Whats the best way to see if a car has a V8...

I'm going to Charleston this next week, think I could the boat?
Ask him if his intake manifold is on the left or the right. He will surely fall for this.

bwahahaha good one.

If it's a swapped-in v8 - which one? It could be anything.Actually, is the exhaust routing exactly the same for the v6 and stock 8?
bwahahaha good one.
If it's a swapped-in v8 - which one? It could be anything.Actually, is the exhaust routing exactly the same for the v6 and stock 8?

He said that it was a GT V8 dropped in.

What will asking about the intake manifold prove? Im not all that savvy with engines and knowing all that much about the specific models. I mean I know how they work, just not the difference between 2 different engines.
Why do you still even talk to this troglodyte? This is such high school shit. Shove some taters in his pipes and be done with the douche. You have better things to worry about.
Try to peek in the fenderwell or underneath the front right behind the radiator. If it's a 6 there will be almost a foot of room from the block to the radiator. If it's an 8 there will only be about 5 inches. Even if you just slid your hand up in there without looking you would be able to tell the difference just in the amount of space from the radiator to the block.
I know he can chirp the tires in second gear..does that mean much?

I can chirp in 4th.... that doesn't mean a thing.

Just find something completely unrelated and call him out and stick by your guns. Ex: That's not a v8, see how the the b-pillar is at 15 degrees instead of 20. Dead give away. He will more then likely say not true, but just keep calling him a liar and say well pop the hood, but I'm right, the b-pillar is at the wrong angle. Either he'll show you, and all you have to say is, who knew. Or he'll look like a dick
Why do you still even talk to this troglodyte? This is such high school shit. Shove some taters in his pipes and be done with the douche. You have better things to worry about.

Eh, he was our room mate, and when hes not lying about stupid crap...hes a decent guy. But I mean now the lies have just completely taken over :-/

Checking out the space is a good plan.

Oh I forgot to mention...the tires hes chirping are cobra tires..super wide in the back. Does the added weight mean anything?
Oh I forgot to mention...the tires hes chirping are cobra tires..super wide in the back. Does the added weight mean anything?

Likes been said, chirping tires means jack. I could spin my 265's through 3rd in the crew cab, and I can chirp the 33s in third now.

Tell him to drive his Mustang up his ass and punch the gas.....If it plunges through his colon wall, it's certainly a V8.....If it merely bounces off, then it's most likely a V6.


Oh and I saw your Xterra at the last Hickory Meet and Greet! Looks AWESOME!

I was the jeep parked next to you.
Oh and I saw your Xterra at the last Hickory Meet and Greet! Looks AWESOME!
I was the jeep parked next to you.


I just got back from our annual event up in Pennsylvania at Rausch Creek (used to also include Paragon, but since they're gone, RC it is).

It's not built like some of the buggies out there at Xtreme were....but it does exactly what I want it to do.....Maybe a SAS in the very near future, though. ;)

I'll have to try and stick around longer at the next M'n'G.
There's a pretty unique device that came out sometime in the 1800's called a MIRROR!:flipoff2: Then someone came up with the idea of putting one on a telescopic pole so you can adjust to your height. I guess a reed pole, a make-up mirror and a piece of bubble gum would suffice if you didn't want to spend the $6.99 at your local parts store.:shaking: Assuming the car is at least a couple inches off the ground.:wheel:

You can put 12 cats on a 6 banger if you got the time and money. About every 6 now days has a fake dual exhaust. I've heard some hopped up 6's but have never heard one that could immitate the purr of an 8.
what year mustang? what size motor was "swapped in"? if all he can tell you is "v8" then he's probably lying. the majority of anyone i've ever talked to that was into cars and had a mustang knew the displacement at least.

another friend of mine had an 85 lx mustang that was originally a 4cyl. he dropped a 302 in it and it was no longer a 4cyl. i think his insurance was only like $12/mo. due to the ins. company thinking it was a 4bang stang.

to me it just seems shady that he's not willing to pop the hood, unless he really does have something to hide.
...and when hes not lying about stupid crap...hes a decent guy. But I mean now the lies have just completely taken over :-/

i knew a guy like that. he was pretty cool when by himself or with just a few friends. but as soon as you got him in front of a larger group, the lies started and tried to become center of attention.
what a loser...one up him and tell him you have a V9
or a t12 like the geico commercial, lol
Tell him to bring the car to Sanford. I know a couple of guys that would be interested inm lining up with him.
This is easy to solve. Shoot the grill with a BB gun. He will pop the hood to see where the water is coming from.
just have him sit beside me:flipoff2: