The walking dead

I'm predicting Glenn shows up back at Alexandria only to find out Maggie left and died looking for him

and/or gets immediately killed (again)
I'm predicting Glenn shows up back at Alexandria only to find out Maggie left and died looking for him

and/or gets immediately killed (again)
Is it too late to predict that we don't find out tonight? If not, I am.
Is it too late to predict that we don't find out tonight? If not, I am.
Oh I would have called that last week.
The Is Glenn Dead suspense is probably the best hook for viewership TWD has ever had
They are dragging it out way too long for him to be Glenn Sushi. As far-fetched as it may seem, they will probably say he crawled underneath the dumpster while they were feasting on Nick-o-dumbass and that underneath the dumpster was a man-hole for him to crawl into.

Rick finally gets his kiss, Maggie is prego... at least Tara might finally get some. It's the post-apocalyptic soap opera we were promised after-all
This show is gay now. It sucks. I'm still forced to watch it with my wife. All it does now is get in the way of Sunday night football. Freakin chick flick now.
Hahaha glad I'm not alone.... I really liked it for the first few seasons, but now it just drags things out for too long. I've read some of the books and it doesn't move this slow. It's been leading up to the Wolves and Neegan for 3 seasons now.
I've started DVR'ing it and just skipping all the parts where someone/something doesn't die or at least have to fight for their life. My money says the Glenn story wont pick back up until the second half of the season in February. There's only 3 episodes left this fall and they'll drag it on as long as possible.
I think it would be funny (although I like Glenn's character) if he escaped all those zombies and is actually killed and eaten right outside the sewer exit that Maggie and Aaron were about to go out of and could have rescued him right there if they hadn't had their little heart-to-heart.
I think it would be funny (although I like Glenn's character) if he escaped all those zombies and is actually killed and eaten right outside the sewer exit that Maggie and Aaron were about to go out of and could have rescued him right there if they hadn't had their little heart-to-heart.

That's thinking like a walked dead director. You'll probably win the WTF award and be right.
The 200 commercials they show kill it for me

I don't think I watch anything that's not on the DVR anymore for this exact reason...

..... On another note.... Has anyone seen Ash vs Evil Dead yet? It's pretty entertaining!
Bumping this back up from the dead :p

I was just about to give up on this show. But that was a great ending on the latest episode!
It was, although a little predictable.
Me too, but I started watching again a few weeks ago. There's some different people, but it's almost like I haven't missed a thing.
Last few seasons, ever since the 6 year jump, have been really slow.