00 xj 8.25/D30LP moving right along

what is HREW?
Hot Rolled Electric Weld. It'll have a noticeable seam down the middle you can see discoloration in and feel.
ok...is that the stuff that plumbing supply places sell or is that just steel piping?
ha ha ha very funny!! but in seriousness though...someone or couple critique me on my rear bumper build..good or bad cause it kinda affects future builds for others or not. thanks

No. I refuse to give any advice relating to fabrication. If your prior responses were less like rants, and more like an adult accepting constructive criticism, I would be glad to offer advice.

Until you prove you can ask a question and not have a meltdown at the response, I will keep my advice directed towards your actions on the forum.

One last thing. You take everyone's suggestions like no one else in the history of off-roading has ever wheeled a semi-stock rig and pushed the limits to the breaking points. You are not the first to try to make it work and/or prove a point. Most of the responses and suggestions on here are to try to help you in the long run one way or another, either financially or by saving time/heartache/broke parts/stress, or a combination of those.

Just my .02

Be careful when backing up in a tight spot with the front bumper. Had a buddy with a wide bumper like that to protect the front. On a tight trail he pushed a small broken tree off to the side and attempted to drove around it. He had to back up and the tree was then hooked between the bumper/grill guard and tire. Completely smashing the fender, grill shell and headlight/marker lens.

Just a heads up when you are out wheeling.
ohh and another novice question and probably dumb one too...can you do body exo cage for armor purposes with stuff like square tubing, angle iron type stuff, C-channel stuff...seems to be way cheaper for that stuff...at least angle and c channel stuff is pretty darn cheap i just found out
Be careful when backing up in a tight spot with the front bumper.
yeah i know...it's alittle wide but i'm going to add some kind of C channel or tube/square long pieces to tie in to the roof and fender pillars eventually to where the side of the fenders won't be exposed like that. next thing i'm doing is a exo cage to complete the bumper tie in for body protection so front bumper won't be like that on the sides when complete.
Building tube cages/armor is on a whole nother plane. There's affordable ways to do it but if you want it to look decent and actually work, buy a real tube bender. It's not something anyone can just jump right into and expect perfection. It can take years to get good at it and is not something to skimp on. Use HREW minimum and only for body protection. If you want an inner cage, DOM. Expect $2-3 per foot for 1.75" HREW or pushing $5 per foot for DOM, and to use anywhere from 80' on up to 200'+ on either an inner cage or exo. A good tube bender will not be cheap either. I paid $700 for my bender and die and i'm limited to only one size tube until I buy more dies. Notching and welding tube takes a shit ton of practice and patience as well. Added up I probably have close to $2000 (bender, die, tube) just to do my first full cage! There's nothing cheap or easy about it.

Also a poorly designed and/or constructed roll cage will also do more harm than good.

1) it will give you more confidence to try harder obstacles, giving you a false sense of security.

2). It will fail in places not designed for and you will be at risk of being either trapped in the vehicle or thrown from vehicle or even impaled by a broken tube.

3) careful consideration should be taken where the cage meets the unibody. Anytime a structural steel member meets sheetmetal of a different thickness/strength, reinforcement and different welding strategies should be used.

4) upgrades to the seats, seat mounts, and seat belts should also be done at same time to keep you from being thrown into the cage during an undesired conflict with gravity
Until you prove you can ask a question and not have a meltdown at the response, I will keep my advice directed towards your actions on the forum.
well fine then mister...be that way. :p but no i get your point...slow your roll pal. Ain't nobody having a meltdown over people picking on my xj is going to break on 35s...thanks for your concern and be sure to add in towards "my actions" rather than my build??? bit childish don'tcha think? cool
ok...is that the stuff that plumbing supply places sell or is that just steel piping?

Hrew is not black iron pipe .

Erw/crew/hrew/hrew-Dom are all structural tubing, while schedule 10,20,40,80 etc pipe is meant for fluid transfer.

Read this and compare strengths of these against the strength of your desired square tube etc. Round tube is stronger than square because the material is not limited to only two planes. This means square tubing can absorb stress in two main directions, while with round it is absorbed around the entire tube.

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Yup. ^ Knowledge.
Also a poorly designed and/or constructed roll cage will also do more harm than good.

1) it will give you more confidence to try harder obstacles, giving you a false sense of security.

2). It will fail in places not designed for and you will be at risk of being either trapped in the vehicle or thrown from vehicle or even impaled by a broken tube.

3) careful consideration should be taken where the cage meets the unibody. Anytime a structural steel member meets sheetmetal of a different thickness/strength, reinforcement and different welding strategies should be used.

4) upgrades to the seats, seat mounts, and seat belts should also be done at same time to keep you from being thrown into the cage during an undesired conflict with gravity
HOLY SHIT DUDE!!! not joking or being a deuche but daaaammmm...i never even thought about half that crap when comes to some body armor...maybe it's just me but I don't think I'm nowhere "NEAR" the level of wheeling you guys are obviously referring to so having that said, I think for what i do i can get away with some steel tubing/square piping of maybe close to .120wall thickness and call it a day. heck i was pretty happy with my "trampoline Frame" body armor and it done a hell of a job protecting it against trees and felt twice as sturdy driving on the road so i can only imagine what some descent piping/square tubing would do for me. I'm by "NO MEANS" doubting your knowledge but honestly those 4 things you listed are like not even in my same ballpark of wheeling as what you're thinking...so I'll clarify this easier: "there's a reason why for 15 years i've never rolled, laid over on side, broke any major stuff outside of axle joints:" I'm just not that "hard core" of wheeler i guess you could say. I have fun and have beat up some of my jeeps for sure but with wife and kids for 9 years now never felt unsecured or scared with any of my jeeps on the trails. think the HREW he said sounds like descent idea for me unless something of equal value but cheaper comes along.
Hrew is not black iron pipe .

Erw/crew/hrew/hrew-Dom are all structural tubing, while schedule 10,20,40,80 etc pipe is meant for fluid transfer.

Read this and compare strengths of these against the strength of your desired square tube etc. Round tube is stronger than square because the material is not limited to only two planes. This means square tubing can absorb stress in two main directions, while with round it is absorbed around the entire tube.


Great information...Good to know all the differences now for future refrence!! thank you
so with my dumb question again...could angle iron/c channel stuff be used just for body armor type cage or no cause that stuff is cheap and strong
The concern with angle iron is, as stated it isn't as strong as round stock. Even a minor bump could( doesn't mean will,means could ) shear\snap then you have a dull sword being potentially thrust at you.

You would be better off without exo protection than with angle iron.
alright good enough..makes sense. so square tubing is the next cheapest at my local metal yard so that should work for my applications right...better than "trampoline frame" right LOL
The concern with angle iron is, as stated it isn't as strong as round stock. Even a minor bump could( doesn't mean will,means could ) shear\snap then you have a dull sword being potentially thrust at you.
this is strictly just for jokes so please don't get anal..i'm not picking or bashing.
"doesn't this phrase in itself remind you of those movies "Final Destination"...like it just sounds like some crap of evil coincidence/evil force of nature that would cause some crap like this to happen if it really did which would about wig me out if i actually saw this happen. again for joke..it just made me think of the movie as soon as i saw you post it!!
dammit...i've been staring at my bumper for like 30 minutes now and well........now i want to shorten it some. at least the same length of body and probably couple inches shorter. one reason i don't like fabbing stuff...takes 10 times longer to draw it up and "like" what you draw and make than it does to actually put it together. I spent like 2hrs lining up/measuring/deciding/planning for the rear bumper and when i decided for it....took like 6 minutes to weld the darn thing on and done. so back to drawing board in the am to chop down this front. will put pictures tomorrow if i finish it of the new final product
00 xj front bumper done.jpg
I have read every thread you have been involved in...mostly for entertainment.

I do have 1 question. How well do you know Captain hook at the TN Line ? You've dropped his name a couple times, but for the life of me, I cant imagine him endorsing, or condoning this type of fab work. Not talking about a doubler or anything, just wondering how well you know him is all.
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I have also saw all threads of yours and notice an ongoing trend...

You have been all about Jesus and pulling out your Christian card in the past. Now all about Jesus in your profile. I will likely not reply again cause I refuse to argue with you about anything, especially faith, but I urge you to truly consider what Jesus taught.

PRIDE. You have a lot of pride my friend, too much. Jesus taught that we are to be humble, accept criticism and humility and have the heart of a servant. So much so that He Himself took the roll of the lowest servant, the most humiliating job there was and washed the disciples feet before dinner when everyone else felt they were above such a roll. Constantly criticized He never lashed out and always spoke with care and compassion to others.

These people offer you help and wisdom and you blow up when they correct you. Accept that you may be wrong, learn and move forward.

Proverbs 13:10
Through insolence comes nothing but strife, But wisdom is with those who receive counsel.

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes dishonor, But with the humble is wisdom.

Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride will bring him low, But a humble spirit will obtain honor.

Yes I went all "Bible thumper" and I'm sure most didn't like it. But I feel the need to correct someone claiming to be a follower of Jesus while cursing and welled up with arrogant pride. Claiming Christianity while acting like the rest of the world just gives us a bad name. It's really no different than littering at Uwharrie and driving off the trail acting like a fool, you think no ones looking but it makes us all look bad.

Good day sir. And please don't be mad at me, I'm just telling you what your Bible says.
^^^^^^ with u on this. Ive mentioned before my confusion with all this he claims. I wasnt going to post at all, but did so against my better judgement. and recieved what is the norm from him.
Arguing with a fool.....
I do have 1 question. How well do you know Aaron at HCORE? You've dropped his name a couple times, but for the life of me, I cant imagine him endorsing, or condoning this type of fab work. Not talking about a doubler or anything, just wondering how well you know him is all.
we're not like "great Friends" or nothing but known him giong on 10 years now and He taught me a lot about XJs and stuff. does he think i'm a little crazy, sure who doesn't (should've seen look on his face when i bought some 38s off him for that doubler jeep) but in the end...he's kinda taught me all those years starting back that wheeling and putting together a jeep or whatever is about what you want out of it not others. When I started that ASU jeep, everyone else told me can't be done..literally will fall apart just driving around town..He was like go for it dude you know enough of what you can't and can do to get away with. i keep him out of these threads but just mention his name because of his doubler build and just has always been supportive, period. He's probably the only dude whose never bashed me for any of my jeeps....but he also knows I don't abuse them. hence he recommended the doubler last time and will build me another one eventually for this one.
But I feel the need to correct someone claiming to be a follower of Jesus while cursing and welled up with arrogant pride. Claiming Christianity while acting like
if you want to get into this kind of talk..cool but i don't cause well it wouldn't go anywhere. 1. I'm not perfect. 2. just cause someone like me gets tired of people's crap always putting down my builds, my tires, my axles, my character so on....and they've never met me, wheeled with me, and don't know and accept how i treat my vehicles...yeah i have my moments of loosing my cool i guess if you call it that...but my "christianhood" as you call it....brah please walk around this forum and peep in on some threads about whatever and tell me where it's any different from the world. and second, thoroughly go to beginning of this thread and see how "arrogant and ass hole" i came out from getgo????? really?>>>u need to read it again because if you pay attention I don't jump on nobody until they start with their bashing first and i just respond!!!
(i won't get into Bible discussion with you for many reasons...mainly too much "bible discussions" going on already in this crazy world we live in today and everybody thinks their right, their holier than the next, they got it all figured out....sad enough 85% of american church will be left behind and most are too asleep to realize it!!)
Judgement Day is coming very soon anyways so every knee will bow...either by force or by desire with love!!