Biggest douche-mobile

I'da definitely had to back into that next space with about an inch between them.
That’s one advantage of your DD being a beater pickup. It’s great to have a veh you don’t give a crap about. Each new mark is just adding to the mystique 🤩
The chick that drives that is either a supermodel or a 500 lbs sack of beef.
I got $100 on moose...err I mean mom of 2 who craves attention from men other than her boring husband.
Likely has a "boobies bouncer" and 336Jeeps sticker on the back somewhere.
Drives with a ponytail pulled thru a cap most of the time while wearing a tank top to capitalize on getting sun on her upper ham hocks

Her Instagram filter works overtime to take advantage of her "cute" side
You're probably not wrong, but if you check the 336 Jeeps Facebook group, you'll see there equally as many douche bags with male genitalia sporting the same look 😉
YOU say they are men.... they obviously don't identify as such :flipoff2: