Biggest douche-mobile

Got stuck behind a squatting Chevy leaving Cabelas. Sounded like he had just ripped out all the exhaust.


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Gas truck. Dual 8"? Tips. And can't fit in parking spot

Another one of those "daddy bought the tires the first time, but won't now so I'm gonna ride these till even JF can't groove em" situations....
I believe if I was driving this truck I would expect to take up a few spots but would not "take up" those spots in front of the store.



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Yep..... I believe I could make it into space 2079 and make sure I had pictures of D-bags tags
I was thinking teh same thing
had one do that to me at sheetz one day. Asked him to move to one of many open gas pumps. He said no .I had my gooseneck behind me and was able to park the truck and trailer where he was boxed in. Couldn't leave forward or back. I went inside ordered a sandwich and ate it on the deck of my trailer and probably smoked 10 cigarettes shooting the crap with my buddy before he was so me mad he was almost in tears.
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