A.J.'s TJ build

i just decided to make one and see how it holds up. got the ram ordered. then got to do brakes and its driveable, just not wheelable.
front brakes
rear shocks mounted
front shaft (may have to go with 2pc shaft, dang it.)
fan for motor/trans cooler/steering cooler
shifter linkage.

then got to find someone to oil and tune my SAW coilovers.

sorry guys, my jeep isnt over the top crazy like most. just a below average TJ build :po_O
for oil, just goto a motorcycle/atv shop and get fork oil. Look up SAW website they have the manufactures recommendation for levels. Take the valve stem out the top, compress the shock, and dump all the oil out. Then use a syringe to fill it back up with the correct amount. Adjust from there.

The other way is to take the bottom of the shock body and pull the shaft out and just dump the oil in & out.
thanks Ben.

new part came in. ram from surplus center.

shits about to get real.. real difficult haha. who can guess what this will be?
nothing done. its pretty much a roller. brakes are done,

going back to a double ended ram cause i didnt like the single ended ram. guess i'll have to figure it out when it comes in. this is going to be hard to build in the summer on dirt floors haha. cant use fan cause it will stir up dust and its just to damn hot, being 95* outside.

think of going with a thick 1pc front drive shaft with 1350's. just got to fine 1350 front yoke for np231.