What the heck?? Davidson Co.

Thank you for this thread, I checked mine I have got two weeks left. My wife is printing paperwork and I am about to get my money order to renew mine.
Class of 96 checking in.
We didn't advertise it but did same.
Class of 95. Same w/ us.
... and that was in Cary.
Mine expires in Nov and I carry most of the time.I work at home so I don't normally carry here but have it close and have a shotgun in the garage.
Turned in my paperwork to renew yesterday, not a single person in the sheriffs office in Smithfield took all of 3 minutes.

Class of '05 we definitely didn't do that shit. But we did wheel on campus by the wood shop/auto shop
I don't normally carry here but have it close and have a shotgun in the garage.

If there isn't one on me, there is one within reach at all times. (except at work.)
Had permit since 2012, something small like lcp I forget it’s even in my jacket pocket. My super Blackhawk is hard to conceal but it’s nice to be able to deer hunt and hike out with both hands free:)
I lost all my guns in a boating accident :stirthepot:
The wife and I submitted our renewal paperwork back in November and still haven't received our renewal. When the wife called to ask what was going on she was told they were just getting to the November renewals! When we submitted the renewals she just walked right up no line no waiting. If I remember correctly back when we got ours originally there was a huge influx of new requests and now they are seeing that wave of renewals hitting them.
So how many or what percentage of you CCW? I plan on getting mine (GF thinks I'm crazy) but I'm just curious, coming from a state the don't give out any carry permits. Up north they make it sound like everyone carries here but I have only seen 1 person and that was in Charlotte.

Everyday, most everywhere. Most days its only an NAA revolver due to work. But im almost never not armed. Applied for my permit on my 21st birthday.

I come from a hicktown school (starmount) and a lot of us carried a knife everyday and had a gun in the truck. He'll, the SRO would ask to borrow your knife time to time. I graduated in '14.