Biggest douche-mobile

Hah! reminds me of this 40 YO guy I used to work with day he shows up at work with a brand new yellow Corvette convertible like this one :

At lunch time he stops by my desk "hey man, want to go out to lunch in the new Corvette?"
I reply, "F*@# No, Folks see me in that and think I'm your gay boy toy"
Not sure how I feel about this one. I guess it's kinda cool. But something about it makes it kinda douchey also.

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Cool if it were a little different pattern.

However I'm sure of there was an actual real tree wrap available... That shit would be on every squatted fag-dozer in the south.
I bugged a friend of mine about making this picture some time ago. He's now made this:



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So you don't think you'd find anything if you Googled "realtree vehicle wrap"....?

I beg to differ. :p

Welp, it's only a matter of time I suppose...
I don’t know what in the hell was going on at the Rockingham Dragway over the weekend, but there was so much douche that it would have blown this thread apart. I had the privilege of getting stuck behind about 10 trucks and suv’s, everyone of them squatted, obnoxious exhaust, and wheels 2 feet outside the fenders. They decided to drive staggered down the four lane like a motorcycle gang and not do the speed limit. I had to weave my way through them while giving them all the disappointment stank eye with a head shake. Almost forgot, they all had their gay ass Instagram name in their back window just in case you wanted to observe the douche even more. The best one was a white crew cab Chevy, squatted, with purple rims. No pictures because It took everything to not lose my shit and end up on the news.