When the $#!¥ hits the fan.

It bewilders me at how many intelligent people are not taking this serious. I am not talking about just here, I find it every time
I meat people. I am not building bunkers, castles and so on.
Read the signs. This country can not continue to run the way it's going. I personally believe that it will get bad, really bad, before it starts to turn around. For those who don't or won't prepare, you'd best have something really good to barter. Many times I hear, " oh, I will just come to your house. Well sorry, I may not be able to help you. I honestly hope that it never comes to that. Butt if it does. I will continue to prepare.
Since I now have a fiancé and a 2 year old I have been thinking about how I'm very unprepared for small, very realistic and possibly soon to happen things. Things like snow storms and power outages for a day or more. I need to be more prepared for that stuff when we move in together and be able to provide for them.

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I agree with Chip, but their are all kinds of levels of bad. I simply believe unless things migrate toward working hard for what you have, earning a living to improve your standards, and most basic respecting others for what "THEY EARNED instead of steeling it" our country will continue to go downhill. Lawlessness, maybe. Mob rule, possibly. Finally oppressed and forced to give more than I'm willing too sorry gov't and people, most likely! I don't think a large natural disaster will be the root, maybe a trigger. Another Country calling in its debt and forcing a NATO presence, eh maybe! NATO invited in because our Gov't fears its on military institutions will not be willing to turn to martial law enforcing huge Gov't implicated restrictions to keep the people civil, with Obama HIGHLY PROBABLE!
On another thought, stop and remember or look around at how big cities like: San Diego, New Orleans, Detroit, or maybe an Atlanta, Charlotte, New York, Chicago will react to a major crisis. They struggle and fight back lawlessness at every small natural or man made disaster. Try imagining a prolonged period a little more widespread. Not yrs. say just 8-12 weeks. Total chaos and waves of displaced, hungry, pissed of people headed where? Headed somewhere to get what they have had for to many years: SUPPPORT from a failed social system that has bread millions (not thousands) of dependent people of all colors and back grounds. Our current standard of living and social networks are nothing more than a modern technical and social economic stack of cards! Who's willing to pull cards and watch it all fall down? Electricity, Fuel, Clean water, Free Social programs (THE WORST), Food, Housing, Law Enforcement, EASY EASY living (shrinking by day for a lot of people), a large willing tax base. Pull one or slide a few more closer to the edge....................see what happens.
Our decline, and or implosion if it occurs will become a Global issue. We are a Global crutch to way to many other Identities. Our policy for to many yrs has been support from outside rather than within. We take care of to many other economic engines to weak to reinforce our on. Reliance outside our borders and broad sweeping relationships has spread out the base of cards but in turn made the base much weaker. Our dollar instead of our resources, knowledge and work ethic has propped us and to many others up for to long. And if and when the dollar's back becomes broken. We have no cards or infrastructure to prop it up. Not timber. Not oil. Not steel. Not coal. Maybe agriculture. Not science. Not engineering. Not manufacturing. Nor education do we lead in. Not anymore. We have land and lots of dependent's. So what will the Global community desire or do to prop up the dollar card if it breaks?
A loaf of bread will make you a rich man!
I'll head to my brother's at Kure beach. They already decided, if shtf, they are blowing up the bridge. If I don't make it before the blow my brother has a boat he can pick me up. I have no problem eating fish for a while. May stop by my uncles and borrow a few guns. I'm underarmed.

Edit: single, with a dog. May would talk the ex into joining me, wouldn't have the stuff we argued over so it'd probably work out, haha.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

Well that's sweet Scott. I'm still waiting on yall to get back together.


My dad is real into this, and has been talking about it coming for years, he was telling me a week or so ago that its coming sooner than later, that's why the letter agencies are arming up so heavily, he then went on to say if the time came the government would bring in Russian troops because "Americans soldiers aren't going to kill American people and its unlikely they would follow the orders" but I am unsure. As has been said today the world is tame, and people are just followers. If following those orders means your family is fed and taken care of... That's a lot of incentive.

I personally, don't see it coming, not now anyway, but if it does I will be going to Dads, giving the guns a good cleaning and waiting. There is a lot of land behind his house that would be good for hunting and there is a lot of cattle a ways further back. He lives in a nieborhood so realistically couldnt stay long, take what we could and go to my uncle's farm and hope for the best, shoot first ask questions later. We are by no means preppers, but last I checked dad had over 10,000 rounds of 7.62 and a good bit of 5.56... So we would last a good while.
I believe in being prepared and taking care of your own, but I wonder sometimes what folks thing will happen to push the envelope.

Lets assume it HAS hit the fan. Tsunami, Ice Storm, Washington collapse, whatever in the exercise lets assume it has happened.

Monday morning no one is packing the interstate and heading for work. Nor are they constructing tents in the back yard. Your house makes pretty good shelter even without power and water, so first you stay there. (Now I live in a small rural town, maybe my opinion is different if I live in center Charlotte or Winston Salem etc.) Now you take away the luxuries and flesh out what do I NEED.

Ok Food and Water. I'll let everyone make their own judgements here but its not hard to store a month or so of food. Much longer than a month and I think the plan begins to involve moving a great distance away from the hardship. I cant imagine a scenario where simultaneously NC/Sc and say Oklahoma are rendered out of power and martial law instantly.

I have a short term plan, and could easily go right at 6 months without any outside input.

I just think some folks take this way too far. Just look at the electrical grid as an example. In a SHTF scenario, who is going to turn off the power (now a military strike could certainly damage the grid, no doubt, but lets forget that for aa second and Ill address next) I'm sure everyone on this board knows someone who works for either a power or line company. When Electricity becomes a necessity and not a business opportunity someone will turn the power on.

Now if another military entity simultaneously takes out all major E grids across the 2,500 longitudinal MILES of this country and 600+ generating facilities and busts every hydro dam simultaneously so we totally lose the ability to generate power....well then we are fucked and I guess Ill learn to speak Russian or Chinese or whatever.

But a natural event to instantly render the entire country reverted back to pre industrial revolutionized times? I just dont think its feasible.

Again in a total economic meltdown, the people overpowered will be the power company CEOs when the people turn the power on and dont bill the customers.

Water is a bit trickier, but lots of private wells around and purification tablets are readily available.
Small family groups or even a few organized friends may survive short term small wave violence, but communities is were its at. Small groups have a better chance as roaming bands. 4 men on 4 walls or even 8 dispersed and used to the best of their tactical ability is soon over run. Think 24 hrs. of constant alertness, not even the cape crusader could do that for extended periods. Small groups are easily surrounded and burned/starved out. Guns and ammo are a good building block but by no means a foundation of defense.
Small family groups or even a few organized friends may survive short term small wave violence, but communities is were its at. Small groups have a better chance as roaming bands. 4 men on 4 walls or even 8 dispersed and used to the best of their tactical ability is soon over run. Think 24 hrs. of constant alertness, not even the cape crusader could do that for extended periods. Small groups are easily surrounded and burned/starved out. Guns and ammo are a good building block but by no means a foundation of defense.

But WHO are you defending from?
Thats what I cant wrap my head around.

If the militia comes they are coming in tanks and planes...congrats on your 24 or 48 men with guns.

By the time the free loaders from the city make it to me they will famished from walking 40 + miles...
On another thought, stop and remember or look around at how big cities like: San Diego, New Orleans, Detroit, or maybe an Atlanta, Charlotte, New York, Chicago will react to a major crisis.

Well... we can look at recent history to tell us what happens:

Generally, people are well-behaved and protect one another. Neighborhoods band together to clean up, reopen streets, secure homes, and create ad hoc militias for security.

The pockets of lawlessness that you hear about on TV are isolated to small groups in small areas of town, and generally are limited to petty looting in commercial businesses and at abandoned homes. Even during Katrina, in a city that's hardly known for being well-behaved, the loss of all public utilities and policing over a period of several weeks didn't result in anything more than petty looting.

That said, Ron hit it pretty much square on the head. It's only prudent to have sufficient supplies and the wherewithal to provide for your family for several weeks unattended. Having a plan to weather a longer spell is fine. But the folks that think there's going to be some sudden, societal collapse and they're going to run off to "the woods" and live "off the land" have no fucking idea what they're talking about. If their disaster scenario does come to pass, exactly what game-filled (and people devoid) woods do they think they're going to run off to? More likely, they'd be killed out on the open road by roving bands of Mad Max styled gangsters... or picked off at 350yds by some similarly-minded farmer who takes them for looters coming to steal his beans and rape his daughters.

A repeat of the Carrington event is the most likely scenario.... but I doubt most people's disaster prep accounts for losing the use of every single electronic device they own.
I honestly believe that a great many circumstances have to take place for true SHTF scenario . Plausible yes, likely not all at once. I think decay will be just that, slow and deceptive. A gradual decline until levels are met that can no longer be tolerated or sustained. I have no crystal ball. Only my faith and my personal ideals.

Ron a more specific response:
I live smack between Statesville and Winston, and minutes from two interstate exits. So saying that in the worst case scenario large groups of migrant people flowing past the community I live in isn't too far fetched. As for the military presence you referenced, I hope it never come to that. If it does occur common sense says disperse and relegate to guerilla tactics. I'm not a war monger, full prep survivalist, or the random gun owner with a bunch of ammo intent on Rambo survival. The reason I'm presenting any of this is I'm consistently amazed at people's singular minded narrow points of view toward dealing with or the possibility of bad times upon us. As for the free loaders being famished I completely disagree. The truly sorry people of this world will be just that. They will sit and wait for rescue, slowly starve to death before helping themselves. The first wave will be good decent people caught with their pants down. The second will be more hardened. After having consumed what's around them; and like locust, will come in to take for survival.

To me prepping is living like my southern more specific Appalachian heritage. Am I too that point? No. Is that where I want to be? Yes. Is it something instituted by fear of the future? No. More a desire to be proficient in living. I have and the older I get realize I yearn for a simpler life. Not a technologically deficient living but a living neither dependent or burdened by outside circumstances beyond my control (aside from acts of God). This is the Independence our For Fathers intended for us.
"Well... we can look at recent history to tell us what happens:

Generally, people are well-behaved and protect one another. Neighborhoods band together to clean up, reopen streets, secure homes, and create ad hoc militias for security.

The pockets of lawlessness that you hear about on TV are isolated to small groups in small areas of town, and generally are limited to petty looting in commercial businesses and at abandoned homes. Even during Katrina, in a city that's hardly known for being well-behaved, the loss of all public utilities and policing over a period of several weeks didn't result in anything more than petty looting." Per Shawn.
You picked a small statement to argue rather than looking at a complete train of thought. Note that I referenced a more wide spread longer term "event". Your statement also reinforces my argument that stand alone families or pockets of armed citizens pale when compared to well thought out communities. Like you said people banded together.

Besides were discussing a major social shift or disaster. Not a random hurricane or single power/water supply hiccup. We are talking the whole turd slung into the prop, not a fart caused by Obama!
My hopes are the tanks and planes won't fly. My hope is that they will remember that they swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
I have no choice but to look at some facts. If you put together every hunter in the USA. Every gun owner for that fact. Every serviceman that would balk at any order against civilians, for any of several reasons. They have families too, mothers, fathers, brothers sisters, wives and children. They believe in the oath that they took. I have hope that this will not be a difficult choice for them to make. IF you put together all of these people you would have a scenario much like the revolution that formed this country. We could easily become the largest Army the world has ever known.

Do I believe that an economic collapse is possible. Hell yes, I certainly do. Read the signs. It is spoken here even, it will be a slow demise. It's already started. It's happening now as I speak. The dollar has continued to shrink for a very long time. Yes, even before Obama. It has just hit the top of the roller coaster in the last 5 or 6 years. It's going down faster now, than it has ever. We can not continue to spend more than we have. Basic math will prove that. IT makes my mind spin as to how they can do this. If you or I did this, if we wrote checks for more than we had. If we borrowed more than we could pay back. Hell, if we needed money and just printed up some, well you get the idea.

Laws being passed for we the people, but not for the leaders??? What kinda BS is this? did they, or do they thing they are above us?
DO they think they are better than us?

Me I will continue to stock up and prep as I have been doing. I may not live as my dad would say "high on the hog" but I will be able to eat for a while. I will be able to drink for a while. I will be able to be warm for a while. I will be able to see in darkness for a while. I will be able to treat minor injuries. I will be able to put up a defense to anyone who wishes or thinks they can compromise my stores, my livelihood. I may loose in my defense, But I will not go down without a fight.

BTW I do think due to content, this might well be moved to the garage.
In my mind the majority of all of our defenses will be from people who have not prepared. People who are hungry. People who laughed at us for stocking up on this and that. Those are the "Zombies". People wandering around, clueless as to what has happened and in total disbelief that they did nothing, even when they have been warned.
Did someone say zombies,wher they at ill get em.I know for a fact that a large majority of the military will loot there own arms rooms ammo depots and abandon the government loyal leadership most likely forming the most effective resistance against what remains of the former government
I love ya like a brother so this isn't personal. If the SHTF you are one of many here who Id welcome into my fold and feel would do the same for me. That said...

My hopes are the tanks and planes won't fly. My hope is that they will remember that they swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
I have no choice but to look at some facts. If you put together every hunter in the USA. Every gun owner for that fact. Every serviceman that would balk at any order against civilians, for any of several reasons. They have families too, mothers, fathers, brothers sisters, wives and children. They believe in the oath that they took. I have hope that this will not be a difficult choice for them to make. IF you put together all of these people you would have a scenario much like the revolution that formed this country. We could easily become the largest Army the world has ever known.

This is where we break down.
- A revolution like formed this country is no longer possible. One man with 2 or three buttons can wipe out any militia you can build. Hell our military can destroy it self with something like 6 bombs. One man can literally push the button on that.
- Even if you got every breathing citizen together and all our friends in Mexico, we wouldnt be the "largest Army the world has ever known" North korea and China would outnumber us still. And they arent dreaming up what if scenarios they have those numbers NOW.

Besides were discussing a major social shift or disaster. Not a random hurricane or single power/water supply hiccup. We are talking the whole turd slung into the prop, not a fart caused by Obama!

And Ill ask again. HOW will this happen. I see two scenarios
1- Invading/attacking foreign ARMY.
Response: We are in major trouble if another entity just took out our entire grid. But we are either at war or conquered in either case I am not effecting the outcome much
2- Small pocket disturbance and I am weathering the storm and then moving.
To me prepping is living like my southern more specific Appalachian heritage. Am I too that point? No. Is that where I want to be? Yes. Is it something instituted by fear of the future? No. More a desire to be proficient in living. I have and the older I get realize I yearn for a simpler life. Not a technologically deficient living but a living neither dependent or burdened by outside circumstances beyond my control (aside from acts of God). This is the Independence our For Fathers intended for us.

Now you are talking more in lines with something near and dear to my heart.
I know Shawn and I have had numerous long conversations revolving aroudn this scenario. I actually think long and hard about leaving main land US and reloating to the islands. Tending bar serving drinks to tourists and making enough money to put food on the table and not much more.

Getting rid of the clutter and living every day.

In an average week I spend 20+ HOURS behind the wheel of a car riding around to make a living to buy stuff. I could accomplish a TON around my grandads farm in those same 20 hours.

A single cow will feed my extended family for a year. Add in some veggies I grew and canned....a fresh spring, a deep well and a manual draw bucket or mechanical driven pump...we are starting to get something close to necessities.