01 Mounty on Tons!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
Newton, NC
I figured I'd do a build thread on this Mountaineer for those who might appreciate to see something different and a rig DEF different from me!!
please keep negative comments to yourself and any other rubbish of opinions or thoughts that you have concerning the build, thank you!!!
This build will def be focused on more looks and is having the most money and thought thrown at it than any other personal rig while also being the most capable due to the parts and such.
Build platform: 2001 Mountaineer v8 5.0 111.6 stock wheelbase, 217 hp stock, 288 lb-ft torque stock, 4300lb curb weight stock, AWD stock
Axles: 2008 Superduty 60 front, Sterling 10.5 Rear 3:73 factory geared, welded carriers
Suspension: Triangulated Rear 42" Lower Links, 38" Upper links 7/8" Barnes chromolly joints all around
Triangulated Front 42" Lower links, 32-36" uppers (hard to say until I really get in there and figure out exhaust headers)
FOA 16" Coilovers Front and Rear
Tires and wheels: 42" Iroks on H1 recentered double beadlock wheels with some Stazworks HDPE Inserts!!
Keeping factory 4R70W Trans with BW1345 first case, behind it will be NP241HD with 32 Spline input upgrade (since I had to). this will net me 7.1:1 low low ratio which is what I was after on this build.
I've not made a whole lot of progress on it since moving into new shop and getting it setup, plus working and trying to work on this afterhours and some all nighters cause this is going to be a pretty substancial build (for me anyways).
It will be a full bodied Rig! Windows/doors/roof etc..lol, no hacking up this one. Wifey getting older and wants heat and a/c and well, I guess I do too now. It's been fun playing with the other jeep buggies I had, plowing through woods and anything I wanted but 1. want comfort now, 2. need to build a descent rig for my business advertising of my worksmanship (yes I know, it's about time!!)
Factory gas tank (freaking mile long) has to go so will be mounting up a Jeep gas tank in the very back just about how they are in factory Cherokees. When all done, there will be interior "partial cage" tied into a full exo for body protection and of course that "oh crap" moment lol.
The rest obviously bumpers front and rear, sliders, probably boat sides as well, winch, lighting, and the final icing will be a really good tune on the motor to bring it to about 300-320hp!! (Compared to jeeps all my life, that will be a really nice upgrade) So here's pictures of what I've got so far.
picked up xmas day
Front cleaned up..wow that's a job!
All axle work complete. New ball joints, axle joints, barnes high steer arms.
Nothing there now lol
Oh yeah my wheels that I loove. 2.5" offset.
Got rear axle lined up and lower links made as of today! Had to make frame plates since this ford frame is kinda junk (disappointed about the frame on it, oh well). Decided to outboard the lower links for clearance and better stability.
Oh yeah, she gonna have a wide a** for sure. That's axle sitting centered at ride height!
it will only be 1.5" wider than my last jeep buggy I just sold so that's not as bad as it looks. On this small little full bodied mounty though it's gonna look pretty darn cool.
So far, the rear is stretched 11 inches to bring the 42s within 2" of even with the rear bumper when build so my departure angle is steep and to keep the back from "hopefully" not getting as beat up as much, haha. Yes you read that right, 11" stretch in rear!! It will be total wheelbase of 122". You get used to it!! Last jeep buggy I just sold was 120 so it's not that bad. I love the wheelbase for climbing and doing technical stuff which is what I'm after. yeah it sucks on narrow trails/tight turns but I've learned to manage!!
Funny I was exited to have a body on frame and not have to do so much "plating" like I've always done on XJs/ZJs but once I started tearing everything down, I realized, well this sucks, no way I'm trusting this rinky dinky frame to hold up on tons and 42s so looks like I'll be plating most if not all the frame rails front to back on this rig too.
Looking good so far!
Thanks, it's gonna be A LOT of work. I'm not looking forward to rear shock towers lol...having that said I'm exited to do it cause right now I've got a pretty sweet build plan of bringing shocks through the wheel well, tying them together across the back neatly but when all done and the plastic trim pieces are reinstalled, you won't even see them...that's what I'm shooting for anyways. My secret to this build is not to rush...slow down...wait did I just say "slow down"...I don't think I know what that means LMBO
I have no plans on steering yet...that gives me a headache just thinking about it after looking at the front and realizing just getting shock towers in there is gonna be TIGHT while trying to keep the A/C and ABS pump, battery then trying to figure out a steering shaft...uh yeah I'm like, "I'll figure out how to steer this thing when it's sitting on all 4s ready to drive :driver:
My bit of constructive criticism... maybe add some boxing on the front of those lower link mounts. High impact area that’ll see tons of abuse. Wanna protect the heims as much as possible and minimize the chance of the tabs getting bent. I see good parts in those pics. Keep your standards high and it’ll pay off on the trail.
Also, start saving those pennies for a decent fuel cell. I think it’ll be necessary for all the axle travel you’ll be capable of and safer too.
all the axle travel you’ll be capable of
speaking of axle travel...I'm currently planning on 6up, 10 down. any reason to choose different combo of travel?
In for where this goes. Always like the 5.0 Exploders!
Me too except the chinky frame on it lol. It's def different and not something you see everyday this big at least.
Get this done before September!
shoot, it's gonna be done way before then. fixing to start doing 3 all nighters a week to get this thing done...i get a lot of work done when I work all night with nobody to bother and distract me
speaking of axle travel...I'm currently planning on 6up, 10 down. any reason to choose different combo of travel?
I’m definitely not the guy to ask that question. I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject. Enough to hurt my head. My understanding is to aim for half travel at ride height. The trails you ride, the speed you carry, and desired ride height dictate how far you move away from that setup. My personal, non professional opinion says your number is reasonable... until your fenders tell you different.