Me personally, I agree wholeheartedly with Rob. It should be a "given" that while using a buggy, a juggy, a truggy or whatever on a government maintained road, you should have that vehicle registered, tagged and at a bare minimum insured.
No one needs to put up a sign to that effect either. It's common should figure it is against the law to operate an un-insured and un-registered vehicle on state or local governement roads, unless you have a written statute that says otherwise.
I said it on our forum..... there is a possibility (as anywhere) that you could have some kid run out in front of you at the dairy hut and you get in an accident (let's hope a minor one) I guarantee the trooper who works the wreck will trump whatever the local LEO on scene says or recommends. Even if the police chief said it was "just fine" to operate that vehicle and you were in the "right", you still have to suffer the consequences legally.... imagine paying for that kid's, or your own, medical bills......perhaps even the impending lawsuit, because you did not have proper liability coverage.
Even if the town said it was ok, there is no way I would take that chance with myself or my family. The financial hardship that could happen would be unthinkable. We are not talking about a broken tail light here or improper signaling!
Face it, it ain't worth it! Drag your stuff to the trail head, make it legal, or run renegade and if you get a ticket, you get a ticket. I do agree that no one should be hassled, for the sake of being hassled.
I'm not a stick in the mud, just a realist.... it can happen and it's best to be prepared IMO.
Disclaimer: I'm not an insurance agent, just a paramedic-firefighter.... i've seen people get sued for accidents (and win) that you would not believe, and I'm talking not a scratch on a bumper. But it happens. I fill out forms for law offices by the dozens in the summer time. I just want everyone to keep their family and livelyhood safe. I'm just looking at this from a litigation view point.
Kentucky State Law on ATV use: