Mike, I think I've just figured out something about Studnuts. You can call me slow for having it take this long for me to figure out, but thats okay. He seems to be big on talking about what he's going to do, but short on actually doing any of it. He said that he's going to scan in the original estimate and post it up...FAIL. Of course he only claimed he'd do that six pages ago, maybe he just hasn't had quite enough time to finish the job. Check back with him in three weeks, maybe he'll have it done then. He'll also be posting phone records...just don't hold your breath waiting on them.
You are partially correct. There are a ton of he said/she said type arguments here. Several of us are pretty confident that we know the truth, but ultimately we weren't there, so we really don't know for a solid fact what was said and what wasn't. But having said that, did you even look at the pics on the first page? Arguements about DOM size and weld on C's aside, do you really think that Mike asked for his exo cage to not allow the hood to open? Do you think he asked to not be able to access his zerk fittings? There are multiple examples of just piss poor engineering going on here.
Let me lay this out for you in really simple terms. Mike was the customer. Studnuts was the supposed off road fabrication specialist. Yes there are features of a cage that can be added or deleted, and you can build it out of different materials. But even a fool knows that the material used will largely dictate what the cage ultimately looks like. There is a place for .095 tubing in a buggy, but it's not in the main supports. If .095 tubing is used it requires more bracing than a heavier tubing would. That shock hoop never would have torn out if the "specialist" had just put a cross brace in between the hoops. It is NOT the customers place to have to design the cage. That is the "specialists" job. Even if we stipulate that Mike agreed to a .095 wall HREW cage, Studnuts still screwed him over with the piss poor design.