whos ready for the snow

Ha. She wasn't happy about that at all.
Stop by while you're riding around rescuing people, maybe you can make enough money to buy a winch? :flipoff2:

I will rent mine out since my rig doen't run....:shaking:
a case of keystuns and a 1/5 of jack should get me through the weekend just fine. Im sure Friday night will be spent making $$$ pulling people out of ditches.

That shit sucks.......Keystone is line pisswater. Buck up and get some Bud Heavy.
I guess we are ready here. I just brought up enough firewood to last at least 4 days of constant burning. The trucks have mud tires on (guess they are better than street tires!), gassed up, and the womenfolk are headed to the grocery.

Liquor cabinet is always stocked and there are 2 backup suitcases. Speaking of which, also got 10 gallons of fuel in case the generator needs to be fired up.

It won't snow here in south Charlotte but I bet it'll ice over and destroy everything. In the past, ice has knocked out power and in general, just made everything fawking miserable.
Im ready. gonna make sure my ins. policy is up to date then go find a nice slippery curve to park the rover in. :driver: :fuck-you:
Ready! They are calling for 8-11" at the house. We bought two new sleds a couple of weeks ago.

I have to say though that I am way behind on my tree work around the house this winter due to the last snow and all the rain, so I would just prefer some typical 50 degree dry winter days right now.
i got a car hood, a strap and a couple of football helmets. im ready! got the yota filled up with gas with straps in the back. cant wait for it to start falling IF it sticks
Gonna spend saturday riding four wheelers. Haven't gotten around to putting a new driveshaft and steering box in the jeep yet and the Toyota barely made it off the trailer! :p
Nothing so far here in Greensboro
Damn it's usually the women that get excited when they talk about 6-8"!!!!!
snowing in Marion and Bostic, ground in solid white.
JESUS CHRIST IT IS SNOWING. I didn't think south Charlotte would get any. But there it is.

Outside temp is still at 43F so I doubt it is gonna stick around. Oh! Gotta go throw the cat outside :lol:
Got the 15 inch BFG's on the back of the '97 4runner that came off the truck/'85 4runner project so I can get to work tomorrow to work on said project. Looks sweet with the 16s and highway tires on the front!
I can still see the grass here