01 Mounty on Tons!

little question on this mounty...
I'm having to put mounty in N and turn it off to switch from 4LO to 2LO or double Low or back to regular 4Lo doesn't matter which selection I go to I have to shut it off otherwise it just tries to grind going into any of those gear selections no matter how hard I push the brakes or what not. I've not experienced this before in jeeps so any ideas.... It's not a huge deal but kinda annoying lol. thanks
little question on this mounty...
I'm having to put mounty in N and turn it off to switch from 4LO to 2LO or double Low or back to regular 4Lo doesn't matter which selection I go to I have to shut it off otherwise it just tries to grind going into any of those gear selections no matter how hard I push the brakes or what not. I've not experienced this before in jeeps so any ideas.... It's not a huge deal but kinda annoying lol. thanks
Have you tried shifting in park?
the front BW1345 is mint, I went through it before I used it. Rear case was pretty darn tight when I bought it ...both feel good just trans is like not stopping all the way allowing the gears in either T-case to align properly
It's pretty normal to have to put it in neutral to shift transfer case. The driveline wants have some slack in it to be able to shift, especially it they have new parts in them and are tight. Is the front case electronically shift or manual? If both are manual, you may need to adjust the shift linkages also.
It's pretty normal to have to put it in neutral to shift transfer case. The driveline wants have some slack in it to be able to shift, especially it they have new parts in them and are tight. Is the front case electronically shift or manual? If both are manual, you may need to adjust the shift linkages also.
both are manual cases and I get what your saying but I not only have to put in N i have to shut it off otherwise it just wants to grind if I try to engage em....idk, not a big deal, just annoying to have to cut off to switch from 4Lo to Double low and back
Did you actually replace any parts in them? Sounds like the synchros are bad.
Did you actually replace any parts in them? Sounds like the synchros are bad.
The front case yes, rear case no. Itll be alright, small annoying issue for now
Post some pics of you wheeling this John. I’m stuck in JoCo and wanted to be there.
Post some pics of you wheeling this John. I’m stuck in JoCo and wanted to be there.
well I didn't get any cause well, I ran into dumb stupid issue lol.
Can't complain I guess but go figure, a $7 bushing on frame side upper link destroyed itself within 1/4mile of riding Friday, held up for 2 trails as it got worst. Could not find a bushing or a heim joint to replace with so we called it a day so I could come back and spend the Sunday fixing that.
I'm replacing both upper link Frame side bushings with heims now to eliminate any possible weak links there...(I've never had a new bushing do that??freak thing, Idk)
other than the bushing giving out, the Mounty performed very well after the shocks broke in some...I could tell a big difference after about 30min of trail riding that the gas/springs/valving all were breaking in..settling...whatever it did lol cause it started riding much better and felt much more stable.
Heck I even raced it across the field from 0-35ish full throttle to see how it would handle and it handled pretty well. No I did not drag race with the other boys as I knew my 302 ain't got nothing on their LS powered rigs haha but on some trails, this rig will absolutely perform. What few ledges I did crawl on Friday was super easy and effortless with my height/wheelbase and crawl ratio.
It's a DAM HEAVY Rig!!!!!! Wow, towing with this rig my Suburban 5.3 struggled bad pulling even the little inclines to maintain 45mph, downshifting to 2nd all the time compared to my previous 5800lb rig, it did fine everywhere pulling in 3rd, hardly never went to 2nd but daiiiyuuum, this pig is heavy as hell....so looks like I gotta start planning for some other towing measures now cause this poor old 340k mile 5.3 just ain't gonna do it much more with this weight.
Rig is back operating for now ..new la swap came in so didn't get to upgrade the bushings yet but I did figure out why that new bushing broke so quickly, fixed for now. I got a 365hp TJ to build now hooweii
the Mounty will be at Windrock this weekend in case anyone was going and you want to see it in action! The guy who bought it has a house right next to it so it will be there probably every weekend. It's the saddest day to see it leave without having the chance to wheel it even once but whatever, hope it blessed him double. It was a cool build for sure...
both are manual cases and I get what your saying but I not only have to put in N i have to shut it off otherwise it just wants to grind if I try to engage em....idk, not a big deal, just annoying to have to cut off to switch from 4Lo to Double low and back

cool build man i like the different stuff.

could it just be just some output shaft rotation left over ? my truck does it occasionally if I shift too quickly or try to shift on a fly. either that or maybe the TC is not unlocking properly.
the Mounty will be at Windrock this weekend in case anyone was going and you want to see it in action! The guy who bought it has a house right next to it so it will be there probably every weekend. It's the saddest day to see it leave without having the chance to wheel it even once but whatever, hope it blessed him double. It was a cool build for sure...
Why did you sell it?
In before "the evil capitalist bank wants 20% down and expects me to pay $3500 in something called closing costs"
Wait -- closing costs there are only $3500?? (obviously depending on mortgage, but still...) I live in the wrong damn state! AGAIN! :laughing:
Why did you sell it?
sorry didn't mean to ignore buddy. It was just sitting here, very very unfortunate and sad but family first. I needed to buy my daughter a car (which blessed me with time of being her taxi haha) and do some other things like start with credit building and such. Then I had enough left over to buy me something streetable to have a second vehicle/shop truck/weekend warrior for now. It's ok, you know me I'll build another one sooner than later, it'll be just as good if not better than the Mounty was and no it's not a jeep....hahaha but it is a v8 with more powa than that 302 had lol