The Showgram


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
Raleigh, NC
On Wednesday Bob and Mike said they wanna go 4 wheeling. I say we invite them to the Rock Race at DPG. It would be some good PR for the sport in our community. And maybe some advertising for the event. What do you all think?
I sent them an email just to see if there would be any intrest. I didnt give any details as to what day or what event. But I did tell them to come check out the web site and email me back if they were interested.
I would clear it with muddevils first..


It should also be STRESSED that the location is not to be publicised, that this is private land...
The land owner lives on sight, trust me he's got no problem running people off who aren't suppose to be there. Yeah, tell em' to come on out for the rock race.
People still listen to the radio?
As long as they bring Kristen its all good.

x2000! She's hawt.
