What have you done for your health today?

Did a workout at a buddies garage gym. After a month of not lifting due to corona and the gym being closed.

Holy shit that sucked. Got on the scale this morning and I was at 207. So about a 10lb weight gain since quarantine and being stuck working at home with a fridge full of beer.

Definitely going to cut down on the drinking and portioning my meals. Going to my buddies house everyday as well.
Dialed back from running every day to running 3-4 times a week. Ran ~13+ miles Last Sunday and yesterday (although strava always shorts me 1/2 mile for every long run)

Still no booze since late March......and I gave up sweets for May.... it's been tough, ice cream is a VERY decent substitute for beer!
Had a few therapeutic baths yesterday and today....


Between the cold water and the big breakers it was a work out.

We also saw a leatherback sea turtle cruising just past the breakers. It looked to be 10 feet and over 1000 lbs.

The sea monster pose...

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Rode bikes several miles around OKI today. Ride was cut short when kiddo (12) rode into a mailbox:eek: big strawberry on her knee and a lil one on her chin. It was her first real wipout and she freaked pretty good due to the blood but I calmed her down and we rode back. After clean up and us heckling her she is good now.
Gym reopened this AM. Hit it for an hour ..prolly got 30 minutes of good work in
Not been doing anything exciting like the rest of you all, but still on the health kick. Started at 229, down to 195.6 as of yesterday. New goal of 189 is in sight.
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9mi ride in Bent Creek. Probably have been off the bike 6 weeks or so... definitely didn't set any records.


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With the gyms being closed, the wife and I decided it was time to start a home gym. It just so happens to be the worst time to start a home gym with every mfg completely sold out of everything and second hand stuff has a 250% markup. However, I found some stuff on here thanks to @Ron and with the help of some friends, we have a good, albeit little(but growing) gym started.


Built some wall ball targets the other day and attached them to the deck at 9' and 10' heights(guys/girls)


Yesterday we did the following:

Clean complex: 1 power clean, 1 hang squat clean, 1 jerk. Building to a heavy weight. I hit 200lbs and it felt good. First time I've had that kind of weight overhead in long time.

Our workout was: 15m AMRAP

200m run
5 deadlifts at 225
30 double-unders
5 pull ups
10 wallballs

The run sucked ass but I got through 4 rounds of it and kept moving. Still need more equipment but that will come in time.
I have a pull-up/chin-up bar in my shed, and built a FID bench the first week I was home. I only have a cheap set of threaded adjustable dumbbells for weights, but have been getting creative with different exercises. I am actually surprised at how well I have been able to maintain my muscle mass with so little equipment. It just proves that you do not need a big fancy gym. I still work out every day during my lunch hour.

Today's workout was in my garage at 5:15am.
- Seated dumbbell over head press - 6 sets
- rear delt raises, bent over a saw horse, lol - 4 sets
- front delt raises across the torso - 4 sets
- side delt raises - 4 sets
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