VOUCH for BURLEY's window tinting.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2005
Wilmington, NC
He knows his stuff....

Getting my bedroom windows tinted was the best money i think i've ever spent in the bedroom aside from astroglide and condoms. no more hot sun burning my arm while i'm surfing nc4x4 or the hundred porn sites in my favorites... no more dark sheets fading after 6 months... and no more waking up before the alarm goes off when the pesky sun rises early as hell!

Also did a great job on the windows on my dad's suburban.... that turned out to be one of the best gifts he says he's ever gotten.... that was of course AFTER the initial ass kicking i recieved when he saw them :fuck-you:

i was gonna go today but everyone apparently was just talking out the a$$ so im still in wilmington. if i can get enough interest for next saturday, id like to go up there then