Today is MY DAY :)

Sorry Mr. Wire Kinker-Window Washer...

You'll have to share with the rest of us! OTOH, it isn't like we'll see anything today other than the usual SOS! :rolleyes:
You guys should print off that front page and tape it to your door.

I'd like to send a "care" note/gift to the right person here, but being the DoD this place is so big and confusing I have no idea who it should even be. Plus it's probbaly violate soem kind of "fed employees receiving gifts from contractors" rule.
Happy SysAdmin Day, Ken! :)

Also, thanks for posting this. I will now send the greeting to my son who is also a SysAdmin (UNIX).
You guys should print off that front page and tape it to your door.
I'd like to send a "care" note/gift to the right person here, but being the DoD this place is so big and confusing I have no idea who it should even be. Plus it's probbaly violate soem kind of "fed employees receiving gifts from contractors" rule.

probably a contractor called Black Box. a contractor rec'ing a gift from anothe contractor probably isnt an issue.

Your network security and administation is handled totally out of house. With different contractors handling different jobs so that at any time, no one contractor really knows whats going on.
Then, not only does the gov't split the jobs among contractors, the contractors then hire sub contractors to actually take care of the work.

The information network gets turned into what the marines refer to as a clusterf**k.

it makes things nice and secure that way, you'll play hell trying to hack it...let alone fix it. makes it a major PITA to get something major repair/replaced.
you suck.........

ya, he sucks, and got a jump on the weekend...... Meh, just means he got stuck in traffic sooner !!
ya, he sucks, and got a jump on the weekend...... Meh, just means he got stuck in traffic sooner !!

not when I live 3 miles from work :)