warming your vehicle without idling?


silent.. but deadly
Mar 17, 2005
so I have been looking into some products and ways to do this without the vehicle running..

anyone ever had any experience with this?


after i was reading into it.. it also states it will warm your radiator fluid.. which may work well for those using radiator fluid to warm there WVO..

that way when it gets cool outside you can start your truck have heat pretty quick and your WVO will get up to temp quickly..

any thoughts??
drill and tap a hole in the WVO tank and install a block heater in it....cheap and it works. I have also seen people use a water heater element. Plug it in at night and it's ready to roll in the am.
ya I have heard of folsk using those methods also.. but this also uses your heater blower to warm the cab of the vehicle so when you get in, the cab is warm and the truck engine block is warm..

they say it uses the vehicles fuel and the battery to operate..
DOKA Mogs occasionally came with an option like that, especially the short wheel base ones that were used as airport tugs. They'd heat the coolant and cabin at the same time pulling from the main diesel tank. My hard cab Pinz had a cabin heater that pulled off the main gas tank, but no engine heat (no coolant to worry about).
Some of our semi trucks at work use a small heater mounted under the bunk that runs on diesel fuel. Its fairly small and uses very little fuel. When I remember who makes it I will post it up.
