A.J.'s TJ build

set it were i want the new ride height to be. figured out how i'm going to do the trans mount. the trans will be above the frame so ill have a flat belly (maybe, i havent figure out the tcase yet) as soon as i get some stock xj leafs, the sooner the rear will be close to done.

got my leafs for the rear. i have a question on lowering the rear just a lil and its mounting position.

the 14 bolt wat set up for my old XJ. the perches are already on it and are pretty much perfect to mount the leafs outside the frame rail rather then under, like most do. i can run the front leaf mounts right againt the frame and the rear can be sunk into the bumper.
other then a little more fab work. what other problems might this cause? heres a pic of what i'm taking about.

will be running shackles. wonder if i can cut them into the frame. cant find many pics of TJ's with leafs at ride height. the only ones i find are really tall. i need to look at the g/fs jeep to see how flat they get with some weight. i will be running a fuel cell and some kind of cargo box to keep some weight back there.
The brackets are wierd. They are 2.25-2.375 wide. Can save some money this way and get it done faster. Ive got to hurry cause im also looking into a house. Thatd be a way to piss off neighbors pos in the drive way haha.

It was set up on 17" c/os before i got it so the geometry will change. On the front im going to cut off the brackets and buy some from artec. The distance on the front lowers are not where i want them. They will end up 45-48" long to where i want my axle
I did swap the input shaft and planetary gears from a dodge 241dld into my 231. Now i have 6 planetarys instead of 3. This also should let me bolt it up to my aw4 now. The case came from a zj i believe and the input shaft didnt have splines deep enough. Now i got to get a SYE and bolt it up.

Got to get shackles and ill have everything for the rear other then a dry floor. Hahaha.
got the rear sitting on it own weight. just got to get a sye kit and install the tcase. then weld the spring perches on. and shocks.

edit. forgot the pic. my GARAGE floor is somewhat dry. haha just a lil mud on the floor. lmfao

Fuel cell in cargo area. Came with jeep. Shackles are mounted to a plate that caps the frame off. Its a bushint kit thing from Barnes 4wd.

Still gota find another stock set of xj leafs to add for strength. They kinda de-arch. But im pretty pleased with the height i ended up with.

I cut the rear bumper off. It weighed 50lbs or so. Was made from 1/2 plate. Illmake another one , one day.
SYE kit came in today. i'll be installing it tomorrow. might even swap the chain from the 241 into the 231. i'll grab a few pics of the rear mounts.
i'm suprised how low i got it, with a decent shackle angle.

still on the fence for the front. 3 link or triangulated upper 4 link. its going to be full hydro either way.