What have you done for your health today?

Today's workout was a real burner. Monday's are quickly becoming MetCon(metabolic conditioning) Mondays. I coached from 4:30PM to 7:30PM so I had to workout by myself after the last class. No issues, turn on the metal and go. Today's workout was

Part A: 15 EMOM
1 minute - 5 thrusters at 115lbs
1 minute - 5 pullups with a 20lb weight vest
1 minute - 400ft shuttle sprint

Repeat this 5 times. Rest 2 mins. Then

Part B. 18m AMRAP

15 Box Jumps
12 Push press(95lbs)
9 Toes to Bar

Move immediately to:

Part C:
10s on/20s off

Hollow Hold for 3 minutes.

This was a fun one for sure but sucked ass halfway through part b.
It's clear that just getting my ass out of bed early is half the battle. Once I'm going, I'm good, but geez it is soooooo haaaaaaard to get up, lol.

Here is my experience. If you want to get up early, then you have to go to bed early. Want to get up 1 hr earlier than normal? Go to bed at least 1 hr earlier than normal. Also, it is much easier to get up early if you get up at the same time every day M-F.

Before I met my wife, I was getting up at 5:30-5:45am to get to work at 7am. She leaves the house at 5:30am, so I had to move my wake up time forward to 4:30-4:45am to get up with her. It took a few months to get used to, but then it was just my new normal.
95lbs snatches
24" box jump overs
Directly into...
95 lbs overhead squats
Burpees over bar

Fuckin' pollen...can't breathe....should be a 10 min workout...14:05....death...

I like everything except the burpees over the bar...barf.
Today's workout was 22 minutes on the stationary bicycle followed by 5 sets of leg press.
Im a little late to the party here, but I have set a goal to be able to pass the FF CPAT by the end of the year. I have started walking 3-4 times per week, hoping to up it to jogging in a few weeks. I am also doing pushups nightly. Not really trying to build a lot of muscle mass, going more for endurance.

My wife lost 50 lbs while pregnant, and really wants to lose another 20 and keep it off. She has been walking with me. Really hoping that we can help each other stay motivated. She is just 4 weeks post c section and we are already up to 1.5 mile walks with the baby (really need to get a jogging stroller).


22 y/o
175 lbs
currently get winded after 10 minutes of heavy activity, or a couple minutes of hard running.
201.7. This is now the lightest I've been in about 10-12 years. I was a consistent 175-185 in high school and had a six pack but was more lean than anything. Easter weekend was full of good food/liquor/beer with friends and family and I just knew that I would be back up to around 210 or so. Much to my surprise, Monday morning I was 205.5. Goes to show with consistent clean eating for a few months, one bad weekend won't kill you. Just don't make a habit of bad weekends. I'm going to continue to cut and hopefully end up somewhere around 185-190.

Yesterday's workout was super fun. It's deload week for back squats so I did 3x5 at 215. Felt super easy. The workout was 5 min time cap. 10 KBS every minute on the minute and then accumulate a 500m row. I finished in 2:55. Real lung burner but great to ramp the metabolism up.

Today's workout is another deload day for strict press 3x5. Workout is 4 rounds for time of 15 Devils Press(35/25lbs), 15 V-Ups and a 400m Run. 21 min time cap. Them devil presses are gonna bring the hurt.
I got outta bed, called in to work sick, and am down a couple pounds from fever and no appetite over the past 24 hours. Was gonna make it a big week with the wife and kids out of town by going to the gym at lunch every day and riding my bike after work every day. That got shatted upon :poop:
Today's workout was 6 sets of pull-ups, 4 sets of under hand rows in the machine, 4 sets of overhand rows in the machine, 4 sets of dumbbell hammer curls superset with 4 sets of regular curls in the machine.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the incline treadmill, followed by 5 sets of squats super set with 5 sets of reverse flys.
Devil's presses bring the pain, literally. I got time capped in the workout but still finished. If you have never done a devils press, try it. Grab some dumbbells(I used 35lbs x2, go lighter than you think at first). Dumbbells start on the ground, deadlift them up to hips, then drop into a burpee while still holding them. Come up out of the burpee holding the dumbbells and then swing them up to an overhead position(think kettlebell swing instead of a press). Repeat. Guaranteed to knock you on your ass after a handful of them.

Today's workout is active recovery so lots of stretching and then a partner workout of 4 Rounds: 20/15 Cals, 60' bear crawl. Rest :90-2:00 then 4 Rounds: 20 Dubs, 150' waiter/farmer carry. Rest :90-2:00. Then 4 Rounds: 200m Run, 8 alt db snatches.

Should be a fun one.
Today's workout was 5 sets of incline dumbbell presses, 5 sets of flys on the machine, 3 sets of tricep kick backs with dumbbells, and 3 sets of tricep pull downs. Not feeling that great today due to allergies.
After hearing others have great success, I decided to do a little* research on the Whole30 (*ok, it was actually quite a bit more than I'd like to admit). I read the book this weekend & decided that's exactly the kind of suck I need in my life. So, I've decided to give it a go (and of course conned @Mulishajoe into it too because misery loves company). So, May 1st is our official start date & I have to admit that I'm really excited about the reset but also terrified. I freaking love cookies...but it's *only* 30 days.

Pray for Joe - he has to put up with my hangry cookie-craving ass :lol:

Today's workout was 5 sets of bent over barbell rows, 5 sets of chin-ups, 4 sets of dumbbell rows, 3 sets of hammer curls with the double rope, and 3 sets of standing alternating dumbbell bicep curls.
Missed a whole week of exercise when I went to the coast last week. No excuse to not, at least, run or something. Yesterday was a circuit training workout on machines with 30 min on the bike and a group of crunches.

I finally broke down last night and had 2 beers over at the neighbors though. It's been around 3 months since I've had any alcohol.
Last week I had to miss my C25k Wed morning jog/walk due to an early morning work thing. Friday was rough, having had 3 days off at that point. So, this week I decided to repeat week 4 instead of moving on to Week 5. Good choice, this morning was rough too.

The bigger problem I'm having now, is that running with my dog is a HUGE pain in the ass. Being a hound variety (he's a mountain cur mutt mostly), he wants to randomly stop and sniff every damn thing. Suck when you're mid stride.
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Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Last Week - 272.4
This week -271.0
Total loss: 47.2 lbs

Going to be cutting it close on the sub 270 by 5/1 goal...
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the stationary bike followed by 5 sets of walking lunges with dumbbells.

I had been eating big for a while now, and my weight was up to 208-210 lbs a couple of weeks ago, and my belt was starting to get a little tight, so I have cut back on the food a little and am back down in the 205-206 lbs range now.
Today's strength workout is core stability work. The workout is a bunch of 300m repeats, with some max effort wall balls, kettlebell swings, and box jumps thrown in.

Yesterday was testing 1rm on the backsquat. My previous max was 355. I failed yesterday at 335 which sucked. On the other hand, I was also 30lbs heavier when I hit 355 and ass moves mass. Yesterday's workout was :20 secs of max rowing followed by :40 secs of rest. For 10 rounds. I hit 91 calories and was dead afterwards. Fun but simple workout.