The proud parent thread.

Our daughter doesn’t get in much trouble at school. Teacher called my wife an next thing I know my wife is in tears. I was just thinking, crap she’s done some shit I would have done at her age. But no, the teacher had been out for a week cause of a death in the family(her grandma). When my daughter got to school she run up to her teacher to tell her how much she had missed her. Then asked how her grandmother was. Teacher told her that sadly she had died. The teacher said with out missing a beat Rylee said “I’m sorry for your grandma. But she’s in heaven with my granny an they are watching us with Jesus.” Teacher called to brag about how great Rylee had made her feel an that she didn’t expect all of that from a 6 year old.
this made me tear up, I miss my Grandparents bad.
we didn't get a picture but when asked to come forward, Eagle Scouts lined the entire front space of the church...wall to wall. Most from this pack a one other local one, impressive for sure. Hate I didn't know. I'd definitely shared the date.
That's awesome.

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David's first Easter. Had to miss most of it, but Got to go to sunrise service with him.

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Not yet. The coyotes tend to stay away from the house, and the wife worries if we get chickens, the yotes might be drawn more towards the house and might have an interaction with our 30lb dog.

I can hear coyotes around the house, but havent had issues with our chickens bringing them closer... But I dont let me free range completely either. We have had more issues with coons than anything. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions.
I can hear coyotes around the house, but havent had issues with our chickens bringing them closer... But I dont let me free range completely either. We have had more issues with coons than anything. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions.
They are also more opportunist...unless under a strain "starving" or the dog is completely left out all hours and unatended I wouldn't worry.

If a dog is left out and rarely attended.....poor puppy.

And I agree coins are much worse.
My oldest daughter Maycee. Shes 14 now...gosh, she used to be 3

And yeah, she hit the bad guy several times at 25 ft.
now, that is proper gun control. Though my dad would have said to lower the firearm and reacquire the target before firing, but I'm not sure why. Perhaps to aid in target acquisition, or he couldn't hold steady without lowering & reacquiring. He did say something about me likely being stronger than he is (he has a desk job and I turn wrenches... Plus I'm about 26 years younger than he is)
now, that is proper gun control. Though my dad would have said to lower the firearm and reacquire the target before firing, but I'm not sure why. Perhaps to aid in target acquisition, or he couldn't hold steady without lowering & reacquiring. He did say something about me likely being stronger than he is (he has a desk job and I turn wrenches... Plus I'm about 26 years younger than he is)

We spent over 100 rounds aiming and firing slowly, she just wanted to let it sing one time. I waited until I was comfortable letting her unload rapidly.
Last Wed, my son punched the girl who'd been bullying him for weeks now. (Equality BIOTCH!)


Then he punched a kid in gym who said 'sharks are gay'. (He's a shark fanatic)


That night I had to do an addendum to my 'its okay to stand up to bullies' with a 'don't punch people over words' lecture.


This one scares 2 year old and I have 'fought' every night before bedtime since she was mobile. She even requests it now when she starts winding down for's mainly tickle fights and throwing/dragging/body slam her on the bed, but she does some punching/kicking on my hands.
This one scares 2 year old and I have 'fought' every night before bedtime since she was mobile. She even requests it now when she starts winding down for's mainly tickle fights and throwing/dragging/body slam her on the bed, but she does some punching/kicking on my hands.

Well, my son is 12 and has high functioning autism, so he's a bit different than most. He's extremely gentle-natured, I have to basically talk him into defending himself. The day this all happened was a particularly difficult day for him for several other reasons.

All kids have to learn that just because you can hurt someone, doesn't mean you -should-. But I don't think a two year old can grasp something like that, most likely she'll think wrestling and fighting is normal social interaction.

I'm not knocking your parenting, I have a three year old 'wild child' who loves nothing more than to get mommy's foam roller out and practice punching and kicking it. It was fun at first, but then she started swinging and kicking at us and the dogs when she got upset so we had to hide it from her. When she's a few years older we'll start enrolling her in some programs, but right now - we're just trying to survive raising her. :)
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All kids have to learn that just because you can hurt someone, doesn't mean you -should-. But I don't think a two year old can grasp something like that, most likely she'll think wrestling and fighting is normal social interaction.

I'm not knocking your parenting, I have a three year old 'wild child' who loves nothing more than to get mommy's foam roller out and practice punching and kicking it. It was fun at first, but then she started swinging and kicking at us and the dogs when she got upset so we had to hide it from her. When she's a few years older we'll start enrolling her in some programs, but right now - we're just trying to survive raising her. :)

Yeah...we've been talking some more constructive outlets...we have a couple 2year old gymnastics and dance classes that we'll start with the next wave of classes...and we'll probably start music lessons over the next year or two as well. I'm not opposed to fighting and think everyone should know how...but obviously she can't process going up to someone in her age group and saying 'lets fight' was a mistake on Daddy's part.