Yesterdays workout was a real arm burner but it was fun.
Strength/Metcon: 5 rounds of 10 unbroken push press(heavy) and 1 min max calorie row(target 20 for guys). I went from 95lbs up to 135lbs over the 5 rounds and held 20, 20, 19, 20, 21 on the calorie row.
The workout was 3 rounds of 200m medball run(25lbs), "21 set" of hammer curls, and 10 unbroken hang power cleans at 115. I finished in 9:49.
Cash out was 100 reps with a partner of barbell curls. These got really bad.
Today's workout looks fun. You can either choose a day to make up from this week or the workout is:
4x20 heavy walking lunges with a partner
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of handstand pushups and burpee box jumps with 1 rope climb between each "round"