Watch out for the food police...

My daughter is in a more @ 4 program and they supply the lunchs for the kids. They also serve them breakfast. If I am not mistaken I think they serve the kids cereal with Milk. Then when the kids get picked up there is a juice and snack waiting on them when they leave. Usually the snack consist of some kind of cookie.

I think the person who was inspecting the kids lunchs was having a bad day!

Sent from my microwave using a teleportation device.
I would be pissed, bet your a$$ I would be at the front door in the morning..
Hmm.... grain and dairy for breakfast, and grain/sugar for a snack?
What cracks me up about this is that the child's lunch already consisted of (per the article): turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice

According to the USDA, her meal should have contained: one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables

When you take it all apart:

one serving of meat - turkey from sandwich
one serving of milk - cheese from sandwich
one serving of grain - bread from sandwich
two servings of fruits or vegetables - banana and apple juice

I'm not sure what they were missing, and I honestly doubt that the a$$-hat from the USDA knew either. This REALLY screams out someone abusing their authority. Anyone who's had a 4 year old can attest that getting them to eat anything remotely healthy is a chore itself.

At least they ate healthier than "we" did....
USDA guidelines are based on bad science... National Institutes of Health and others continue to poke holes in the 'pyramid' idea. A carbohydrate-rich diet, as recommended by the government and perpetuated by doctors and other health professionals, is not only ineffective but unhealthy.
Good thing she didnt pack a plastic knife to spread something with and a vitamin. They would have her up on weapons and drug charges.
This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Don't tell me what to feed my kid, I'll feed him what I know he will eat, not what you tell me he'll eat.

I'll just jack him up with soda and chocolate and unleash his fury on the school. :lol:
USDA guidelines are based on bad science... National Institutes of Health and others continue to poke holes in the 'pyramid' idea. A carbohydrate-rich diet, as recommended by the government and perpetuated by doctors and other health professionals, is not only ineffective but unhealthy.

I had a bunch of customers in our company suite at ZMax last year. This one kid drank 4 cans of Mt Dew in less than a hour and then went on the roof to watch the jet cars run with the blast hitting right in the face! I liked that kid. We need to turn him loose in her class.
ya because we all know chicken nuggets are healthy.. what idiots..

Processed, baked nuggets, so you KNOW they're good.
At my elementary school, they had fat back for breakfast and on good days, there would be enough left over for lunch. You had to pay a nickle to get some at lunch though.