What have you done for your health today?

Single ingredients...like...what's in a peanut? Well, peanuts. How about bananas, apples, or chicken?
What do you mean single ingredient food? @Jody Treadway

Foods that have one ingredient. Beans, chicken, steak, fish, fruit, veggies, etc. Those are unprocessed foods. Real foods.

But not processed foods like chips, sauces, candy, etc. Those are foods that require a process to create. They are filled with crap that will kill you and make you sick.

It's really that simple Aaron. Eat real food. Avoid preserved food, food in a wrapper or box and foods high in sugar and sodium.
Got a reverse question for you health freaks. Since i lost 175 pounds of ugly fat when i got divorced..... (Get it?]

I'm 5'9" tall and weigh about 130 lbs. I need to GAIN weight.
Anyone that knows me will testify the following,
I eat at least 5k calories a day and drink eleventy seven beers along with smoking 2 packs of Marlboros. Lights of course.
No health problems, BP and ldl levels are on the low end of the scale.
Tell me more about the supplements....
Got a reverse question for you health freaks. Since i lost 175 pounds of ugly fat when i got divorced..... (Get it?]

I'm 5'9" tall and weigh about 130 lbs. I need to GAIN weight.
Anyone that knows me will testify the following,
I eat at least 5k calories a day and drink eleventy seven beers along with smoking 2 packs of Marlboros. Lights of course.
No health problems, BP and ldl levels are on the low end of the scale.
Tell me more about the supplements....
Stop smoking. My dad went from about 175 to 225 in a couple years by quitting.
Got a reverse question for you health freaks. Since i lost 175 pounds of ugly fat when i got divorced..... (Get it?]

I'm 5'9" tall and weigh about 130 lbs. I need to GAIN weight.
Anyone that knows me will testify the following,
I eat at least 5k calories a day and drink eleventy seven beers along with smoking 2 packs of Marlboros. Lights of course.
No health problems, BP and ldl levels are on the low end of the scale.
Tell me more about the supplements....
Peanut butter.
Other than getting my CDL Medical card renewed, I sat on my ass today! Hard for me to get moving, on a good day, but usually I get my walk in. If it's Raining [when Hasn't it], I don't even walk! I Have started reading the Sodium amounts on the packaged foods I buy. Holy Shit! Cutting that where I can, & some sugars.
First, thanks to @Jody Treadway for starting this thread. I was looking forward to it when he mentioned it yesterday and think it's already been a hit (I mean, four damn pages in a day...sumbitch!).

Second, my hats off to those who've posted up and so far...really wishing y'all the best with your health goals.

So now I guess I'll be the asshole. I'm somewhat with @Paul...I'm in the "I need to gain" boat (hoping this isn't the same boat that seems to loose shit at the bottom of lakes btw). I'm 6'3" and about 190lbs. w/ a 34" waist. This is as big as I've ever been my entire life. I've always struggled to put on weight (I was 6'3" 165lbs. when I graduated HS and playing ball everyday...skin and f'n bones, jack!). I've always been fortunate, I guess, to have a good metabolism, and I have always been able to eat what I damn well please. I'm 32 now and similar to @Tacoma747, I've started to notice a bit of a spare tire here lately. Fortunately, it's only the little may-pop found in the trunk of a Civic or the likes but apparent nonetheless. I don't do shit for working out (I've always hated it not to mention the whole time thing these days with a 6 and 3 year old plus a demanding office job). I stay pretty active as I've never really been able to sit still well, or at least for long periods of time. So when I'm not working I'm always piddling around the house doing yard work, shooting hoops w/ the boys, working on the truck, or some random shit that keeps me moving.

My wife on the other hand is about 5'2" and does Burn Boot Camp about 3x/week but is having trouble shaking the baby weight. I'd say we both eat fairly well, although nowhere near the @Jody Treadway level. We don't keep any sodas around and maybe have one a quarter, we're pretty good about eating fruits/vegetables, my wife really likes to buy all that organic stuff and somewhat be conscious of what is going into our bodies. I basically drink water, coffee, beer, bourbon and occasionally some fruit juice...wife is pretty much the same except she rarely drinks alcohol. My biggest clutch is chips (damn, them bastards are good) and the wife's is sweets (specifically, chocolate...shocker being a woman, right?). I'd say one of the biggest problems we have is we both work and stay so busy that oftentimes we resort to the quickest thing to get dinner on the table. Whether that be some beef stroganoff from a box (albeit made with organic ground turkey), or fast food on practice nights or sometimes just a frozen pizza after we're both beat from a long day at work.

So, any and all advise from the health nuts in the room are welcome here. My goal would be to get to about 6'3" 200-210lbs. with the same/slightly smaller waist size. Basically build muscle and lose the gut that's starting to show up. For me this will be a lot about motivation finding time to fit it in. I'm not much of a morning person, but that may be my only option and I may just need to nut up. My wife's goal would be simply to get back to her pre-baby weight/body (if at all possible). As has already been mentioned, I think this is going to be a "lifestyle" change for us as opposed to just a "do this until you get there". I've never been one for supplements and would prefer to be able to do stuff at home. I've worked out w/ a trainer before I oftentimes found the hardest days at the gym were the days we never touched a single weight. So examples of push/pull routines or resistance type workouts or whatever you got which would build strength and muscle that can be done at home would be great.

It sounds like trying our best to get to the "one ingredient foods" is certainly the best bet and I'm certainly up for it...I just worry how achievable this is with kids and our current lifestyle. I don't want to make this miserable for all involved and us just give up.
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When you said single ingredient I thought back to your Greek yogurt earlier in the thread where you said to add honey. But that would be 2 ingredients maybe I was taking it too far.
The main idea is no processed foods. A plate full of SI food (grilled chicken, veggies, beans) is ideal. A plate of processed stuff like chicken nuggets, chips and BBQ sauce is no beuno.
When you said single ingredient I thought back to your Greek yogurt earlier in the thread where you said to add honey. But that would be 2 ingredients maybe I was taking it too far.

We lean torward single ingredient as well. Our take on it is you can have multiple “single” ingredient foods to make a dish. Nothing that comes in a bag or box is allowed. We also exclude anything we can’t pronounce, as that’s the chemical stuff they use in processed food.

An entree of single ingredient foods is perfectly allowable (and enjoyable) for us. Like my upcoming breakfast:

1 egg and one egg white
Bit of real garlic
Red bell pepper
Bit of jalapeño

That makes an omelette! But it’s all single ingredients and no processed food that I can’t pronounce.
I don't get the single ingredient thing. I would imagine that bread, cheese, sauces, and 90 percent of the stuff I live off of are on the naughty list- not to mention baked goods/desserts. I have no qualms with sugar. That is a naturally occurring product. A balanced diet is my idea of healthy. I'm not advocating processed food, just more open to a realistic diet for my time. Single ingredient sounds good in theory, but I'd like to hear what you eat on a daily basis @Jody Treadway, or point me to a post, if you already mentioned it. Not trying to start crap, just very curious as to how it plays out.

Toying very much with the idea of going vegetarian. The road my bike shop is on is busy with chicken, turkey, and livestock trucks. It's pretty sad. Not that it's a health thing physically, more mentally I suppose
First, thanks to @Jody Treadway for starting this thread. I was looking forward to it when he mentioned it yesterday and think it's already been a hit (I mean, four damn pages in a day...sumbitch!).

Second, my hats off to those who've posted up and so far...really wishing y'all the best with your health goals.

So now I guess I'll be the asshole. I'm somewhat with @Paul...I'm in the "I need to gain" boat (hoping this isn't the same boat that seems to loose shit at the bottom of lakes btw). I'm 6'3" and about 190lbs. w/ a 34" waist. This is as big as I've ever been my entire life. I've always struggled to put on weight (I was 6'3" 165lbs. when I graduated HS and playing ball everyday...skin and f'n bones, jack!). I've always been fortunate, I guess, to have a good metabolism, and I have always been able to eat what I damn well please. I'm 32 now and similar to @Tacoma747, I've started to notice a bit of a spare tire here lately. Fortunately, it's only the little may-pop found in the trunk of a Civic or the likes but apparent nonetheless. I don't do shit for working out (I've always hated it not to mention the whole time thing these days with a 6 and 3 year old plus a demanding office job). I stay pretty active as I've never really been able to sit still well, or at least for long periods of time. So when I'm not working I'm always piddling around the house doing yard work, shooting hoops w/ the boys, working on the truck, or some random shit that keeps me moving.

My wife on the other hand is about 5'2" and does Burn Boot Camp about 3x/week but is having trouble shaking the baby weight. I'd say we both eat fairly well, although nowhere near the @Jody Treadway level. We don't keep any sodas around and maybe have one a quarter, we're pretty good about eating fruits/vegetables, my wife really likes to buy all that organic stuff and somewhat be conscious of what is going into our bodies. I basically drink water, coffee, beer, bourbon and occasionally some fruit juice...wife is pretty much the same except she rarely drinks alcohol. My biggest clutch is chips (damn, them bastards are good) and the wife's is sweets (specifically, chocolate...shocker being a woman, right?). I'd say one of the biggest problems we have is we both work and stay so busy that oftentimes we resort to the quickest thing to get dinner on the table. Whether that be some beef stroganoff from a box (albeit made with organic ground turkey), or fast food on practice nights or sometimes just a frozen pizza after we're both beat from a long day at work.

So, any and all advise from the health nuts in the room are welcome here. My goal would be to get to about 6'3" 200-210lbs. with the same/slightly smaller waist size. Basically build muscle and lose the gut that's starting to show up. For me this will be a lot about motivation finding time to fit it in. I'm not much of a morning person, but that may be my only option and I may just need to nut up. My wife's goal would be simply to get back to her pre-baby weight/body (if at all possible). As has already been mentioned, I think this is going to be a "lifestyle" change for us as opposed to just a "do this until you get there". I've never been one for supplements and would prefer to be able to do stuff at home. I've worked out w/ a trainer before I oftentimes found the hardest days at the gym were the days we never touched a single weight. So examples of push/pull routines or resistance type workouts or whatever you got which would build strength and muscle that can be done at home would be great.

It sounds like trying our best to get to the "one ingredient foods" is certainly the best bet and I'm certainly up for it...I just worry how achievable this is with kids and our current lifestyle. I don't want to make this miserable for all involved and us just give up.
So, regarding the time thing, that's why I chose to find a gym near work instead of the house. I know for a fact I will not get up early, and there's too much pressure to get home after work, so the best opportunity for me is during lunch break. Also, one of my biggest vices is eating nice fatty $15+ lunch, so it helps kill 2 birds with one stone. The gym is about 4-5 minutes from work and I take a 1h15min lunch, so that gives me about 50-55 minutes to walk around and aimlessly stare at chicks in yoga pants and short shorts and pretend to work out.
So, regarding the time thing, that's why I chose to find a gym near work instead of the house. I know for a fact I will not get up early, and there's too much pressure to get home after work, so the best opportunity for me is during lunch break. Also, one of my biggest vices is eating nice fatty $15+ lunch, so it helps kill 2 birds with one stone. The gym is about 4-5 minutes from work and I take a 1h15min lunch, so that gives me about 50-55 minutes to walk around and aimlessly stare at chicks in yoga pants and short shorts and pretend to work out.
Lmao this made me laugh pretty good , after my 1mile walk and light cardio this morning...
single ingredient dieting is damn hard to do, my woman does it when she’s doing her thing and it take more discipline for myself to keep on that kind of diet then to work out! Sorta expensive too and unless you’ve done some homework it’s difficult to make your meals taste good! I try to stick to healthy as possible foods and no processed foods at all. Also low quality beef is no-go as well! She gets results from it tho!

Well, at the very least, you're still getting your heart rate up :D

Doing any kind of diet is really hard if your significant other isn't on one. I'm sure we all know that, but it's worth mentioning.
Lemme get work fired up and rolling this am and I'll answer your question @broncosbybart

I'm definitely no guru or anything. But I will offer suggestions that aided me in the past.

@Stuntman Autoworks
I was thinking about how to explain what soda does to your health in a way you would understand.
Soda is to your body what Iroks are to your buggy.