@ MTNYJ : You know the "Hello my name is" stickers they have at like schools and events? I briefly thought those would be a good idea, very briefly.

But we do need a better way of knowing who is who. Maybe some work day t-shirts customized to each person with their screen name plus real name, and their rig. Just an idea....
Let me elaborate on something here for people looking at the pictures. I noticed some comments in a another thread that we a little bit troubling.
For this work day we had the following:
1 Auger
2 Post Hole Diggers
1 Rock Bar
4 Shovels
1 Rake
Now with the above tools it is broken down into the following jobs:
-1 Person Operates the Auger
-2 People Alternate digging out after the Auger with the Post Hole Diggers
-1 Person goes in when rocks are hit and tries to break them up with the rock bar.
- 1 to 2 People go back with shovels and fill in the hole after the post is put in
- And while all this is going on anywhere from 1-2 people holding up the guard railing/positioning it.
This means at any given time the majority of the people there are standing waiting for their turn in the process. And this works out perfectly giving each person a turn to rest. And between tasks lets say the auger person will put it down, and help hold up the railing or do something else.
Beyond this there are people draging guardrail into position, etc. So without another Auger (which we were going to have 2 augers, but that fell through) there wasn't a more efficient way to do it really. I would say at most 1 or 2 people at anytime didn't have something to do. And even then with the heat and humidity they probably didn't mind a little break.
So hopefully no one looks at the pictures and just sees a bunch of people standing around. Everyone that showed up worked hard and did more than their part.
The only part I saw in the work day that could have been improved was communication. Which maybe 2 way radios or something similar would help with. Because it seemed CB's didn't help too much that day.