
Does anyone see the word "vaping" and immediately want to call the people who do it "vapists"? Or is that just me?


Try replacing select words in sentences with "vape" or other variations. "Yeah, I was totally vaping with that hot chick in produce earlier today bro". "I'll be back in a minute honey, just going outside to vape". It's just a super cringy word.

My favorite thing though is that most of the vape people carry it around in a little padded case, not unlike what your average stoner carries.
since I HAVE no vises,I'll throw my dog in... I hear an advertisement on the radio in the mornins for a vape type store somewhere towards the coast and it has the "stoner" music on it and they talk about all these flavors and a lounge and such.Sounds more like a hooka lounge or head shop to me and I get a feeling of something shady with the whole style. Tryin not to profile anybody.
I get that all the cool kids are doing it these days and the kind of stereotypes that comes with it but for me its just for trying to quit tobacco. And around here where I live I haven't noticed any of the things ya'll are talking about. I've only seen a handful of people vaping and its mostly the older crowd.

I honestly loved to smoke. I liked having one right after a meal or while drinking a beer and hanging out. But we all know the long term of smoking isn't very good and most nonsmokers couldn't stand to be anywhere near smokers. And I can't dip it makes me sic. So this is my alternative.
im a fan of using an E-cig i started using one of the starter kits.. worked out really great but the tanks would always start leaking. so i upgraded to a rebuildable tank. which was a great step up, and then i recently upgraded to a variable voltage set up with a rebuldable tank. it works awesome because i can adjust the power setting to get the ratio right. also i recommend checking out (was already mentioned) and
I feel like it needs a base on the end or a lanyard so I can put it around my neck. I hate laying it down or putting it in my pocket because I think I'm going to break it or the liquid is going to leak out on its side. Right now I got it in my shirt pocket at work and its the best place I've found for it so far. I need one made out of stainless with a screw on cap to keep debris out of the mouth piece, that's probably the only kind that will last me lol.
I feel like it needs a base on the end or a lanyard so I can put it around my neck. I hate laying it down or putting it in my pocket because I think I'm going to break it or the liquid is going to leak out on its side. Right now I got it in my shirt pocket at work and its the best place I've found for it so far. I need one made out of stainless with a screw on cap to keep debris out of the mouth piece, that's probably the only kind that will last me lol.

So, I've never really looked closely at how these are used - I assume you don't replace the end your lips go on every time right?
So basically every time you stick that thing in your mouth, it's potentially covered in the lint/dust/whatever was in your pocket? Or do most folks use some kind of a cover/case like you mention?
So, I've never really looked closely at how these are used - I assume you don't replace the end your lips go on every time right?
So basically every time you stick that thing in your mouth, it's potentially covered in the lint/dust/whatever was in your pocket? Or do most folks use some kind of a cover/case like you mention?
You are correct. As far as I know the only case people use is the one these things come in and it is larger than I would like to carry on my person all day. Like someone said above it looks like something a crack head would keep his pipe in lol, or like a small first aid kit. Kinda sketchy lookin. For the most part the people I have seen that use e-cigs just have them stuck in their pants pocket with no cover. I don't want to do that because I know I got all kinds of junk that finds its way into my pockets. So a friend at work suggested using a cutter box and it works pretty good. Should help me protect it and keep dirt out of it.


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Around here just seems like ppl do it to be cool they even opened up a vape store. One idiot at work was talking about how he paid $700 just for the pipe or whatever the hell it's called and I'm like wtf you could have bought alot of cigs for that but if it can help you quit or slack down go for it
700 bucks is ridiculous. If someone is spending that much its probably because they got absolutely nothing else to do. I got two of these e-cigs for $50 with chargers and a case. Wicks are around $10 for a pack of 5 and that should last a few months. The only other thing I got to buy is the liquid and it looks like one bottle (around 5 bucks) should last me a week. Compare that to seven or eight packs of camels per week and I'm saving some coin.
A few months ago I went for a haircut which was next to one of those dumb shops, dumb as in people now need a special store to buy an e-cigarette than a traditional gas station or grocery store. Anyways, in the short amount of time I was there, I noticed a rather large quantity of sketchy looking people go in and out. I inquired with the girl and she said it's pretty much like that every day. Just part of the scene if you are into it.

Can we get into a tear about how someone is willing to inhale directly into the lungs tobacco with assorted chemicals but doesn't want to place a device against the lips because it may have pocket lint on it? :)
maybe the gas station has junk for ecigs, shit for flavors and some of us may have questions that can't be answered by someone who has a hard time making change for a $50. i also think the gas station juices taste nasty(like cigarettes were great), compared to some of the quality juices you can buy at those dumb stores.
with e-cigs being a $3 billion industry, why wouldn't you open a store? i know of at least 10 stores that have opened in raleigh within the last year, if you ask me that's good for the economy.
Can we get into a tear about how someone is willing to inhale directly into the lungs tobacco with assorted chemicals but doesn't want to place a device against the lips because it may have pocket lint on it? :)

Equation seems pretty simple to me... I wouldn't want to stick that thing in my mouth after it's been in my pocket all day, regardless of whether there's anything coming out of it or not... My pockets end up full of all kinds of lint, dust, metal shavings... on hot days, sweat... yuck.
Imagine turning your pocket inside out, then licking it.
You have a good point, 3 billion dollars absolutely warrants retail outlets. It sounds like you couldn't fit enough of the variety at a gas station sized location. As far as licking the inside of my pocket, how is that more detracting than inhaling whatever chemicals are in an e-cig? I would equate that to "lick my inner pocket or take a good tongue drag across the pavement"...hmmm.
It all boils down to what someone wants to do with thier own body. I wouldn't trust inhaling that garbage into my lungs, but I drink preworkout shakes everyday and people that eat like shit and don't get off the couch like to tell me that it isn't good for me. I get tired of people talking shit about what someone else is willing to do to thier bodies. But if your doing it to quit smoking the goal is to quit the vaping after a certain amount of time, right? My dad started chewing the nicotine gum almost ten years ago and is still on it. I guess it's better than smoking, but he is still addicted.

If it makes you happy then do it. Just don't blow it in my face.
You have a good point, 3 billion dollars absolutely warrants retail outlets. It sounds like you couldn't fit enough of the variety at a gas station sized location. As far as licking the inside of my pocket, how is that more detracting than inhaling whatever chemicals are in an e-cig? I would equate that to "lick my inner pocket or take a good tongue drag across the pavement"...hmmm.

Why do you keep making this competitive?
I never said E-cigs are good for you, or that there is no harm in using them.
All I said is that they are not as bad as a real cigarette. To anybody who would be debating between using a real, vs E-cig, based on the health effects, 10 out of 10 times I would recommend the latter, because there is no question it is healthier.

But to answer your question - the difference is time scale. Putting your mouth on all that other crap will taste bad NOW, put dust and crap in your mouth that hurts you NOW, and is just gross... NOW. The adverse effects from still getting nicotine and the baked oils are much more subtle and take time to hurt you.
Not that that matters. My point was that, hell, the health effects gained by cutting out the tar and all the other stuff in the tobacco could very well be counteracted by inhaling your own pocket sweat.... eeeewww. Not to mention whatever kind of bacteria starts growing on that thing.
I'm not saying one is worse, but that you have them BOTH.

I can tell you this though - if somebody made me make the choice between a drag off a clean E-cig, or licking my pocket - I'd take that E-Cig every time.
Vaporizer for weed, sure, use one frequently.

"Vaping" for flavor, smoking cessation, to look cool "smoking" inside, etc. is dumb and only shows a lack of will power.

That is all.
I saw my first 'Vapor' at Wal-Mart last w/e. Mexican hippie looking dude.
Suck it vapers... or perhaps not because it's now banned :flipoff2:

ASHEVILLE – The city voted to ban the use of electronic cigarettes on buses and in city facilities, including parks and the U.S. Cellular Center.

City Council voted 7-0 on the e-cigarette ban during a regular Tuesday meeting. The ban was pulled off the consent agenda after council members wanted to discuss it.

E-cigarettes are devices that do not burn material, but that create vapor using a mechanical heating element, battery or electronic circuit. The devices are used to heat and vaporize a liquid solution in a cartridge usually containing nicotine.

Members of the city's transit committee requested the ban after receiving complaints from bus riders about exposure to vapors, Martha W. McGlohon, deputy city attorney, said in a report to the council.

"While the long-term health effects of exposure to second-hand vapors emitted from e-cigarettes are unknown, according to a study conducted by the Federal Drug and Food Administration on two leading e-cigarette brands, there was evidence of toxic chemicals in both," McGlohon said.