what do yaul think


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2009
trying to dicide wheter to do a jeep cj 5 or a 1997 land rover.
You need a 2001 landrover. let me hook you up with one.
I think yall is spelled Y A L L
Trying to decide what you mean by do it?
I think yall is spelled Y A L L
Trying to decide what you mean by do it?

actually it's "Ya'll":flipoff2:

X2 what do you want to do?
Not really if the LR in question is a D90. Quite a big difference in price though.

Even still a CJ5 or a D90? or even 110?

That is like I either want a el camino or an F-450 diesel....
And the price thing...given the phrasing and info given in the question I am going to wager a Defender is not in consideration here....
actually it's "Ya'll":flipoff2:
X2 what do you want to do?

the carney is correct as usual LOL....and i also question why you would compare the 2....not sure if el camino and f450 is the right comparison...more like a mans rig and a pop your collar listen to britney spears rig....:lol:
the carney is correct as usual LOL....and i also question why you would compare the 2....not sure if el camino and f450 is the right comparison...more like a mans rig and a pop your collar listen to britney spears rig....:lol:

if its a D90...the wrangler is the bitch mobile....
i plain to put it on rockwells i can get the land rover for $500 but the supinsion is fubar. i can get the jeep for $700
i plain to put it on rockwells i can get the land rover for $500 but the supinsion is fubar. i can get the jeep for $700

So you PLAN to put what on rockwells? The LR or the CJ? If you are putting rock's under it, WTF does it matter if the SUSPENSION if F'd? It's not like you can just take out one set of axles and bolt the others underneith it. I'm not sure of your experience with this type of fabrication but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it is very little. Rockwells have a gigantic center section that rises up from the center of the axle almost 9 inches. If you put them under the CJ you will need to stretch the wheelbase to make it worth a damn from being a super tall top heavy tippy bitch. My 2cents.
lol, now wait a minute.

i kinda wanna see this feller try to put the land rover on rockwells.

We need to to make that build thread a sticky. could get interesting.
Side note..I think you also need to take an English class...I at least answered your question :)