Who is excited about Sat. the 13th?

After work this evening Im gona run home, take a shower and try to be in the woods for the last hour of daylight. Im gona crawl in a briar bush somewhere with my long bow and see if I can make something happen.
My bow spot turned into my gun spot. farmer planted 44 acres in corn and isnt cutting until November. Seen one on my way out the otehr day. Just not into it yet but with the cooler weather i am getting the mood. Plus I split my trigger finger tip to 1st knuckle to the bone 3 weeks ago and can finally shoot good.
Well, anybody see anything good today? I had to f-ing work, i'll be out monday though
Hell yeah....Harris Teeter had ribs on sale!!!!! I put on my realtree camo and was able to sneak up on a rack without getting spotted. Grabbed em' up and drug them out to the register(carts are for ladies), sucks the meat department is always in the back.
Not sure how many people get the persuit channel, but my cousin along with 4 other locals have done well for them selves

Full Draw Adventures started airing in August of this year, all these guys are from Hendersonville or surrounding area

This started with several guys getting together and filming each others hunts

If you havent seen it, check it out on the persuit channel, Monday's at 9:00pm. They have killed some monsters
Hell yeah....Harris Teeter had ribs on sale!!!!! I put on my realtree camo and was able to sneak up on a rack without getting spotted. Grabbed em' up and drug them out to the register(carts are for ladies), sucks the meat department is always in the back.
:lol: I dont hunt, so I will laugh at that one!
For the record, I am not against hunting, I am against waiting quietly in the cold.
I just killed this 5pt this morning with a string and a stick :)fuck-you:Greg) Luckily my wife got home from the gym just in time to help:D Can't wait to throw the tenderloins on the grill!


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I expect to be eating on some of that next weekend Josh.... I'm not against hunting either, I'm just a little bitch that doesn't have the heart for it.
I expect to be eating on some of that next weekend Josh.... I'm not against hunting either, I'm just a little bitch that doesn't have the heart for it.


...me too
I had a group of 3 bucks come up on me this morning. The big boy that was driving me nuts last year was one of them. I missed him 2 years ago with a recurve and he was a nice 8 w/ velvet hanging off then. Hope I get a shot or at least a couple pictures of him. Sometimes I just take a camera instead of a gun. I'ma try and get in there Saturday.
Woodyolin1, I thought the same thing. For the record, thats the smallest buck I've ever shot;) Had it not been for the neighbor property owner that started shooting everything he sees, I would have let it walk. It was a meat day today, as the saying goes "you can't eat horns". I hunt all over, in PA that deer would barely be legal, any club I've ever been in or hunted with it would have been illegal. They all taste the same on the table.
i dont like guns...

never shot a gun and im 27 years old
my cousin an i went out an scouted some more land that we got permission to hunt this afternoon. we saw 6 bucks, and got three of them on video. it should be a good year.
Well I didnt see a damn thing yesterday evening. Im starting to get to the point where I just want to shoot my damn bow. I took an arrow with a field point on it in case I saw a squirrel but didnt see one of those either.
Man, It would have been nice to see that deer in another couple of years!! That is a nice bow kill. I personally try to let the smaller bucks walk, but I don't down anyone who doesn't. Congrats!!!!

It all depends on the reason for killing. I wouldn't take meat from a deer any larger than that. Any bigger it would be a trophy. Bambi is the best eatin.
Didnt see anything yesterday. Too many crops in the field yet for them to target specific areas. Heading to Alleghany this weekend.
I'm a meat hunter so if it is brown it is going down.......
I had a cow horn come walking past but was to far out, yesterday, maybe Friday....

Them there horns don't do anything for a pot of BBQ Deer, and the dog hunters in a few weeks sure as hell will kill anything they run and it don't mater where.....
Like I said, I don't down anybody for what they shoot!! I had a 500 acre lease last year that had the same problem with management. The three of us that bow hunted let some nice small bucks walk in the last few years just to watch them hit the ground the first week of gun season so last year we did not let anything walk!! I killed seven deer myself including a 5 pointer that needed culled and a nice young 6 point that was past his ears as a 1 1/2 year old. I did not get back in that lease this year because of the gun hunters and there way of hunting. I have two 30 acre leases that I rent myself that are bow only and a 300 acre patch that I will do both, but has been managed for the last 5 years. Because of the challange you face with a bow, any deer you're able to shoot is a nice deer in my book!!
8pt outside the ears or it walks. Guess that is why I am going to Texas and Alberta this year. No one will listen to common sense management. If this state would go to a 1 buck rule you woudl see MAJOR improvement in antler size.