Cl find of the day


02 Chevy Tahoe LIFTED 4X4 - auto parts - by owner - vehicle...
No 32 Fords should have flat heads... Just my personal favorite. Chevy trucks should have LS's. But I dont think there is a Chevy truck I would ever own. Except maybe a 5 window. CAddi and Buick is Chevy so as I see they can do what they want there. There isn't a CAddi or Buick I like either I dont think. JMHO.
60s & early 70s, Caddy , Buick, Olds, were Sweet!
Well color me surprised. It was a 3 axle late 80s/early 90's Dakota with a super 80s paint job. He must have caught so much shit he took it down :lol:
Either that, or he decided that his mullet didn't look as good w/o it.