The wife and I have been doing ok with our food intake, not perfect, but to a point I think is livable. Very few lunches out any more, minimal eating out for dinner...I still have to get better at portion control some times. But overall was feeling pretty good about where I was going. I say ‘was’ because nothing brings you back to reality quite like holiday pictures, holy bageezus I’m still a fat bastard. Implemented family exercise time last night...figure it sets a good example for the girls too. Started just with 30 minutes. Super setted 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 body weight squats, 20 body weight lunges and 20second planks and repeated until 30mins was up. Got 6 total sets in. Holy hell, how did I let myself get that far out of shape, much tougher than I remember. Goal is to increase those numbers nightly, until I get to 100 of each per set. Would like to add some burpees and the wife would like to add some yoga and cardio, but I think foundation of the plan is there.