Biggest douche-mobile

My wife sent me this today. This wonderful piece of humanity is outside of trader joes in winston every time she goes there usually with a guy in a chair next to it, guarding it I guess ?
My 8 yr old daughter would like to know a lil more about the 'hello kitty' car there
Found this today


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But wait there's more


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^^^the man that had the balls to do what so many of us want to. I love his office space attitude afterwards.
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I would have been more discreet about it (tow strap wrapped around CV shaft with a swift jerk) but his way was quick and funnier :lol:
Saw this a Harbor Freight Tools in Hickory this weekend,



Even had his name on the side of the truck.
^^^ I have to do that sometimes with a regualr cab, longbed, f250. They just dont fit into regualr spaces. I try to park farther out, or to one side so that I am not in the way. No way would I take two prime spots. I'm really surprised I havent seen my truck on here by now....