No two 401k's are the same but I'll be that one...
Contrary to what everybody says for I got preached at by everybody I worked with at the time and hear this same over and over. And see it from all the replies here as well. Of course I'm one that HAS to find a way under a road if everybody is told to walk across.
But that's beside the point.
There is stipulations, but the only way I'd say taking from the 401K was a good idea would be if it was possible for you to go ahead and take the penalty off the top and be done and walk away ahead with absolutely no surprises later on in life. The amount of taxes that we're penalized is ONLY going to go up, never down. And the age of retirement is only going up. What good is extra $ when you're 68+ years old tell me?????
My employer matched 100%. So that, 35% penalty off the top isn't shit after you just averaged 20-40% monthly (compounded X2 by match) for about 12 years worth of bouncing around high risk. State and the penalty is due immediately, but Federal isn't due for another year so there's an extra 7%+/- loan for a year.
But another stipulation would be to fully purchase something. Not just blow it. Like I did a house, totally refurbished another house, bought a couple cars, a bobcat, dump truck, some tools, and so on. I still work at the same place and everybody that hung on has just over what they did 8 years ago when I pulled out.
And I'm back in doing the same thing that got eyes rolled when our 401K dude would come by. 100% high risk baby!!! Just checked and I'm 13% so far for this quarter.
Not the most money by a long shot but I do have the best return going in our plan...
My 95 year old refurbished house is up to date with nothing to fix which equates into a lot more time at the shop (and a happy wife). My dump truck and bobcat has made three fold or more their value in return and still going strong. And my rental house pretty much has a guarantee return no matter what the stock market does.
Again, 401K withdraw was the best decision that changed MY life in much needed early stage contrary to what 99% seems to preach on this subject. My mom and my wife was behind me being my only 1%. And nothing says the stock market will be good forever??? DOW's taking a major hit today.
Would anybody still tell you not to if SHTF tomorrow???
It would only take 1 bad decision or crazy instance to put us in a position where we couldn't get our own money out no matter what bank it's in. And the odds of bouncing back into another recession is pretty high right now as well.
I don't know you're situation but if anything like mine, I'm envied now by a lot of folk I work with for I have a second option if this company ever cuts back to 15-20 hours a week again. I'm soooo glad I did what I did.
And I ain't got to worry about 115 year old plumbing if I even make it to age 67...