When the $#!¥ hits the fan.


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
For the sake of this discussion we'll use "when" not "if".

I was talking to a vendor today at work. He was voicing his concerns about the state out country is in and where he thinks it's headed. He thinks a revolution or at least a complete breakdown of our society as a whole is eminent. He talked of his plans of what he is planning.

It got me thinking of what I would do.

So, if our government was to collapse or turn against the people in a Nazi style take over, what would you do? Where would you go? How would you handle things. Include your marital status and if you have kids.
Married, 13 & ten year old kids. Total collapse would mean I am out of a job where I am, we would move to in-law's land in the sticks. Garden and hunt for food. I would defend myself and family until I no longer could. At my current ammunition levels, that would not be long.
Go to the woods and live off the land as much as possible, until things settle down then go from there. Stock up on good barter items because money would most likely be useless.
Do I think it will happen very soon .ehh I think we got a couple years at least, IF something like that was to happen.
Marital status: GF , I guess she would have to get use to it.
Kids : nope
One thing that my vendor mentioned is that a buddy of his has about 800 acres. He's a prepper and a ex Special forces guy who was on the show Preppers. Said that he plans to invite several people to his land and basically begin a community of live off the land and defend the land at all costs.

I thought that was an interesting idea. Kinda reminiscent of that town on The Walking Dead.
Honestly, for most people the going to the woods thing will just cause them to realize how out of touch they are with survival.
I for one would be fine for the most part but food would be scarce.
I think living on the edge of cities is best. Hunker down and have a large supply. Then forage for more at night from others that are not prepared.
Its funny, I tend to feel I would be the bad guy in situations like this but it is all about survival and not friendship sometimes.
Not for the feint of heart.
I, my wife and daughter will be the ones running your lives!
I'm seriously thinking about heading to the northwest if it starts to get sketchy here. Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, are a few places I think would be better than the triangle if the SHTF.

I got family in Montana and S Dakota. If things start going south we may go ahead and make our way there. If it happens overnight or quickly I know of some places in the NC mountains then try my best to get there. I'm not a full blown prepper but I have prepared for emergency situations (food, water, ammo)

Married, w 15 month old
I would load up my dog, fiancé and her daughter in the jeep and be deep in Uwharrie off the trails and live off the lake and the land. I would hope to start the Uwharrie jeep survivor community haha. I'm sure there would be other trust worthy jeepers out there from here

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Me and my wife have a 18month old girl and 2 -1/2 year old boy .she also believes like me that we are a country in distress and that some level of civil unrest is imminent.luckily my wife is a soldier and pretty competent with a rifle and pistol I also have a very close group of friends with individual special skills that would be useful in a shtf situation that we will pool resources along with my core group I have many other friends that are military or former.I will have a group of atleast ten and up to about 30 to start with.I have many different contingency plans depending on the situation .if its the government turning against the people then im sure we would start a guerilla style resistance while capturing weapons and supplies similar to red dawn except alot of my guys an gals are well trained adults experienced in small unit tactics.if its anarchy the probably something similar but without having to fight the g-men but if something is useful and not bolted down im taking it nice guys finish last and I guarantee that I wont hesitate to do harm to anyone that presents a threat.but honestly I dont truly believe that it will come to any of this people are too dependent on our current style of living
The people, of this country have become tame sheep.
Since the day we are born we are now taught not to fight back.

But to answer the question yes I would move to my parents land in northern Minnesota and attempt to make a homestead.
i don't really know what i would do. most likely sit in my chair and bitch.:mad: i am not a "prepper", nor will i ever be a "preppper", it's just not the way i am. i would stay right where i'm at and defend it at all costs.
we are all under gov't control, the numbers are against those of us who think for ourselves. we are dealing with a society of people who are used to having things given to them. if the shit hits the fan those people who be weeded out quickly. lets just call it natural selection.
A guy that my dad goes to church with is a bit of an extremist but has alot of insight and always knows when gander gets in their shipment of .22's :) but, a couple weeks ago, he kept telling my dad "Something is gonna happen on Nov. 1st, I don't know what, but soemthing is gonna happen" Well, the shooting at LAX happened that day, now I know theres no possible way he could have known that was gonna happen, but its just weird. He was also talking about that he and a group of people have a place at in Asheboro, he couldn't tell him where, but that if he was interested, if anything were to go down, my dad and us would have a place to go......seemed kind of wierd at first, but afte thinking about it, it could happen and Might be nice to know someone who has a place to stay and a chit ton of ammo.....
I would do nothing.
Married with a 2.5 yr old and another one on the way in Feb. I would team up with a few buddies on some local property and live off the land and defend it. There is already a couple structures, trails systems, gardens, and fresh water. I really don't think it will come to that extreme.
Family friend is a bit of a prepper and happens to live 5 miles from me. My plan is to grab my gear and 'bug-out' to his house/bunker and hunker down there. Hopefully nothing will warrant this anytime soon, but the Boy Scout Motto is "Be Prepared"...
I think the idea of being within close distance of a city is the ticket. Living in the middle of nowhere sounds good until you realize you're 100 miles from anywhere or anyone and can't barter or take what you need. Chances are if the SHTF gas isn't going to be readily available...so you'll be walking or riding a horse. As long as there are animals in the woods and water can be boiled...I think I'd be just fine...and anything I could snag from someone else or 'the city' would just be a luxury. My hurdles would be establishing shelter and probably ammo quantities.
I'll head to my brother's at Kure beach. They already decided, if shtf, they are blowing up the bridge. If I don't make it before the blow my brother has a boat he can pick me up. I have no problem eating fish for a while. May stop by my uncles and borrow a few guns. I'm underarmed.

Edit: single, with a dog. May would talk the ex into joining me, wouldn't have the stuff we argued over so it'd probably work out, haha.

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I'm married with 3 Girls. 14, 11, and 6. I must admit, adapting my wife to minimal living, doing what you have to versus what you want to and dealing with the mental stress of of such a problem would be a challenge. My 6 year old would adapt, my 11 year old would be great with domestic type chores, my 14 year old is very athletic, physically strong and loves her martial arts :D. I wouldn't have a problem adapting to living off the land, but admittedly, I'm no prepper and have minimal supplies and ammo.

Being within the easy reach of a city is a good idea. But get the hell out of the city! that's the first place to go to hell or be over taken obviously. I'd find people that know how to farm, have medical backgrounds, that are savy with electronics (i.e. HAM & communications), Military/Survival experience, and are willing to be nomadic.
I spent a week in Idaho and Montana 20some years ago and was suprised by the all around friendliness of everyone I met there. They also have traditionally been independant and shruged big gubmnt and federal assistance or medeling w their freedoms and I believe it would be a long while for the zombies to be a danger there, or if any would ever reach the closenit, small towns. Then there's the unbelievable beauty of the wild landscape and abundance of wild places and wildlife. I love NC but I honestly did not want to come home from the trip and would probly be living there now if i could get the misses onboard. I'm still working on that and the rapid pace of the local rat race, crime, traffic, etc. is making her think about it. If not for our families being closeby we might already be there.
Depends. If the .gov collapsed I'd go about my life at home. I have chickens, bees, home brew and a garden. I've got guns and meat in the woods. I would barter and trade with my neighbors.

If the .gov decided to take over I would head to the hills more than likely. Hell, if Eric Rudolph can swing it so can I.
I don't really have anything prepped but that doesn't mean I'm not a prepper. I have plenty of firearms and ammo, my girlfriend is somewhat of a candle collector(there are boxes of candles everywhere), and I have a big smoker trailer. Gas powered welder and a flatbed J10 that will go lots of places along with a chainsaw, winch, a 50lb bucket of nails and hand tools. I guess the only thing I would need is a large gas tank.