You can't make this up.... Pitbull story

I'm sure there are some sweet and cuddly Lions in the world but there is a reason that you can't buy one in a pet store. It's funny that most people would agree there are some dog breeds that have Bird hunting in there nature but would never admit that some breeds are more aggressive than others. I feel there is nothing wrong with owning a Pit Bull or Pit Bull type dog as long as the owner makes curtain provisions for that breed. I own a two thousand pound draft mule and I would never have her inside my house. That's why we have stables and pastures.
Wow, so your saying that everyone has the right to just walk onto someone's property at any given time. Last I checked that's called trespassing and it's not allowed with or without signs or a fence. You have absolutely no right to be on my property without my permission.

If you are having dogs chase constantly when you are out in woods then you should pay better attention to your surroundings. People's private property do not just infinitely go on into state parks. There is a thing called a property line and they are usually marked off by a fence of some sort. When you see one of these you should probably steer clear of it. This would be a smart thing to do since we as humans can understand property lines.

If you must know I am actually a great dog owner, both of my dogs know their commands and come to me when I call them 100% of the time no matter if I'm outside or inside. Also my dogs just don't chase after people they will go up to my kids and my wife and get between them and whoever is walking up to them. So lets say you broke down and you saw my kids in the yard playing with the dog and you decided you wanted to talk to them. My dogs will not chase you down and maul/maim you, they would most certainly get between you and the kids and let you know they mean business. Now if you were to actually get to close then they might actually harm you but you would be on my property and you would have had plenty of warning.

I do agree that there are aggressive dogs out there that are bred for it such as a presa canario and others. The trick is that the owner will have to know about this and take the correct actions to train the animal.

If you are on public property then you have every right to defend yourself as you see fit. I'm talking about being on someones private property which is why I got in on this convo in the first place. You said "I don't care if your kid is in the yard playing. I don't care if your dog thinks it needs to defend the house. I could be the mailman, the UPS guy, someone with a broke down car, a walker, a girl who just got thrown out of the car by her deadbeat boyfriend, your friend from out of town, or whatever else. There are a million legit scenarios that could lead to me walking up to or past your house." I do care if my kids are playing in my yard and you as a stranger walks up to them at that point the dog will be the least of your worries if I'm at home. If I'm not at home my wife is and I would rather have something there that can protect her and the kids if they need it.
Wow, so your saying that everyone has the right to just walk onto someone's property at any given time. Last I checked that's called trespassing and it's not allowed with or without signs or a fence. You have absolutely no right to be on my property without my permission.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Maybe you should read the law.
§ 14‑159.13. Second degree trespass.

(a) Offense. – A person commits the offense of second degree trespass if, without authorization, he enters or remains on premises of another:

(1) After he has been notified not to enter or remain there by the owner, by a person in charge of the premises, by a lawful occupant, or by another authorized person; or

(2) That are posted, in a manner reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, with notice not to enter the premises.

(b) Classification. – Second degree trespass is a Class 3 misdemeanor. (1987, c. 700, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 102; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)

It is pretty clear that a person has the right to approach your property unless you have posted "NO TRESPASSING" signs at the entrance(s) or you tell them to leave and they don't.

How do you think Census workers operate? How do you think the mailman, UPS, or FedEx guy drops packages off on hundreds of thousands of door steps every day?

Even if it is clearly posted you do not have a right to harm a person just because they are on your property. Unless they are threatening your family you have a right to call the police and have them charged with trespassing. Only a fool would get himself into trouble trying to go Rambo on the Jehovah's Witnesses.
twistedjeepster , I know how you feel ( and agree with your feelings ) about someone being on your property without permission but I think you are wrong about how he law reads . I do think someone ( as bad as it sounds ), does have the right to come up to your door . I do think the land needs to be posted with signs . I would check with a lawyer or someone with the city or county to see how the law reads in your area . And what is even worst you might have to post it both English and Spanish , to be 100% in the right , very sad !
I seriously can't believe people are so upset by the idea of someone walking down their driveway and knocking on their door. Y'all must live in a scary world.

Fortunately there are people who are not so hostile, so when your wife or daughter runs out of gas or breaks down and her cell phone doesn't work she can probably still get some help.
Few breeds can do as much damage in attacks as pits due extreme jaw muscle strength of pit bulls.
Here is my killer dog look how mean she looks. I picked her up when she was a few months old from a coworkers son that was on the way to the pound with her because he was moving and his new place did not allow pets. I love labs have had many other the years and have never had a problem with anyone of them. I do not like pits I dont care if you have a nice one that would not hurt a fly they have a bad rap because they kill people everyday sure other dogs are biting people too but its very rare that you hear about anything but a pit attack. My uncle has had several full grown cows killed by pits that were roaming around I just dont see the point in owning a animal that if it chose to turn on you you dont stand a chance against it. Sure people own lions tigers etc and they are all nice and never hurt anyone until one day they snap and rip your face off. There is a neighbor at my old house that had a pit and if you walked by the house on the road it would go nuts in the yard like it wanted to eat you and about once a week it would get loose I told the owner that they needed to get the dog under control or get rid of it and if it happend to step foot in my yard I would make the choice for them I have kids that play in the yard and there dog will not infringe on my or my kids rights to enjoy my property.


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I seriously can't believe people are so upset by the idea of someone walking down their driveway and knocking on their door. Y'all must live in a scary world.

Fortunately there are people who are not so hostile, so when your wife or daughter runs out of gas or breaks down and her cell phone doesn't work she can probably still get some help.
1. I do not like people on my property unannounced . I do not like people coming to my house to sell me some b/s junk or talk about their religion .
2.I have signs posted and they still come up to my house and bother me .
3. my wife would not be in a area by herself with no cell service .

This entire argument is B/S .
heres my pit he'll eat your face off i know some of yall are stuck in your ways and wont listen but i think aggressive is a bad word to explain the breed of the dog protective is better what more could you want that a animal that loves the people he knows no matter what and tells the people who he dont know to back off i love my dog and anyone who dont like it can kiss my butt
1. I do not like people on my property unannounced . I do not like people coming to my house to sell me some b/s junk or talk about their religion .
Neither do I, but I'm a rational person and therefore I don't freak out or think I have a right to hurt them for stepping onto my property.
2.I have signs posted and they still come up to my house and bother me .
Then call the sheriff. More than likely they won't actually get charged with trespassing as long as they leave when you tell them to, but at least it sends a message and they aren't likely to do it again.
3. my wife would not be in a area by herself with no cell service .
I have Verizon which is supposed to be the best in rural areas. Still, I find myself with no service from time-to-time. It happens. Besides, the "your wife/your daughter" argument is really a metaphor for ALL innocent people. Maybe your wife won't forget to charge her phone and then talk to her kids until the battery dies, but someone's wife, daughter, or mother will. Maybe your wife doesn't live in a rural area with dead spots, but someone's wife, daughter, or mother does. It's going to happen and when it does they can safely knock on my door for help. And I'll take the dog that isn't going to go Cujo on anyone and get put down as well as get me sued when it happens. That's all I'm saying.
1. I do not like people on my property unannounced . I do not like people coming to my house to sell me some b/s junk or talk about their religion .
Neither do I, but I'm a rational person and therefore I don't freak out or think I have a right to hurt them for stepping onto my property.
2.I have signs posted and they still come up to my house and bother me .
Then call the sheriff. More than likely they won't actually get charged with trespassing as long as they leave when you tell them to, but at least it sends a message and they aren't likely to do it again.
3. my wife would not be in a area by herself with no cell service .
I have Verizon which is supposed to be the best in rural areas. Still, I find myself with no service from time-to-time. It happens. Besides, the "your wife/your daughter" argument is really a metaphor for ALL innocent people. Maybe your wife won't forget to charge her phone and then talk to her kids until the battery dies, but someone's wife, daughter, or mother will. Maybe your wife doesn't live in a rural area with dead spots, but someone's wife, daughter, or mother does. It's going to happen and when it does they can safely knock on my door for help. And I'll take the dog that isn't going to go Cujo on anyone and get put down as well as get me sued when it happens. That's all I'm saying.
1. Then tell me it is ok for people to come on your property at all hours of the night . I have had people arrive unannounced and leave notes on vehicles also vandlize my property .

2.As for trespassing I have told the same cold call salesmen 3 times to leave . I have also called the police and there is nothing you can do unless they mean physical harm .

3.As far as a protective dog as long as people know and you have a sign . It is their dumb fault for going where they should not be .

In most cases dog usually stay in the backyard or house .
There are a lot of crazy people out there that do a lot of crazy things. Don't you remember the news a couple of years ago that people were knocking on old people's door and when they are answered get beat up and then robbed. The crazies out there make it to where I don't want people coming to my house unless I know them. I know there are good people out there that genuinely need help from time to time I just think they need to find a different house to go to. You protect your house with a gun I do it with two dogs mine are little less lethal though because they are trained to listen to everyone in the house. Now I am not opposed to protecting a house with a gun as long as the home owner is responsible and knows which way to point the gun so it doesn't hit something/someone they didn't want it to.

Anyway I probably won't post on this thread anymore just read what people write. I've given my .02 and I didn't mean to offend anyone namely Fart I just didn't care for the not caring about kids being in the yard comment.
OCT 27, 2010

Newborn attacked and killed by Pit Bull


This is just horrible!
A newborn baby was attacked by the "loving, sweet, family Pit Bull", that has "never shown any signs of aggression", who "was raised since the day it was born", and "has never been beaten or abused".

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Investigators are trying to figure out why a family's pit bull described as a "very loving dog" attacked a 3-day-old baby in Arlington Sunday night.

Police said they when they arrived at the home on Dickson Road in Arlington at 10:40 p.m., the baby was being transported to Shands Jacksonville Medical Center, where the boy died.

The baby's father told Channel 4 that he and his family are devastated by the loss of their new son, Justin Valentin. He said the dog attacked the baby on the bed while the mother took a shower.

"I don't know what happened," the father, Mark Valentin, said. "My wife went to the restroom and the dog got to the baby. We're not neglectful parents."

The father said he and his family are grieving over the loss of their child.

Valentin said that the dog never showed any signs of aggression toward anyone in their family, adding that his 4-year-old son "has never had any problems with this dog."

The father said he had raised the dog since the day it was born, and he said it was a very nice and loving dog who was never beaten.

Valentin said the pit bull had gotten loose before in the past, but it was returned by neighbors with his tail still wagging. Officers with animal care who picked the dog up after the attack painted a much different picture, saying that the pit bull was extremely aggressive with them.

"I want parents to know ... don't think you'll be quick enough," Valentin said. "It can happen in the blink of an eye."

The young, red pit bull was turned over to Jacksonville Animal Control and Protective Services, then euthanized at the request of the family.

Police, animal control officials and the Department of Children and Families are all investigating.

In a separate case Monday night, Manatee County deputies fatally shot a pit bull that charged them after attacking a 5-year-old boy in Bradenton. Authorities said the boy tried to climb a tree to get away, but the dog bit into his arm and tried to pull him down.

"I would never recommend leaving an animal alone with an infant, period," Animal Control Officer Robert Currey said. "Even if it's a family pet, you never know how they're going to react to a new, basically, living being in the residence with them -- which is basically the animal's territory."

One local lawmaker is working to change the state's law on dangerous dogs. State Sen. Tony Hill said this latest tragedy of an infant dying gives him more reason to push for change.

The current law, which was passed in 1990, prohibits counties from passing laws that are specific to certain breeds, meaning there cannot be special restrictions for pit bulls, for instance.

In the spring, Hill proposed a bill that would remove that restriction. The bill didn't make it out of committee, but Hill said he will try again. He said that if his bill passes, cities and counties would be able to pass laws that require pit bulls to be muzzled or on a leash, for example.

But don't blame the dog, he was just being protective of his territory.
This is our oldest lab. Semi
Many of you have met her, some of you have fed her(she never turns down a tid-bit)
BTW This isn't a snarl, she's giving the camera a smile.

I'm just curious how many of you pit owners have told your Home owners insurance you have a Pit on your property? You do realize 90% of home owner’s policy will cancel or jack you rates sky high if they know you owned a Pit. That should tell you right there is an issue with the breed.

But of course insurance companies are just misinformed like the rest of us now aren't they?
Kind of a side note, I just saw a pit bull/basset hound mix of the most hilarious looking dogs Ive ever seen. His name was Bratwurst!! :lol:
I'm just curious how many of you pit owners have told your Home owners insurance you have a Pit on your property? You do realize 90% of home owner’s policy will cancel or jack you rates sky high if they know you owned a Pit. That should tell you right there is an issue with the breed.

There are many insurance companies that do allow pits or other "dangerous" breeds such as dobe's, rotties, shepards.

I work with a pit bull rescue and work with a local organization trying to help with spay/neuters and the education of people about pit bulls. Alot of you should check it out

I realize that the breed has a terrible name. I personally have 3 pit members of my family.......and a schnauzer. The schnauzer is the trouble maker of the group. Last year we fostered over 25 pits and there are all kinds of crappy owners out there. We have had to put down a dog b/c of its aggressive nature but 24 were fine. Alot of these dogs are chained up outside, rarely fed, and when released or escape have zero social skills and are aggressive.

I've seen numerous posts in here regarding the fact that you don't see labs bite. That is 100% false. Dog attacks happen regardless of breed. The media has a particular fascination with the pit bull because it draws attention. Most dogs identified as pit bulls are not even pits.

Any of the non pit owners can try this:

and I guarantee most of you will fail as does animal control. If you take a walk through the shelters there are labs, etc labeled as pits b/c of a lack of identification.

Back to the point. Most of these "attacks" come from a lack of socialization and poor ownership. The target "buyer" of pits has become the problem just as rotties had problems 10 years ago. The media used to portray rotties, dobe's, and sheps the same way but now its the pit bulls turn.

During our events I have seen some horrid treatment of animals and owners that encourage this poor behavior. These dogs are owner pleasers and any form of rewarding this behavior will cause problems.

Another person noted that more people kill people than any dog and this is just a sub category of this. Owners train dogs and in all honesty if you started neutering dumb mother f***kers instead of condemning the dogs there would be less attacks and problems across the board.

I don't blame dogs...........I blame people

Now if anyone would like to form an opinion first hand feel free to contact me and you can come over and get licked to death by my 3 monsters.
Maybe I'm wrong but I can't think of any other breed of dog that requires a support group to convince the public how safe the are.
It's time to let this thread die because my opinion isn't going to change the Pit owner’s minds and the pit owners aren't going to change my mind.

But it is kind of Ironic the women who was killed in the article that started this thread was a pit bull advocate. I'm sure she spent a lot of time doing the same things you other pit bull owners are doing and blaming the owners. I just wonder if while the Pit was killing her and her baby if she kept telling it I was a good owner I was a good owner I treated you right. I also wonder how the husband/father feels about pits now? I wonder if he is willing to get rid of his friendly well raised Pit now.