What have you done for your health today?

Today's workout was 22 minutes on the incline treadmill followed by 5 sets of bulgarian split squats super set with 4 sets of tricep extensions in the machine.
This morning’s run was peak-to-peak, rinse and repeat. There are two hills in the hood we run in, we run from the top of one to the top of the other, turn around and keep repeating until time to go. I got 4.5 miles in 41 minutes and some change.

Then this evening I got my 100 pushups in.
Today's workout was tough. Couple of people puked :lol:.

The strength/metcon was BAD.

7x3min rounds of: 10 cal sprint on the assault bike, followed by 5 deadlifts at 70-80% of your max. I hit 275 for all 7 rounds and got off the bike in about 12-20 secs each round. It got bad.

The workout was 40-30-20-10 of barbell lateral lunges(45/35) and pushups, time cap 12:00. I finished in 8:38 or so. Arms and chest are gonna be sore tomorrow.
Today's workout was 6 sets of landmine barbell rows, 4 sets of chin-ups, 4 sets of overhand rows in the machine, 3 sets of reverse flys in the machine, 3 sets of hammer curls, 3 sets of supinated curls, and 3 sets of hyperextensions.
Nice ride at DuPont with the Mrs. after work today
Yesterdays workout was a real arm burner but it was fun.

Strength/Metcon: 5 rounds of 10 unbroken push press(heavy) and 1 min max calorie row(target 20 for guys). I went from 95lbs up to 135lbs over the 5 rounds and held 20, 20, 19, 20, 21 on the calorie row.

The workout was 3 rounds of 200m medball run(25lbs), "21 set" of hammer curls, and 10 unbroken hang power cleans at 115. I finished in 9:49.

Cash out was 100 reps with a partner of barbell curls. These got really bad.

Today's workout looks fun. You can either choose a day to make up from this week or the workout is:

4x20 heavy walking lunges with a partner


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of handstand pushups and burpee box jumps with 1 rope climb between each "round"
Today's workout was 25 minutes on the stationary bike followed by 4 sets of high rep squats.
I did something I've never done before, went on vacation and actually lost weight. 2 weeks in the Florida heat, toting kids around, playing/running in the sand. I've turned that corner (I think), where I don't eat to get full, but for energy...so I wasn't stuffing my face at every meal. I was kinda worried I'd revert back on vacation, but held steady.
Today's workout was 9 sets of flat barbell bench, 4 sets of Arnold presses, 4 sets of a low incline dumbbell bench press, 4 sets of straight arm pull downs, 4 sets of tricep extension with the double rope, and 3 sets of french press with a dumbbell.
We went somewhere new today. My wife, son, nephew, myself, and MIL all went for an easy bike ride on the Nuese River Trail. We rode for about 3 hours.
Today's workout was 5 sets of pull-ups followed by 1 set of 10 second negative pull-ups, 4 sets of underhanded rows in the machine done one arm at a time, 4 sets of overhanded rows in the machine, 4 sets of slow hammer curls with dumbbells, and 4 sets of bicep curls in the machine, and two sets of hyper extensions.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the incline treadmill followed by 4 sets of leg press.
I’ve been eating like crap the past couple weeks and other than the push up challenge I haven’t gotten my exercise in. Today brings the tail end of a week long cold and the motivation to get back to business. Luckily I haven’t gained any weight during this time.
No workout Wednesday. I took the day off work to work on my shed.

No workout Thursday. I met my father for lunch.

Today's workout was 6 sets of flat barbell bench press, 4 sets of incline dumbbell press, 4 sets of OHP in the machine, 4 sets of decline dumbbell press, and 5 sets of tricep pulldowns with the V-bar.
Ive been hitting the stationary bike every morning this week.
5 minute warm up then 30 minute blast. Some intemittent hill program and hardest difficulty my cheap ex bike will manage. According to the on board computliar Ive been averaging around 8.8 miles a day.

Im not going to jinx myself but the weight trend is really nice this week as well.
Today's workout was 5 sets of weighted pull-ups, 4 sets of landmine barbell rows, 4 sets of chin-ups, 3 sets of hammer curls superset with 3 sets of supinated curls.
Ha. That's Clint on the left. His bike is an XL which he just got last week. It doesn't come any larger. It was funny to see him catching tree limbs with his helmet. :)

The guy in the middle is Andy. He rides MX as well. Really nice guy and was the first to buy a bike from us last fall.