Random pic thread.

I hate tree rats. They chewed through the eaves of the house and built a nest in there. I kill anyone I can.
Ouch! Might want extras to deal with the coming war.....

Yes I can, let's see 2 Jl fuel lines, 1 Ford raptor fuel line, one POS JL plastic front bumper all in about a 4 month period equaled all out war. As of right now I might have won, fingers crossed.
I was getting good at fuel lines on Jls lol 😂
Online theory is possibly something sweet tasting attracting them to the wiring and even the fuel lines. They wore Jody out at the same exact spot on his fuel line. Then got his raptor after that.
My mom went through this with the electrical system on her couple year old Grand Cherokee a while back. Super frustrating.
Online theory is possibly something sweet tasting attracting them to the wiring and even the fuel lines. They wore Jody out at the same exact spot on his fuel line. Then got his raptor after that.
The insulation on a lot of wiring is Soy based now. Rodents love it. Mice built a nest under the intake of my wife's 4-Runner a few years ago and chewed through the fuel injector harness, which shorted out the ECU and fried it too. Luckily insurance covered it.

A couple stories about destructive squirrels:

The summer after high school I went to work for a local fence company. Several times that summer we had to go to the same house and replace several tie wires on the top rail of a chain link fence. Squirrels were running along the top rail and chewing through the tie wires which were 11ga. aluminum wire. Finally we retied the whole fence with the 9ga. steel wire used on commercial fencing. Those little bastards fun was over after that.

Several years ago a co-worker had his wife's car totaled by a squirrel. She drove it to the park on a nice summer day and parked with the sunroof open, then went back home and parked the car for the night. The next morning they were leaving town for a few days. When they came back home the whole interior of the car was destroyed. Holes ripped/chewed in all the seats, wires chewed in two, scratches and claw marks all over the inside of the car, and a dead squirrel that had been laying in a hot car parked in the sun for 3 days.