what beer are you drinking?

For the last ten years wild turkey 101 has been my go to. They just started a new bottle and batch about a month ago since then i have pretty much stuck with fighting cock it's a heck of a deal if you like a good rye.
Enjoying this in Mesa, AZ at a amazing Mexican joint.


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Harris Teeter had a bunch of stuff on sale last week, so I picked up a couple of sampler packs... The San Adams Chocolate Bock and Winter Porter are both really good. I also like the Sierra Nevada White IPA and I'm not typically an IPA fan.
Pretty smooth tasting beer out of Waynesville

Yea I bought a 6'er of that. Poured 4 down the drain.

I'm not a fan of Guinness stout, can't imagine I'd like anything else of theirs. Despite an excellent ad campaign, theirs is not the gold standard of Irish Stouts, at least not in my book.

I have heard that a pint at St James's Gate is a totally different thing from anything you will taste here.
I'm not a fan of Guinness stout, can't imagine I'd like anything else of theirs. Despite an excellent ad campaign, theirs is not the gold standard of Irish Stouts, at least not in my book.

"Guinness doesn't travel well"

I've always HATED Guinness anywhere I got it. Irish pubs, bars, etc. ALWAYS sucked! Then I had an opportunity to fly to the UK with my wife while she did some international work. Hey...free ticket, free hotel? Hugh Damn Skippy!!!

Anyway...I took the opportunity to "play" while she worked in Manchester. One day I flew to the Isle of Man and toured the TT course on a motorcycle (2 weeks after the race) and the next day I flew to Dublin ($200 round trip tickets from Manchester...I mean, it was stupid NOT to explore!)

Anyway...I did the tourist thing and got the bus ticket. One stop was the Guinness brewery. I thought...hell I'll take the tour, I'm HERE, even though I hate Guinness. But about 3/4 thru the tour you get a 1/4 pint "sample" of the days brew. HOLY SHEEP SHIT that was the most excellent thing I'd ever tasted!!!
I exited the sample room and walked around to the next group and got another sample. I did this 3 times.
With the tour you got a ticket for one free pint, that you could split into 2 for 2 half pints.
So I left the sample room...bypassed the rest of the tour and shot straight up to the Guinness gravity bar, where I immediately requested my free pint. The bartender poured 1/2 then, what seemed like an eternity came back and poured a bit more, then a final pour. My GOD that was the best liquid in the world!!!
I sat an enjoyed my glass of heavenly gold and savored every ounce. I was ready to go BUY another when a pair of older ladies sat near me and asked if I'd take their picture. They offered me their torn 1/2's to form a whole pint for my "services"

After those ladies left another pair of women (asian) took their seat and ALSO asked if I'd take a picture, also offering up their unused 1/2's. Pint # 3 for me!! I hadn't eaten lunch, so I needed to go grab a bite to eat. I picked a pub many locals had recommended. And had 2 pints with my lunch (5-3/4 pints) so far. The pints int he pub were JUST as good as the brewery!

At the end of the day I headed to the airport and had a pint waiting for the plane. This pint tasted a little different but still good.
I landed and headed to the hotel. My wife was still in meeting so OFF to the pub across the street for a pint!! (pint #6-3/4) It tasted a little stale...kinda bitter?!?!?! ehh..maybe it was the bottom of the keg

I got up the next day and couldn't WAIT for a pint of Guinness with lunch! Today was travel to London day, so my wife and I boarded a train from Manchester and rode into London. Lunch was at a pub and I ordered a Guinness. I was eager to have this nectar of the Irish Gods! But after one sip I noticed it was distinctly different. While it was STILL very good....it wasn't the same as what I'd had in Ireland. Not at all.
We went to 3 different pubs in London and I tried 3 different pints....all tasting the same. Just NOT as good. Just like the pint from Manchester the night before. All the other pints after that on the remaining days in London were the same. GOOD, but not AS good as what I had in any part of Ireland.

The flight home had a layover in Munich so I had a pint there....and it was BAD. I asked the bartender if he'd rubbed the rim of the glass on his ass (a-la Dumber and Dumber to style) and he laughed. He told me what I'd heard in London when asked why it tasted different "Guinness doesn't travel well". I asked what that MEANT EXACTLY. His reply was that Guinness is only good for a few days in a keg...after that it just gets stale and tastes bitter. So by Germany it's past it's prime.

After Germany we came to Charlotte and had a layover waiting for GSO so I tried a Guinness at the bar, and it was undrinkable. I wish I could find a pub near me that had somewhat fresh Guinness, but if not...that's a geographical treat ONLY.

Crap that was long o_O sorry


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Hanging out in the barn waiting on the white stuff...

Oh, and probably the best SA I've ever tasted.

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