VT shooting

Yeah, a really good friend of mine is in the engineering program at VT, and as soon as I heard that the engineering building was where it happened I called him. I left him a message and he called me back saying he was alright, and that it's crazy up there.
This sucks...
I have too many friends and family up there to not have more info right now. Trying to call people and "All circuits are busy, please call again later".

You and about 40,000 parents, not to mention friends etc. No phone system can handle that... even at a tech savvy school liek VT.
suckage indeed. i drove up the interstate that way to work earlier and there wasnt anything on the road but cops going that direction. definitely effed up
sucks....i can only say one thing though, whoever did the shooting would NOT have shot me execution style, he woulda had to hit my fat rear while i was on the run!

Hope everyones friends/relatives are safe.....
he would have had to shoot me while i was looking at him cus i would have been going after his ass
thing is, I dont really find this shocking, more sad then anything.

I also cant help but think "Someone had a case of the Monday's"

I bet the shooter was on some kind of anti depressant. I can understand a high school shooting happening out of simple teenaged angst, but a college shooting, no way.
Video on the msnbc site of an interview with one of the students shot. He got hit in the arm and 15 of his classmates were shot too. Said the guy just stormed in and started shooting. When he left the room they barricaded the door and he tried to shoot his way back inside but was unsuccessful. :eek:
what a great example of how well gun legislation works!:shaking:
he would have had to shoot me while i was looking at him cus i would have been going after his ass

Have at it, its all about self preservation man. I look after Josh first. If I had a weapon also????maybe I would have done something, but fists and feet are no match for the weapon he was toting.....obviously

Video on the msnbc site of an interview with one of the students shot. He got hit in the arm and 15 of his classmates were shot too. Said the guy just stormed in and started shooting. When he left the room they barricaded the door and he tried to shoot his way back inside but was unsuccessful. :eek:
there is a link to the Live MSNBC feed as well as the interview with the kid that was shot in the arm...scary stuff. hope everyone's friends and relatives are okay!

This is horrible (and I hate he got the easy way out!).. but, I just dont understand how he shot 50 or so people with a 9mm and a 22 caliber handgun? I mean what's the magazine hold 10 or 14 rounds? He even had time to chain the door shut or something like that....

I guess you never know how you would react until put in the situation but I'd like to think I would have tried to stop him....
Spoke with my buddy today....he said the morning shooting happened in the dorm right next to him; pretty crazy stuff. Still can't figure out that 2 hour delay either, seems like he would have been caught.
Just talked to my neighbor. Took over 2 hours for an IM from thier kid to get delivered....guess the email/IM system was a bit clogged too.

Neighbors kid lives in the same dorm as the first shooting, knows the RA that was killed. Had a class in the room where the shooter went after his girlfriend, right before it all started there, and knew the girlfriend that was the point of attack....Neighbors kid is fine physically...but a bit weirded out right now...

Sucky way for my neighbors kid to spend his 20th b-day...
My prayers go out to the friends and families. It is sad that this sorry sack of dung was not beaten to death by an angry mob. This is a prime example of why I am so adamant about not limiting where concealed carry is permitted.