Youtube of the day

You can hear her head hit the ground.

You can hear her head hit the ground.

good lord why!?! I still can't believe half the crap those Red Bull Riders do. Dave told me about horrible accidents at Snow Shoe. I don't want any part of all that non sense.

Can't embed the YT shorts? wth....
Thought some of you might like these.
9's Fox body with 7.3 Godzilla with only a cam swap.

675 hp 7.3 $15500 The interesting thing to me is about 2min in. They have one going in an Ultra 4 car...


I, too, am a certified southern translator (y'all don't be thrown off by my northern's a damn woman's fault. Ain't it always?) What was funny AF was when I was working at my last job, and you'd get a conversation going between myself (from Texas), another employee who was from Alabama, and a third from West Virginia. People would be sitting around listening to us talk, then butt in and say "any of youse unnastand what the F*CK these foos are sayin?" I don't know how to type out an eastern PA accent. But you get the idea. :laughing:
I was hunting deer years ago and I found a bunch of beds on the top of a hilltop. I came back there a few days and it was cloudy and dark as stalked slowly/quietly towards the beds and looking where I stepped now and then. I looked down and saw a Woodcock sitting in hole like a nest 2' from me and I was about to step on it. I moved my boot slowly to stomp/trap it and have some dinner but it shot straight up like a rocket and whistling, If I was faster I might of grabbed it as it went up. It went up about 50' high and flew way making it's song.

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It looks like MotorTrend Channel has hired/partnered with Vice Grip Garage:
