VT shooting

You haven't seen gun legistlation yet. Wait until after this clears up. See what more kinda stuff passes that will never work either
true. i guess we can only hope results like what came after the texas massacre come instead of further regulation.

the stupid media is already spouting about how more security is needed, and would have helped. what, post someone at every entrance to every building with metal detectors and checking id's to get into class? right.:shaking:

i'm not saying more guns is the answer to everything, but the stupid laws preventing you from carrying on campuses, in restaurants, etc. make them prime targets for psychos like this. you can't tell me that doesn't factor in their decisions, knowing that the chances of meeting armed resistance is slim to none.
I bet the shooter was on some kind of anti depressant. I can understand a high school shooting happening out of simple teenaged angst, but a college shooting, no way.

Being married to a Psychologist, that's the most stereotypical, prejudiced, closed minded shit I've heard all month.

You're a tool. :shaking:

Update from said Psychologist - The ONLY destructive behavior ever linked to those who were taking anti-depressants was suicide, not homicide... ever.

jeepinmatt said:
This is a prime example of why I am so adamant about not limiting where concealed carry is permitted.

Damn straight. An armed society is a polite society.
or a scared society (for those considering comitting crimes). works either way.:lol:
all i can say is that i would have come at that shooter like a spider monkey. i would have rather died trying to stop him than running away... but not saying that running away wouldnt have been a bad idea either
33 dead, including gunman and 2 that jumped, 29 more wounded. Bastard got the easy way out.

I bet the shooter was on some kind of anti depressant. I can understand a high school shooting happening out of simple teenaged angst, but a college shooting, no way.

Sounds like his girlfriend did something to him, maybe slept with another guy or something. And believe me, there are enough testerone drivin guys on any college campus who think they are billy badass and would do shit like this.

And anti-depressants are only linked to an increase in sucidual intent. And nothings been completely proven, only speculation with some research backing. Get your stuff right
this is the most messed up crap i've heard of in a while.the way i'm hearing about the doors being chained it sounds like he did it before he started shooting the second time.there are ways to deal with this,but he got the easy way out.i am all for gun control(it means hitting what you aim at!!!!!),my condolences go out to the families of all those injured and killed.it is truly a sad day.
i'm not saying more guns is the answer to everything, but the stupid laws preventing you from carrying on campuses, in restaurants, etc. make them prime targets for psychos like this. you can't tell me that doesn't factor in their decisions, knowing that the chances of meeting armed resistance is slim to none.

x2...if you are permitted to carry then hell why restrict it?
god bless all the families of this tragic incodent.
everyone should be allowed to carry a gun. because the innocent people cant carry them and the ones commiting the crimes will carry them anyway law or no law. its not fair to us that the criminals carry them. we should legally be able to pack some heat no matter where we go. only if you have a perfectly clean criminal record.
Got an e-mail back from Benny, A.K.A. BiggerValves from the PBB, the guy building the Aerotoy - He and everyone he knows is OK..
all i can say is that i would have come at that shooter like a spider monkey. i would have rather died trying to stop him than running away

I like to think that I would be the same way, given the situation. I rehearse it in my head every time I hear about something like this, but (thank God) have never been in such a situation to test it.
danm i just found out that 1 of the only 2 people i know at VT lives in the dorm where the first shooting took place. luckily he wasnt hurt or killed. if he would have been then half of those that i know there would have died and thats just not cool
it is sad yes, but what im not lookin forward to is that now all the Anti-gun freaks are gonna start sliming out from under their rocks again and start crying guns should be banned again.

That kind of shooting could NEVER happen if students were allowed to have self defense weapons. would shootings happen? maybe but as soon as one innocent student was shot, someone should have been able to take the gunman out, not watch as more than 30 others got hit too.

But nope, no guns allowed in school, Banks, stores, resturaunts, and many many other places who think that a Criminal is going to see a "no firearms allowed" sign and change their plans for crime and violence.

Citizens who arent allowed to defend themselves are sitting ducks for robberies, kidnappings, rape, murder, ect...

i will NEVER be in a situation where i cant stop an idiot on a rampage. I would rather kill him before he kills victim number 2, 3, 4, and so on, and then worry about whether or not i was supposed to have a concealed weapon on the site

It makes me sick to see the way the spineless one-sided media covers this story...
they are trying to point the finger at everyone EXCEPT the cowardly idiot who did it all.
The fault lies with the law makers who prevent Armed Law-abiding Citizens from defending themselves at universities across the Nation.

House Bill 1572 was shot-down in early 2006 without even getting out of the subcommittee. HB1572 was a bill that would have allowed college students/employees to carry their legally-owned concealed weapons on campus.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker had this to say about the bill being defeated, "im sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty, and visitors feel safe on our campus"

Well Larry, you got your way, and now the students on your campus who died, didnt even have a choice to defend themselves...they werent allowed.

I hate the liberal idiot politicians, media, lawmakers, and activists that just cant understand that disarming the people causes crime rates to skyrocket. its been proven in EVERY case, time and time again. Ban guns, increase violent crimes...

anyone else can get caught in a situation where they cant defend themselves, not me
im pissed off, and im done ranting...-chase
I really don't think the intent of thsi thread was to bring up the gun control issue.
But since it's been brought up, for those of ou who are determined that allowing C&C woudl have prevented deaths 2+, here's a thought for you.
In a class of, say 20 students, how many do you think would be packing heat on any old given day? What % of people actually would/do C&C? My guess is it's < 1 in 20 (5%) So chances are not great that anyone there even WOULD have had a gun. If they had, then what? You fire off a round, he splits. You gonna chase him, or stick aroudn and help out the bleeding peopel around you? If you chase, you run a risk of somebody ELSE that has a gun thinking YOU're the guy, and plugging YOU. This is the danger of letting just anybody carry guns around wheret here are lots of other people. imagine the haos if an uncontroleld firefight breaks out. How many MORE people could get killed.
You have to remember, a guy like thsi does not walk into thesituation EXPECTING to live through it. So a fear of getting plugged himself does not necessarily mean/do anything. He's loony-tunes, you can't expect normal, rational "you know, I ight get hurt" kind of logic to fall into place.
I'm not against C&C or gun ownership by any means. I'm just pointing out somereasons for why it is there. It's really easy to look back and think about what COULD have happened, but that's all speculation.
If they had, then what? You fire off a round, he splits.

You have to remember, a guy like thsi does not walk into thesituation EXPECTING to live through it. So a fear of getting plugged himself does not necessarily mean/do anything. He's loony-tunes, you can't expect normal, rational "you know, I ight get hurt" kind of logic to fall into place.

Kinda contradicted yourself there. But even if he did split, you potentially saved the lives of everyone in the room. Works for me!

Anyway, let's say the teacher was carrying. Guy walks in, starts firing. The teacher, who has hopefully been practicing, either kills, wounds badly, or otherwise incapacitates the twit by firing every round of a 15 round magazine (Because if you're going to discharge your weapon, ya might as well empty it). Unfortunately, in the panic, 2 students are killed by stray bullets.

Still seems like a better outcome, BY FAR.

Even better would be that he hits his target and the strays go into the cieling/wall/whatever. He stopped a murderer, and potentially many more from occuring. Think he'll be prosecuted? convicted? Carrying where you can't is typically a misdemeanor, isn't it? I'll take my chances.

What if the guy had already killed 1, maybe 2 or 3 IN that classroom before the teacher pulled and fired.. The assailant had already demonstrated that he will kill, and did. You'd have a hard time making any case for prosecuting the teacher.

"When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns." Criminals won't be hurt by gun control laws, only those who obey.
In a class of, say 20 students, how many do you think would be packing heat on any old given day? What % of people actually would/do C&C? My guess is it's < 1 in 20 (5%) So chances are not great that anyone there even WOULD have had a gun. If they had, then what? You fire off a round, he splits. You gonna chase him, or stick aroudn and help out the bleeding peopel around you? If you chase, you run a risk of somebody ELSE that has a gun thinking YOU're the guy, and plugging YOU. This is the danger of letting just anybody carry guns around wheret here are lots of other people. imagine the haos if an uncontroleld firefight breaks out. How many MORE people could get killed.

Im sorry but I disagree with you... if CC was allowed on campus then the chances are much greater that someone would have stopped him. I've had class with former military, active reserve, etc.... chances are good that someone in that building would know what to do and react.

Then again it might not have and we'll never know...
We staunch advocates of the 2nd amendment have got to be reasonable with our response or we will be relegated to the fanatic fringe. I don't think the arguement for concealed carry on campus is going to work in this case. Imagine the difficulty the cops would have identifying the perp if there was 5 guys that carried running around looking for the shooter. You might actually get yourself killed by a cop. However , I'm pretty confident that there weren't too many that would have carried anyway. Nobody in the barracaded classroom identified the oppurtunity to jump the guy when he dropped a clip to reload.