'Tis the season for A/C questions...


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
One more for y'all.

I've been working at home today...noticed after lunch the house was getting warmer and warmer. Heat pump was on and blowing from the vents, but the air wasn't cool. Go outside, the outside unit fan is running, but look inside, and it's iced up. Not on the coils, but all the other piping and stuff leading to the coils. I got the hose and de-iced it, and it is now cooling fine.

A couple of weeks ago, the fan wouldn't start and I had my neighbor check it out (he's in the business). Replaced the cap, and that has been fine since. He also checked the freon, and it was fine.

What might have caused this, other than high humidity and a hot day? The only thing I've done different is set it on 82 when we left town last Friday, and put it back on 76 when we got home Sunday night, and it cooled right down then.

It's never iced up before, summer or winter (5 years).
$20 says your low on freon or you have restrictions, such as condensor needs to be cleaned, or you need to change your filter.
DingDingDingDing!! We have a winner!

Filter. DW thought I'd changed it the last couple of months, I thought she'd changed it. It was pretty nasty, and was deformed from being sucked in, so I'll go with that. Asked my neighbor to put the gauge on it again, just to be sure, he'll do it tomorrow.