am a manager in a dealership that is growing in leaps and bounds. I give up a couple of hours a day for a paycheck that is half again bigger than the one I was making locally. I drive a Escort to work. It gets 32 mpg. When fuel was $3 a gallon I still had no problem affording the fuel to work. The problem I have with this tax is it goes against my belief system in how government should be operated. This is not about my drive to work people!:rolleyes:
Here is my question.

All you guys that are against this. The state has to do thsi b/c they are operating in the red. Can't do that. Nobody WANTS to raise taxes.
What is your solution? Tell me where you will get money from?

As mentioned above, thsi petition isn't a solution. Just a complaint.
Solutions easy, cut back on spending on stuff not needed, and stuff that is not the guvment's responsibility.
It's a shame you can't discuss this simply on the merits of an argument.

You initally claimed that North Carolina was raising the fuel tax. This turns out to not be the case. This is an existing law which attempts to account for inflation in the calculation of the fuel tax. The alternative would be to pass a new law every couple of years that ratcheted up the fuel tax by $.10 or $.20 or $.50 at a time. You haven't yet explained why this is a superior alternative.

You claim that North Carolina's taxes are too high. Yet North Carolina ranks only 28th in the nation in per capita tax burden. Conveniently, North Carolina is also 28th in per capita income. I have yet to see a persuasive reason as to why a 40th percentile ranking nationally should be defined as "too much." Perhaps you can give us one.

You complain that fuel costs are too high, but fail to compare them to historical trends which show that the cost of fuel is trending below the 30 year average (inflation adjusted). Even the post-Katrina spike didn't break the records set in 1980.

All this considered, you conclude by saying that a proportional fuel tax "goes against [your] belief system in how government should be operated." Whether or not there are merits to a libertarian society is another discussion entirely. But your professed desire to live in one is betrayed by your willing and ready use of the services provided by a considerably less libertarian state.

In other words, you like the roads that taxes build, you just don't want to pay for them. You've already stated that you're going to buy your gas in Virginia in order to avoid paying North Carolina tax.

Because you don't have any other arguments.

BlueRidgeRunner said:
the hell with everyone else so long as I am not inconvenienced

That pretty much sums it up, eh?
Oh, and BTW... it's also worth mentioning that those Wake County tax increases? They were referenda. We went and voted, and decided that the cost of the proposed project was worth the increase in taxes, and approved the referenda. Popular vote. Not some big gub'mint thing hidden in a rider.
My argument is still the same. Lower taxes benefits everyone. Your argument appears to be tax the hell out of everyone. My argument is smaller government is better government. I hope you never run for office.

In other words, you like the roads that taxes build, you just don't want to pay for them. You've already stated that you're going to buy your gas in Virginia in order to avoid paying North Carolina tax.

The taxes are not repairing the roads. Come out of your sheltered life and see past the end of your nose. The roads here are in terrible shape. I have been paying for them for years. Every-time I buy tags, or pay 3% of a vehicle price in taxes, or buy a tank of fuel. NC needs to cut spending on the BS and cut out the pork barrel programs. That will pay for the roads. Raising taxes and fuel prices will SLOW down the economy. Do you realize this?
I said if I wanted to I could cross the border and buy fuel in Virginia. I would rather spend my money here in NC first.

the hell with everyone else so long as I am not inconvenienced

This is YOUR attitude. Not mine. Here is proof:

Then who gives a fawk about fuel prices, because I'll only be driving to play.

I support the little guy in this situation. You sir are a tax and spend liberal. There is no argument about that. You have given us all the facts right here. Thank goodness the TTA train is running out of federal funding. Its dieing a slow death. :lol: I see you ducked my question on home heating fuels. Getting a freeze on the fuel tax will hopefully next.

North Carolina ranks only 28th in the nation in per capita tax burden. Conveniently, North Carolina is also 28th in per capita income. I have yet to see a persuasive reason as to why a 40th percentile ranking nationally should be defined as "too much." Perhaps you can give us one

Is this from the Mike Easley Bible on why we need high taxes? It sounds just like that. :rolleyes:

Oh BTW. I could give a rats ass about all the statistics you keep spouting out. You sound just like Tax Hike Mike Easley now. Most people would support elimination of the fuel tax. I agree we need to pay for roads with a tax but not one that grows by leaps and bounds. CUT SPENDING ON PORK FIRST! Bottom line: The damn fuel tax is too high. Have a wonderful (sheltered) life.
Gentlemen, if we can't have a political discussion without all the name calling, we'll just not have political discussions. Keep it civil please. Or it will end.
saf-t scissors said:
You piss and moan about fuel prices all you want. You live in Roxboro and commute to Cary. You're part of the problem, and it's fine with me that you pay your fair share of the road tax.

Then who gives a fawk about fuel prices, because I'll only be driving to play.

Rob, I am sorry I got a little carried away however calling someone's ideas liberal is not what I call name calling. :rolleyes: The two quotes above is what set me off. Self centered people really aggrevate me. If I crossed the rules line in the sand here then I appoligize. I won't apologize for pointing out liberalism at work though.

BTW, This is a great quote!

Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches, it's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.
Just heading it off before it get's there. I enjoy a good political discussion too. And I know Shawn, he doesn't quite fit the liberal mold, neither does he fit the conservative mold. He beats the drum to his own tune.
as it is, at work more and more of our shippers and vendors are adding "fuel surcharges" to the cost of shipping, office supplies, water delivery, toner, etc. this makes their customers swallow the increased gas prices. kinda crappy because we already pay more at the pump and now we have to subsidize ups paying more for gas too.

you want to see how money is spent, set aside a few hours and flip through NC's CAFR:
I see it not as a tax issue but as a responscibilty issue. As in spending my money wisely.

Want examples? How about the global transpark? The money already spent on the lottery (head guy is the highest paid employee in the state) AND NOW THEY AREN'T EVEN SURE ITS LEGAL.:lol: Local level, that funny looking light tower thing on Capital near the old Mercury dealer. Dont even get me started on the "benefits" offered to state employees.

Yeah, global transpark my butt. More like a really nice place to park some private planes down east. How about turning 540 into a toll road. Do you really think that road get used a lot by travelers from out of state? Pluleeze. I run that thing from end to end daily and see maybe 2 out of state tags a day. Want toll revenue from out of state travelers? Put in a bypass around raleigh~durham , CH and Garner.

I've been looking into TN as my wife is probaly going to go work for UTK. No income taxes on the state level, 9~10% sales tax on average, lower gas prices and taxes, similar ranked schools, better roads from what I've seen and lower property taxes. My place here is valued at 130K, my property taxes are 1100 a year. For what? A pothole big enough to have busted a tire on my 2500 in front of my house? That wonderful school in the ghetto of Franklinton? The fact the last time I called the sherriffs office for some help after a hunter shot my house it took 3 hours for them to get here? I called 911 in 01 for my daughter. I got her to Rex before the ambulance even got to the house. Dont say is just my county either, I got hit on 540 last December, took 4 hours for the HP to show. Even the EMS guys got bored and left, When my Wife got creamed at Burlington Mill and Capital 3 years ago, EMS took 56 min. to get there, HP was there over an hour later. Local WF pd was there in less than 5 min, and it aint there juristiction. I was at Capital and the beltline when I got the call, I was there in 15 min. The drunk driver left the scene and was never caught. Its not just my county.

Sorry, you guys really need to look around and think some. This is not about paying more for gas, its about paying more for things that already dont work.It also slows the eco growth significanty. How you ask, if my gas bill goes up another hundred a month thats 1200 a year I'm not spending locally supporting the economy. Mulitiply that by a few million and you get the idea of the impact. Not to mention there are a lot of working poor out there who are going be even more effected than folks in my bracket. I can and probaly will leave, they cant afford too.
saf-t scissors said:
In theory, yes. $800 million for a regional rail project vs. $1.2 billion (for starters) to add HOV lanes to I-40? Sounds like a deal to me.

That money would also go a long way towards completing 540, which would lessen the load on 40, but more notably, the secondary roads that are quite over capacity right now, nevermind by '08-09.

The TTA project has been horribly managed, incompetently presented, and badly envisioned.

no arguments here...

But if it were to get funding today, two years from now, I could walk out my door, hop on a train, off at the next stop, and walk the rest of the way to work. My wife would ride to the next stop, and walk a half a block to her office.

Sorry to hear the train station is right across the street! :flipoff2:

Seriously though, that's why you both live where you do.. you prefer the upsides and downsides of living in the city. However, the majority of the growth in population density would NOT be well served by the train because of Raleigh/Durham's sprawl.. Most of the growth is from people like me who are willing to drive farther to live in a quieter area, with more sq. ft per $, more land (sometimes, certainly not in my case), etc..

But, much of the reason that's OK with folks is because of the growing highway infrastructure.. the Hwy55 bypass, I-540, and the constant expansion of existing roads. That was a selling point. But with the recent cuts, it serves the good of the many to divert the train funding to the roads.. more people would benefit, and certainly more would benefit in a few years when it's completed.

However, the people outside the city would benefit by being able to take the train to the airport, but oh, wait.. some rocket scientist didn't feel it was worth it to have a stop at the airport.. (See above comment about management/envisioning)

The sprawl of RDU is one of the big reasons Nextel chose to pilot their wireless broadband in RDU first, before it went anywhere else... The other major factors being the general affluence and the high concentration of tech-heavy people. This same sprawl is what makes the train (as it's been presented/proposed) not really the best solution for our particular needs.

I'm not arguing about the tax, this is more about the train and why it's not a good idea for RDU's future. I know driving farther means more fuel, meaning more taxes paid.. it's part of my budget, but still works out in my favor when all things are factored in.