The proud parent thread.

Picked up the 19 month old after church with the grandparents. Told her we were going to see mommy and the baby...her response was ‘Millie book, Millie book, etc etc’...she loves reading and decided she wanted to read to her new sister.

My son is almost 2 and is a talking machine, he loves new words. Like most kids his age, he repeats everything he hears... My wife was out of town most of last week for work so it was just the guys. Thurs night a stray dog kept coming into our yard about every two hours and my lab would bark and growl at it. Id wake up, hear goose making a commotion and go yell at the stray and it would run off. I was going to shoot it with my old bb gun around 4 when I'd completely had enough but the gun wouldn't pump up. At 6 when I was getting my son ready for daycare goose (my lab) started back up. In frustration I said out loud "I'm going to shoot that dog" Clifton immediately said "shoot goose" I quickly said, "no I'm going to shoot the bad dog". Again, not really thinking about what I was saying I was so frustrated. Well that was it. All the way to daycare he kept saying "daddy shoot bad dog" nothing I could say would make him stop saying it. I'm sure the ladies at dacare heard that 100 times on Friday :lol:
My son is almost 2 and is a talking machine, he loves new words. Like most kids his age, he repeats everything he hears... My wife was out of town most of last week for work so it was just the guys. Thurs night a stray dog kept coming into our yard about every two hours and my lab would bark and growl at it. Id wake up, hear goose making a commotion and go yell at the stray and it would run off. I was going to shoot it with my old bb gun around 4 when I'd completely had enough but the gun wouldn't pump up. At 6 when I was getting my son ready for daycare goose (my lab) started back up. In frustration I said out loud "I'm going to shoot that dog" Clifton immediately said "shoot goose" I quickly said, "no I'm going to shoot the bad dog". Again, not really thinking about what I was saying I was so frustrated. Well that was it. All the way to daycare he kept saying "daddy shoot bad dog" nothing I could say would make him stop saying it. I'm sure the ladies at dacare heard that 100 times on Friday :lol:
could have been worse, my sons first words where not anything to brag about.....
Congratulations to Samuel Craig. Samuel signed his National Letter of Intent to run Track & Field with Lees-McRae College.-- Pictured L-R is Principal of SCHS Mr. Chad Smith, Mother- Lisa Craig, Samuel Craig, and Coach D Smith

Posted on behalf of my big bro, @Paul of his little girl...

Thank you Cyd! Damn right i'm proud of my youngest daughter.
My wild child has found her stride.
At the 36 minute mark in this video, Ms Leah Poplin addresses the school board.
I most likely suck as a human life form in all other aspects, but i am a good Dad!
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Used to be, one of my least favorite things was when I was force fed pics of other people’s kids...but as a parent now, I get it. My oldest turned two today, and being her dad is the coolest thing ever. Potty trained, counts to 10 in english and Spanish, loves her books, my trucks have become ‘her tucks’, and her vocabulary is growing at a ridiculous rate every day. The things I’d do for this little girl...


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Used to be, one of my least favorite things was when I was force fed pics of other people’s kids...but as a parent now, I get it. My oldest turned two today, and being her dad is the coolest thing ever. Potty trained, counts to 10 in english and Spanish, loves her books, my trucks have become ‘her tucks’, and her vocabulary is growing at a ridiculous rate every day. The things I’d do for this little girl...
Poor girl is gonna go blind with all that orange in her face all the time. :p
Poor girl is gonna go blind with all that orange in her face all the time. :p

True is her least favorite color...and a couple times a week I’ll get hit with a ‘no daddy, no orsh’
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Proud to say the least.
Sorry for the link. Easier than a lot of pictures.



Last of two chapters this weekend. Eagle Scout award and his Senior gals last prom.

Edit my wife knows how to put together a dang fine themed gathering.
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My son #56 starting first flag football game of the season.

To my surprise he can throw a football great. Leading the runners and right into the players hands between defensive players

I asked were he learned that and he said dad we play football everyday at recess :)

At least he is learning something at school :)

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No pic but working out in the shop tonight and little man insisted that he bring me a bottle of water and check on me before he went to bed. I swear every time I turn around he's learned something new or does something to surprise me.
That must be a nice feeling. Mine just goes to bed and says "I love mommy. I don't love Daddy." :lol:
That must be a nice feeling. Mine just goes to bed and says "I love mommy. I don't love Daddy." :lol:

Well at least you know that's just to get a rise out of you. Recent trend with my little, precious, angel from God 'Mommy pretty, Daddy ewwww'. I'm not sure if it's because she wants to get tickled or if I'm really that ugly.
Our daughter doesn’t get in much trouble at school. Teacher called my wife an next thing I know my wife is in tears. I was just thinking, crap she’s done some shit I would have done at her age. But no, the teacher had been out for a week cause of a death in the family(her grandma). When my daughter got to school she run up to her teacher to tell her how much she had missed her. Then asked how her grandmother was. Teacher told her that sadly she had died. The teacher said with out missing a beat Rylee said “I’m sorry for your grandma. But she’s in heaven with my granny an they are watching us with Jesus.” Teacher called to brag about how great Rylee had made her feel an that she didn’t expect all of that from a 6 year old.
Man, I hate I didnt know about his Eagle ceremony. I love going to those and love supporting new Eagles.
we didn't get a picture but when asked to come forward, Eagle Scouts lined the entire front space of the church...wall to wall. Most from this pack a one other local one, impressive for sure. Hate I didn't know. I'd definitely shared the date.