00 xj 8.25/D30LP moving right along

Constantly criticized He never lashed out and always spoke with care and compassion to others.
really now, sure about this?
my other advise to you and others...i wouldn't call it smart to go around this site judging people on "christian-hood">>>>>these kind of forums are like the last place to bring in that swort of judgement because hell in that case...almost everyone whose ever responded and bashed in my threads would fall into "pick up ur cross and live it brah" but i don't because everyone will answear for their ways soon enough and i'm not here to judge others on their beliefs...these are grown ass men supposively so either act like it or don't...not my problem if you do or don't.
I used to preach to people on social media but i learned it's just not worth my time or effort with the kind of comments i've had and seen so i leave that to others as yourself to do. "keep spreading the good news Mr. GreenMachine, somebody has to!!"
^^^^well that i believe is the problem here sir...seems to be most people like yourself have "determined" people's, like myself, character and person-hood from their builds/threads/comments.....no wonder everyone thinks i'm some dumb ass death trap building endangering people's safety type of person but yet not one person knows even slightest bit about me. so since that is how you roll...well dam nobody stands a chance. guess i should quit posting up my builds then and just put up picture of someones xj on tons...i would be liked then! lol good thing I'm not here for getting likes i guess!
I cant imagine him endorsing, or condoning this type of fab work. Not talking about a doubler or anything, just wondering how well you know him is all.
also what the hell would A***** care about my fab work dude and why do i need HIS approval or anyones for my builds? for that matter what the heck do you care about my fab work for? I mean why do people feel the need to see someone's work and always be like "hey man, that death trap is going to kill someone" "hey ur trampoline body armor cage is a disgrace and hazard to society and urself" "hey those 35s will get you broke everywhere you go" "hey come to my shop and i'll build you something the right way...or go buy u a 400 bumper and be done."" You do know some people just like to do their own stuff, learn from their stuff and others, but learning from other people DOES NOT mean that they are right and you are wrong...just means different ways of doing something.
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Um, nah.
My evaluation of you has nothing to do with your builds, but rather as you stated, your comments.
I'm not some skoad who makes judgements based on one's rig choice, skill level or NASCAR preference.
I do make judgements based on how people reply, respond and accept others. Oh yeah, when people lie to my face I tend to fast forward my judgement.
here's a lesson for the day and off to work i go.......................
I respect people like A***** with *****4x4 just because for me anyways since i've known him, doesn't put down my ideas, builds, tires, axles, lift size, fab skills...if i ask his opinion he will give it but otherwise he just believes in doing whatever makes you happy and whatever a person wants to achieve/build/fab/create/lift/do it and make it work. that is the kind of respect I believe in instead being so quick to bash people on something they are actually happy and proud of!! I keep his name out of threads but he has been a very good influence and I admire his character and business because how he has treated me.
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Oh yeah, when people lie to my face I tend to fast forward my judgement.
dam yo..quit holding that one thing against me from years ago..it wasn't even intentional but fine...be a hater
here's a lesson for the day and off to work i go.......................
I respect people like Aaron with HCORE4x4 just because for me anyways since i've known him, doesn't put down my ideas, builds, tires, axles, lift size, fab skills...if i ask his opinion he will give it but otherwise he just believes in doing whatever makes you happy and whatever a person wants to achieve/build/fab/create/lift/do it and make it work. that is the kind of respect I believe in instead being so quick to bash people on something they are actually happy and proud of!! I keep his name out of threads but he has been a very good influence and I admire his character and business because how he has treated me.

also what the hell would Aaron care about my fab work dude and why do i need HIS approval or anyones for my builds? for that matter what the heck do you care about my fab work for? I mean why do people feel the need to see someone's work and always be like "hey man, that death trap is going to kill someone" "hey ur trampoline body armor cage is a disgrace and hazard to society and urself" "hey those 35s will get you broke everywhere you go" "hey come to my shop and i'll build you something the right way...or go buy u a 400 bumper and be done."" You do know some people just like to do their own stuff, learn from their stuff and others, but learning from other people DOES NOT mean that they are right and you are wrong...just means different ways of doing something.

I've never typed a bad word about you dude. Aaron is a good guy and I doubt he'd ever type a bad word about you either.
You are a better welder than I am, as I have never laid a single bead.

You are and have always been right about the fact that it IS your jeep and it IS your choice to build what you want, how you want and wheel it however you want.

Just as it IS your choice to respond to any negative comments or constructive criticism any way YOU choose.

I will tell you this. A fire will eventually die out unless you add fuel to it, and folks around here like a good campfire!

In real life, I hope you have a good day sir.
But on here, I'll just check back later to see if your pouring gas on the fire.
A fire will eventually die out unless you add fuel to it, and folks around here like a good campfire!
ohh i learned that long time ago..and i know i could just not post anything and not ever deal with anybody but hey, i'm just as proud of my jeep as the next guy with his so that's why i do...never know might give someone else some swort of idea for their build?? it's all good!!!nothing but Love here!
hey...give respect and then you receive it back!! not the other way around...if you didn't catch my post that was the moral of that story!! so i believe firmly in respecting others, their work, their builds, their ways of fun!!
dam yo..quit holding that one thing against me from years ago..

the reason things are held against you. is because you come back on here and do the exact same shit again. everyone keeps explaining this.but just as you do their helpful advice , you ignore it and then start the bashing. John go back and look at every single one of these threads like this. you come on here and post and then the first negative words and you and you only start the bashing. so in turn you get bashed right back.
I would also venture to say that the reason Aaron has treated you the way he has is you have not done him as you have done everyone on here. its kind of simple like that. people treat you as you treat them.
I have yet to see you come on here and ask the questions you do. and when you do not get a positive response or maybe the response you was looking for. everyone gets the wrath of John Fuller. Again what do expect from that?
I wont even start on the religion aspect of all actions. But i dont believe what you show on here. is not like what you are thinking. Im not sure about all that. but definitely a whole group of peers cant all be wrong.
And as Jody stated. i too only judge others by their actions and words to me. I too am another you have lied straight to, wasted, or jerked around a couple weeks of time. so I do waste a lil time everytime you do this to watch for entertainment purposes.
But I also refuse to argue with a fool.
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redid my front bumper today and finished it...it was too big and bulky so trimmed it down a bit..much happier with this one
00 xj front bumper redone.jpg
00 xj front bumper remake finished.jpg
also happy to have tow hooks front and rear..one thing about the xjs that always annoyed me
but definitely a whole group of peers cant all be wrong.
that's kinda the moral to all this dude...nobody is right or wrong..there is Rich and right way to build, Poor and Right way, Rich and Ghetto way, Poor and Ghetto way, Redneck way, Afro Engineering way, and for laughs purposes "My Way" lol. so really ur build is yours and mine is mine, his is his and hers is hers. now if everyone would kinda try to adopt this mentality on here with others, than there would be no issues but when poeple start with the "death trap" bashes and "danger to us and families and the public bull" and "ur the short bus builder" list goes on....yeah i have a right to respond the way I have and say the smart ass comments that I've said. Is it right? no but I'm not perfect and get frustrated with people's dumb/degrading posts.
and i see you hold a grudge from years back too...i'm sorry for you so might interest you to stay out of my threads then since you and some others seem to be so "ill" towards me. i came back in good spirits just to try and enjoy this hobby and hopefully meet some jeepers local to hang with without any grudges on anyone despite all the junk that went down years back. i think it's sad that people like yourself can hold a grudge/judgement on someone from just "web wheeling" that you've never met...whatever floats your boat. I choose not to judge anyone until i see and hang out with them to get to know them a little and then make my assumptions/opinions. We're all different though...My Apologies for whatever lies/disturbances i may have caused you and others back then!!!:)
The front bumper looks awesome!
gracias!! finally found uses of all that scrap angle iron and tubes of steel laying around..had i known that i could get the 5" C channel like i did on the back for 34.00...i would've done that to the front also but ohh well
rear diff question on pinion angle: i've used shims and i've used longer shackles which i know will tilt the rear diff upwards so with this one on 5" of lift, my rear is stock pointing straight and would like to point it up...what's the better way to do this using degree shims or shackles or both combined/split difference or leave it and get a SYE type setup. id drives fine, little vibrations but better peace of mind to tilt it up. no T-case drop cause i stopped doing those for saving motor/trans mounts.
SYE is my choice. However, this can be accomplished a little cheaper than buying a pricey unit. Look into the ''hack-n-tap'' sye solution.
I ran the hack n tap on my tj and never had any problems.
that's what i had too and worked good...so ur saying to leave it stock and put sye and go? if so thanks. also is it true that when you run longer shackles that it puts more stress on the leafs or something or takes the stress off the rear end and puts it somewhere else...i've heard something like that or is it when you tilt the rear diff period it does this or was i just hearing wrong
The rear pinion angle is optimal at 15-26°. Above this any too much weight is pushed onto the front 4th member causing a greater chance for wheel hop. When using drop shackles the spring angle changes so a new calculation is necessary. The new spring angle must be subtracted from stock, then multiply that # by surface coefficient.
that's what i had too and worked good...so ur saying to leave it stock and put sye and go? if so thanks. also is it true that when you run longer shackles that it puts more stress on the leafs or something or takes the stress off the rear end and puts it somewhere else...i've heard something like that or is it when you tilt the rear diff period it does this or was i just hearing wrong

Ummm yeah, Im not the best tech guy at all. I just know a few things that has worked for me, like the hack n tap.

Someone else can answer those rear end and leaf stress questions way better than me.
i got most of that..at least enough of the basics to know what degrees are close enough...good to know info thanks